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Monty Has Awful Diarrhea: Questions Here

Guest greytmonty

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Guest greytmonty

We just got back from Dewey last night. Monty got sick in the car as we drove up to our house, after a 2 hour ride. I attributed that to car sickness and realized I shouldn't have given him dinner before we drove, tho' I did feed him 2 hours before driving.

Then last night he threw up again overnight, and then woke me up again at 3:30 in the morning crying to go out. He had 5 episodes of completely liquid diarrhea, and seemed very very uncomfortable just walking. He slept a bit and then asked to go out again at 7 and had one more D episode. He is now resting. He won't drink. I gave him two Pepto hidden in some boiled chicken.

I am thinking the excitement of travel plus unusual treats might have upset his tummy.

My questions are:

Should I fast him now?

If so, when to feed? I assume boiled chicken and rice when I do feed.

When to call vet?





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It could be the change in the water, different treats and the excitement of the trip. I'd go with a bland diet and if you have some Immodium I'd give him some of that. That usually firms them up. Try that for a day and if it doesn't work then give your vet a call.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest SoulsMom

I dont' know, I think I'd go ahead an go to the vet. But I'm uber paranoid about vomiting and the Big D after my bosses dog almost died from a burst infected gall bladder.


Soul and I went to the E-vet a few weeks ago for tummy issues. He wouldn't eat, acted very uncomfortable when I touched his belly, and had bloody Big D. It was suspected worms, and they did blood work which turned out fine. But they did say that if the bloodwork came back iffy, or if Soul started vomiting, they would consider doing an ultrasound.


They sent us home with meds, and an ordered diet of boiled chicken and rice in small portions for the next few days.

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Guest greytmonty

I hadn't even thought about unusual water but that is true. I think I will watch him today and try the boiled chicken and rice later. I don't have Immodium, I was going to keep up with the Pepto. Is Immodium more effective or safer?


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Immodium works really quickly, one dose works for my pups so I always keep some on hand for cases like this. Every time we go on a trip or to an event I try and take my own water. Learned the hard way when we went to an event with 5 of ours and they all got the runs and no immodium!

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Don't be afraid to fast him for one day before starting the bland diet. Give his guts a little time to settle. :)

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Make sure he is dringking water. If he is not, bring him in. Also, clear pedialite is good to have in the house.


My vet is not a pepto fan, I never really asked why. I would give a bland diet of boiled chicky and rice with the immodium.


if by tomorrow, it;s not any better, i'd bring him in. Big D and vomiting is serious and it is the bodys way of getting rid of something that is not good.


Hope Monty is back to feeling good soon.


It really IS always something isn;t it?



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Awww poor little man. I am sure that with a bland diet and the meds for the big D he will straighten right around. However; if he doesn't improve or if he becomes worse I would take him in immediately. :grouphug


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Guest myjazzy

I don't give meds because when they get diarrhea, it means that their body is trying to get rid of something that is not good. I fast them for 24 hours and then start introducing a bland diet. If that doesn't work, off to the vet we go. Do try to get him to drink, because you don't want him to get dehydrated.

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Guest greytmonty

Everyone on GT should get a DVM degree. My vet called back and agreed with all of the above. We are fasting him for 24 hours but will take him in today if he vomits up water or broth. Tomorrow we start chix and rice. They said no more tummy meds right now so his body can get rid of whatever is troubling him, or so we don't mask the symptom.

Right now he is resting (hard to picture that in a grey, right?)

He had two more D episodes this morning.

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It's probably all those things everyone has mentioned -- water -- feeding before the ride -- excitement -- etc -- etc. I agree that if he isn't better by tomorrow, it's off to the vet.


Some things that I've learned along the way...


Buy bottled water to use for drinking and adding to food when on a trip.


Don't feed before a long drive -- give a light snack or biscuits instead. Feed after you have arrived and the dog has had a chance to settle down.


Endosorb is my vets recommended remedy for early control of diarreah.



Hope Monty is feeling much better today.




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Guest greytmonty

We are going to the vet in about 1/2 hour. Monty has had 9 episodes of liquid D since 3 in the morning, and I am worried he is going to dehydrate. He won't touch water. He drank a little low sodium chicken broth.

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Guest Hollys2hounds

EEK... My boyfriend is not feeling well.... :ohno


(Since we were together in Dewey maybe it's separation anxiety from us? just kidding!)


Hey Karen-- Lexy also had a grumbly tummy this morning, but no big D.



I thought maybe it was the water too.


Does Monty like ice cubes? I make Pedialyte ice cubes for Lexy and Gunner when they have the big D. The flavorless Pedialyte is a little salty, and they seem to love it/

Remember, last year Gunner had a terrible case of this! Good healing thoughts are with you all!


Please keep us posted about my Monty boy!!!


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Guest whatahound

Oh no, I'm sorry Monty is feeling bad. Ace gets bouts of that kind of bug from time to time. I usallly give Immodium or some Flagyl (if I have any). Withhold food for a day making sure he is drinking plenty of water. This gives his belly a rest. Then when I start feeding again, I do several small meals of rice and chicken. Normally he is better in a few days.


Hope Monty feels better soon. So nice meeting you at Dewey. :D

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Guest greytmonty

Just got back from the vet. Monty is fine, he was very dehydrated so they gave him some sub Q fluids and want him to rest his tummy (no food, no liquids at all) til tomorrow morning. Then he can get small amounts of water and small chicken and rice. She also gave some gentle tummy meds to slow down his gut and replace some of his natural gut flora. She agrees with everyone here that he partied too much at Dewey and ate and drank things that he cannot tolerate.

Thanks everyone!

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I know you must be relieved after your vet visit. Feel better soon sweetie. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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