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A Toe Nail Came Completely Off!

Guest das1075

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Guest das1075

So...my EARLY xmas present from DBF (a snowboard) was leaning against my closet door. Coda was getting antsy and excited for dinner and bumped the board with proceeded to fall over edge first towards the ground. I'm not entirely sure if the board hit Coda, or his fear of being hit caused him to move so fast that he hurt himself. One way or another he lost the ENTIRE toe nail on one foot. It didn't break, the WHOLE thing came off! I called the e-vet who said just to bandage it and that it will grow back....but...


1) How long should I bandage it for?

2) He's good at getting the bandage off and licking it himself...any suggestions for better bandages?

3) How long does it take for a nail to grow back from scratch?

4) Should I clean it regularly with Bactine or Hydrogen Peroxide?

4) How will I know if he gets an infection in it...?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Guest SoulsMom

Soul somehow ripped his off to a nub a while back. Once the bleeding had stopped I just made sure he wasn't licking it excessively and kept it clean (I sprayed it with Bactine everytime he came in from outside)


Does he have any part of the toenail left? Soul's nub grew back in about a month. He also had to get a different nail cut off down to the pad. It's now been two months and he has a little, bity stub that has grown back.

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Guest taylorsmom

Taylor did that about a month after we first adopted her. It bled a whole lot, and we did take her to the evet (that's a whole other story--never gonna do morphine again for my poor girl!). Anyway, it did grow back eventually but it looks really weird, not like her other nails, and it occasionally breaks off again but no blood. Looks like it grew back without the quick, for some reason (if that is even possible??). Just keep it as clean as possible to avoid infection.

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The fist winter Sammi was here, her and I fell down the steps on the ice. We landed in a sprawled heap on the ground. No scream, not even a whimper out of her. (Maybe she was too shocked hearing MY version of a GSOD) She jsut moved away from me for a moment, then came over and licked my face. After she went potty, we went back inside. I had assumed because there was no limping on her part, that I didnt land on her or anything. I was wrong. WHen I came back from the kitchen, there was a pool of blood under her foot where she was laying on the couch!


Sure enough, the nail was completely gone. I cleaned the area, wrapped gauze and vet wrap around her foot and then for added measure, took one of my son's outgrown socks and put that over everything. Worked like a charm! (Son was 5, so the socks he had jsut outgrown were perfect greyhound-foot sized)


I called the vet and she said I did everything right. Watch for infection and keep Sammi quiet to lessen reoccuring bleeding. If the bleeding didnt stop by a certain time, I could bring her in for a stitch or two, but it wasnt neccessary. She said the nail may or may not grow back. (I had gone back outside and found the nail... the WHOLE thing had come out)


To this day, that nail hasnt come back. I joke with the groomers that I should get a discount because it's one less nail being trimmed :lol

Edited by Gryffenne
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Just a note about keeping it clean. Don't continue using Peroxide. Any first aid rinse is good or like Soul's mom said, Bactine or something like it. The nails grow back very slowly but they usually do grow back.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Skorch lost a toenail last spring. Actually, it was hanging. I took him to the vet who just pulled it off. I tried to keep it clean. The vet didn't give me any kind of salve to put on it, but I'm a good one for Triple Antibiotic and used that.


The nail has grown back but it is growing almost straight up. It's weird.


My poor boy Skorch is missing several nails. He has one that is skinny with ridges. I don't know if it is from racing or for another reason. They were missing when I got him.


The groomer from Petsmart only charges me for the girls when they go in for a nail trim. She said Skorch doesn't have enough to charge for. (Not really true, but I'll take it.)

From Wisconsin -- It's Nancy, Bob, Carla, June Bug and our newby Skorch.... along with Buffy. She's the little hound that meows.

With loving memorials to K.C., Barko and Major Turn -- all playing at the bridge.

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Guest weisster

My vet had it bandaged for about a week (changed it once) because it was bleeding it. Darrel licked it a lot but it was ok. A year later the same one ripped off again (because they grow back funny) but this time no bleeding. Good luck

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Spinner did this recently. He managed to chip off some of the bone the nail comes out of along with the nail, and it looked really bad by the next day, so I took him to the vet, who put him on antibiotics and tramadol. It was bandaged for well over 2 weeks in his case.

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Our Snowy ripped his nail off completely on the 23rd February this year and it's only just fully grown back normal 8 months later.


It was bandaged by the vets for a week and then we went back for the dressing to be changed again, then another week later the air was allowed to get to it.....


After this just for a short period we did however, put vetwrap on it which is a stretchy self adhesive bandage whenever we went out for a walk just to cushion it, keep the muck out and stop him knocking it.

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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Guest das1075
Does he have any part of the toenail left?


Nope, no nail left. Just the quick. I hope it comes back as quickly as Soul's...


Just a note about keeping it clean. Don't continue using Peroxide. Any first aid rinse is good or like Soul's mom said, Bactine or something like it. The nails grow back very slowly but they usually do grow back.



Ooo, thanks for that. I'll switch to bactine. Out of curiosity, what's wrong with peroxide?

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Does he have any part of the toenail left?


Nope, no nail left. Just the quick. I hope it comes back as quickly as Soul's...


Just a note about keeping it clean. Don't continue using Peroxide. Any first aid rinse is good or like Soul's mom said, Bactine or something like it. The nails grow back very slowly but they usually do grow back.



Ooo, thanks for that. I'll switch to bactine. Out of curiosity, what's wrong with peroxide?

I'm probably not going to explain this right but I'm sure someone will correct my explanation. Using Peroxide initally is okay, but continued use kiils the good bacteria and really slows the healing process


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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