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Hydrogen Peroxide

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I was gone 45 minutes and came home to a wreck. In that mess was a empty pill bottle of Metformin chewed up. I don't know if it was empty or not, or who ate it. My guess is Asti. I do know if there was any in there, it would only have been 1-3 pills.


I have made her throw up. The question is, how many times will they do this after a dose of Hydrogen Peroxide? Once? Or is there more coming?


I doubt Shanti ate anything. Nala is questionable, but doubt it. I found some evidence in Asti's purge of the bottle, no pills. Might have been empty.

The Girls

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Good to know. I will let her back in, but only on tile. ;)


They are all acting perfectly normal. I think I will give some milk thistle tonight to help out their livers just in case.


Dang, I had no idea that there was a pill bottle in that bag. Along with some kid clothes I forgot about. I only use it if we go to Disneyland or something.

The Girls

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or you can have a hound like Echo who doesn't throw up at all when you down hydrogen peroxide in her. :rolleyes:


Here's hoping that everyone is okay.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Well, I only made Asti puke. She was the prime suspect and since I found some evidence of pill bottle, I stopped with her.


She is sleeping very comfortably in a roach position at my feet. No worse for the wear! :) If it were Shanti, she would not look at me for days!!!

The Girls

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She is sleeping very comfortably in a roach position at my feet.

You have a fuzzy puppy roaching at your feet and didn't share photos? Shame on you!

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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