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Foot Injuries

Guest cristaron

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Guest cristaron

Once in a while, my greyhound will develop a tiny hole in one of the pads of his

feet. It's not a wart or corn, just a tiny hole that bleeds for a couple days, then

will go away and then come back again. He doesn't limp at all.

Kind of frustrating.

Has anyone ever had this happen?


Thanks to any advice or insight into the problem.



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Guest sheila

is it in the same place every time or in a different spot? How long has he been off the track? Do you walk him on pavement? Is it a lot of blood or just perhaps a cracked pad? Have you taken him to the vet for a general check up and asked about this when you were there?

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I'm wondering if there might be a small foreign body in there - might be worth getting your vet to take a look.


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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Guest cristaron

He's been off the track for five years and he is into the vet's office quite frequently due to his

seizure disorder. I learn and do anything I can before making that appointment seeing as he

gets SO stressed when he's there and I will do anything in the world to keep him as calm as

I can.

This little tiny hole is on the same pad, on the same foot.

Now today it's all dried up and seems to be going away again.


Mind boggling things, these little greyhound feet!

I guess I'll watch it and if it flares up again, I'll make that appointment.


Thank you for your answers.

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Guest IrskasMom



This is strange . A Friend of mine has a Bernise Mountain Dog and a Australian Shepard. The Bernise Mountain Dog ,so he

told me, has the very same Pinhole on one of his Pads. He said it bleeds for one or two Days and then it closes again.

The Vet was stumped and did not know the Cause of it. Let me know what your Vet thinks of it,if you should take him to

the Vet.

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Guest cristaron

There is a friend of mine who's male grey had the same thing, but they weren't bleeding.

It would just ooze clear liquid once in a while. He would get them on all four feet on and off.

Her vet decided it was an infection of some type so they put him on an antibiotic. It worked

for a couple months, then it started in again. They tried two rounds of antibiotics and she

said they went away and never came back.


I'll let you know if it starts up again and I have to take him in and what she has to say about





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George has one of those holes! I was worried it was a corn, but it hasn't done much of anything. I think it's kind of like a human wart. Doesn't seem to bother him, so I try not to worry about it. Glad he's not alone!


George's doesn't bleed, but it does appear to ooze a clear liquid from time to time. He was at the track for three years. I assume he could have contracted some sort of weird foot warts...


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest IrskasMom



cristaron ..... I asked my Friend about the Injury his Dog had. He told me,that the Pinhole could come from a Thorn.

He also said the Vet gave Antibiotic and its gone . Vet said , that the Pad is very thick and has a hard time to heal,therefore

sometimes it opens up again.

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Guest cristaron

That makes sense to me. A thorn would make a tiny hole like that.

Very good to know.


Thanks for the info IrkasMom.

I believe we're onto something here!



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