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Monty Has Awful Diarrhea: Questions Here

Guest greytmonty

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Guest longdogs

I'm backing a bacterial infection. The initial treatment is the same but if you don't see progress in a couple of days, or the D becomes bloody, it's back to the vet for some antibiotics.

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Guest greytmonty

Fooey. It is 2 in the morning.Monty has gotten us up twice so far to go out for more episodes of liquid D. DH can go back to sleep, I cannot. Monty is a good boy for telling us he has to go, but it will be a long night!

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Poor pup. I hope he starts feeling better soon. We took a trip this weekend and I forgot the thing about the water, gave Frank tap water from the hotel and sure enough he got liquid big D Sat. night; but fortunately he had firmed up again by the next morning. Monty sounds like he might have something more going on.

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Karen, what we like to do is give two metamucil wafers (they're like sweet crackers) to help absorb the liquid in the gut and slow/stop the diarrhea, then we fast for 24 hours, then go to bland. It works really well. The first poop after the metamucil will be orange and jelly-like, but they normally start firming up after that. If we don't get good improvement within a few days, it's usually on to the Flagyl.


Hope it's nothing serious for poor Monty!


(Good to see you at Dewey, btw!)

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Guest greytmonty
Karen, what we like to do is give two metamucil wafers (they're like sweet crackers) to help absorb the liquid in the gut and slow/stop the diarrhea, then we fast for 24 hours, then go to bland. It works really well. The first poop after the metamucil will be orange and jelly-like, but they normally start firming up after that. If we don't get good improvement within a few days, it's usually on to the Flagyl.


Hope it's nothing serious for poor Monty!


(Good to see you at Dewey, btw!)

Thanks for the suggestion. Is the metamucil OTC human med? I will look for it at the pharmacy if it is.

It was so nice to see you, too!

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Karen, what we like to do is give two metamucil wafers (they're like sweet crackers) to help absorb the liquid in the gut and slow/stop the diarrhea, then we fast for 24 hours, then go to bland. It works really well. The first poop after the metamucil will be orange and jelly-like, but they normally start firming up after that. If we don't get good improvement within a few days, it's usually on to the Flagyl.


Hope it's nothing serious for poor Monty!


(Good to see you at Dewey, btw!)

Thanks for the suggestion. Is the metamucil OTC human med? I will look for it at the pharmacy if it is.

It was so nice to see you, too!


Yup, just go to your local drug store and hit up their laxative section (since it's a fiber supplement, you'll find it there). Sounds counter-intuitive, but it does work :) It comes in a box with something like 20 cookies wrapped in pairs. Give him 2.

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Guest taylorsmom

Hi Karen--

here's another vote for the metamucil wafers--they work really well. I hope that Monty is feeling better today--I have also found chicken broth ice cubes to work well for hydration and electrolyte rebalancing.

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Guest PhillyPups

Well Karen,


How is Monty doing today?


I was just thinking, leave it to Monty to come back from Dewey with a party hangover, where was he?? :dunno


Was his racing name Key To The Mint, cause you need the key to the Philadelphia Mint for his vet bills??

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Guest greytmonty

Well it is 1 in the morning and this is night three of the big D. He is really no better. He is on chicken and rice, kaopectate, and tummy enzymes, and he is still waking us up to go out to make a liquid D two-three times overnight. Oy am I tired.

I am going to call the vet tomorrow and ask for either stronger meds or to see what else we can do.


Edited to add: we were up four more times overnight with liquid D and he just vomited yellow bile. I have called the vet and we are hoping to take him in. He is now acting like he feels very sick. I am really upset.

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Sounds like something has really irritated his poor tummy. Might need antibiotics to fix this one. Good choice taking him in.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest greytmonty

Monty is at the vet. My dog walker drove him there this morning (I have no car and had patients, augh) and the vet is taking good care of him. She called me twice so far to report on what is going on. Unfortunately I was with patients so couldn't take notes. They have ruled out a blockage or hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (sp?) as his labs (BUN, liver values, hematocrit) are normal or close to normal. PCV is 57, she said up to 55 is greyhound normal. I will get the numbers and check with you GT'ers here. His xray was normal except for some abdominal distension which looks like gas. He is very very unhappy, anxious and panting. he is on IV fluids. He is on anti nausea meds (Anzamet) and Pepcid.

She thinks at this point it is just a severe gastoenteritis possibly triggered initially by traveler's tummy.

He will come home on some Metroniazole and Flagyl. He should be ok to come home tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest, and then she thinks the bug will run its course and he will heal with meds and bland food.

edited to add correct diagnosis as well as meds he is on and coming home on.

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Poor baby. Feel better soon Monty.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

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Guest taylorsmom

Oh, Karen, how upsetting!! It is also frustrating to not be able to talk to the vet directly because of your appointments, I completely understand. It sounds like Monty is in good hands, though, and hopefully things will be calmed down when he comes home so you can all get a good nights' sleep!!

Keep us posted about the big guy.

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He will come home on some Metroniazole and Flagyl. He should be ok to come home tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest, and then she thinks the bug will run its course and he will heal with meds and bland food.


Metronidazole is the generic form of Flagyl, just so you don't think you're missing a med if they send him home with just the one :)


Best wishes for a quick recovery for the poor guy!

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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