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Sierra Has Chronic Diarrhea

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This started in May 2008 when I noticed that Sierra was passing explosive diarrhea while I was outside with her. I saw some blood in the poo which was watery. I took a sample of it and Sierra to the vet within the hour. The vet diagnosed her with a bacterial infection. She was tested for parasites, none. She was put on Flagyl for ten days. I put her on a bland diet of hamburger and rice. The diarrhea was still there. I read about Giardia and treated with a round of Panacur just incase since these don't show up in the fecal exam. The diarrhea was still there. Sierra wasn't having any appetitie so I had to give her a cheaper kibble to just keep her eating. I called the vet back and she put her on another round of Flagyl and Panacur. I brought the vet another poop sample, her fecals came up negative. Sierra has horrible fears of thunder storms and this has added to the diarrhea. She refrains from eating after a storm and then she gets diarrhea. I have her on the cheaper kibble to keep her eating. I hold her dish to make sure she eats ( she prefers you to hold the dish). She has lost some weight and I have made another appointment for the vet this week.


I bought the Natural Balance Fish and Sweet Potatoe and she wouldn't eat it. My other dogs like it. I added some fiber to her diet (bran fiber) today to see if it helps. She is also taking ProBios and Prozymes. She is drinking plenty of water and I have kept an eye on her for dehydration. Its frustrating for her. She hasn't had a good solid poo in two weeks. I guess I have to see what the vet finds. I guess the next test will be a CBC and maybe x-rays.


Not sure what to do at this point except wait until we see the vet. I am researching other foods that are grainfree.

Edited by stlgrey
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Because she has had so much diarrhea her GI tract may be inflamed. Instead of kibble you might try keeping her on home cooked without grains. You could also try canned EVO 95 which has no grains. Fiber can sometimes work just the opposite of what you want it to do. What got my Renie's diarrhea stopped was Sulfasalazine.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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I do baked chicken or buy rotisserie chicken at the grocery store (de-bone and take off skin), boiled ground round drain off all liquid, very lean roast beef shredded. My Renie has been sick for a while and the Sulfasalazine got her diarrhea stopped but she still needs to gain weight back plus she still isn't much of an eager eater.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

Maybe yogurt will help, the culutures and bacteria in the yogurt may replace some in her intestinal track that may have been lost from some of the treatments she has gone through. Also, I personally have a boy that had almost the same thing, long term D, some franken blood in stool. My vet said cholitis. Gave a treatment of antibiotics, and nothing, no help. What did help with my guy is generic Metamucil. Its a cheap solution ($8.00 for 3lbs), and if it doesnt help, no adverse affects.

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Guest diandlindy

I just went through (and still wrapping up!) a similar spell. Diarrhea, appetite problems, hyperacidity, giardia, grass eating, etc. My dog tested positive for Clostridium, a bacterial overgrowth. She is being treated with Tylan (Tylosin) powder, and it is working! :D Several people here have chimed in with experience with this as well. It's been a month of loose poops (blood, mucus, explosions,...) but she's finally forming them and I can pick them up now!!

Good luck!


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Some vets like to do the 3 day Panacur then in 10 days administer another round for 3-5 days which this vet recommended.


I found where I can get some Tylan powder online. I want to see what the vet says. I want to make sure the diarrhea is not an underlying condition of something else (kidneys, liver, food allergy or other).


I am giving her a bland diet for now. I tried giving her kibble (natural balance, pro plan) with canned and she likes the canned off of the kibble and leaves the kibble. The canned gives her diarrhea. She eats the bland diet well, so I think we will stick with that until we see the vet on Friday.

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Google all you can about IBD in dogs-there are some great sites out there. IBD could be brought about by a food allergy, intolerance so watch introducing new food proteins (for example chicken will hospitalize by boy). If you don't feel that your current Veterinarian is comfortable treating/diagnosing your dog ask him/her for a referral to an internist. If your vet truly cares about the health of you pet they shouldn't hesitate to refer you out. Good luck--I know how frustrating it can be--I've been there done that---thankfully my boy is currently doing fantastic (thanks to a wonderful Dr and steroids)----feel free to PM me if I can help answer questions.

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The vet wanted me to get the I/D for Sierra, but I passed. We are trying ProPlan Sensitive Stomach and she had a solid poo this morning. Lots of it but it was solid. That is the first poo in 8 weeks that wasn't soupy. I have been adding some rice, cottage cheese, and probiotics to the mix. I am feeding one cup at a time 2-3 times per day. The add ins are just a little bit to help her ease into a new food and keep it bland a bit. She seems to really like the ProPlan.


What a difference in the last 48 hours. Of course we need to monitor the situation daily.

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Guest EmilyAnne

My experience with diarrhea, is a 24 hour fast does the trick. Henry has gotten very severe diarrhea in the past. He hasn't had any bouts since on homecooked, thank goodness.


Antibiotics will clear up the bacterial infection, but they will also kill off the good bacteria, so after the antibiotics are done, the risk of re-occurence is higher.


I definately reccomend probiotics, perhaps your grey may need one that is dairy free. But the antibiotics will keep killing off the good bacteria those probiotics will help your dog to get more of.


They do have gluten free rice, in case you do want grain but are worried about the gluten.


My blog link is in my siggy, Henry's recipe is in the sidebar of the blog. Lucky's recipe is underneath that. The recipe started with Lucky, and started out for his IBD.


If you do home-cooked, be prepared to tweak the diet here and there till you get it just right. That's what I like about homecooked, you can do that, rather than completely change kibbles. They have yogurt made with goat's milk, just in case cow's milk is a problem. Lucky is having no problem at all with the dairy though. Same for Henry.

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I should have added that the vet did x-rays which were normal and did a complete blood panel which we should know in a few days what the results are. She had her glands expressed and the vet said her stomach and other organs looked fine upon exam and x-rays.


I am just keeping my fingers crossed for solid poo. It has been about 8 weeks or longer with this problem.

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