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Dunk Baby Dunk!

Guest Morgaynn

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Guest Morgaynn

Hello Everyone. My name is Lily. Hubby, Jeff and I are in Central Ohio.


Well, its been about 5 years in the making, and I finally found Greytalk AGAIN! I can't believe I cant find my old information, but I at least found my way back! Last time I was here I was researching and falling in love with the wonderful Greyhounds. At the time my life wasn't ready for a greyhound, so I waited... and waited.. and waited. About 2 years ago I was in college and had to write a speech (loads of fun) :blink: I was having a hard time figuring out a topic for this speech.... Finally I turned to something I needed to reasearch for my personal life if I was going to be serious about it- Greyhound Adoption! After a few weeks of pestering several organizations to speak with them about thier organization and getting no replies, I got ahold of a gentlemen in Team Greyhound of Ohio who was more than happy to speak with me about the organization and the dogs in general. Not only was he willing and able to speak with me, he WORKS at the school I was attending- Talk about convienent!


Fast Forward-two and a half years later-Im married and settled into my life after school- as much as can be as a newly wed anyway-Jeff and I have been talking for a year about adding a dog to the household. It took a lot of convincing to turn him to the "GreySide"! No matter how much I talked and raved about a grey, he said no, I want a great dane. No matter what I could show him with my years of research always, NO. One day he was out working in the field. A nieghbor in the area let her Greys out in the yard for a romp. Jeff was impressed. Three days later hes taking me over there and knocking on a complete strangers door to talk about thier greyhonds. Not long after they realized we weren't a threat, we were in the backyard with the greys, and low and behold, hubby fell in love.


Fast forward 2 weeks later- Sitting on the porch with Jeff enjoying the mild summer we are having, he asks me what I want for my birthday. My reply, "Honestly?" He nods. "A greyhound."


Within 20 minutes of that conversation I was pulling up TGAO, Inc's website and filling out the application, looking up thier next meet and greet and getting the ball rolling. We show up at the meet and greet (which is also scheduled on my birthday) and low and behold I run into the same gentleman that I interviewed for my speech. (I got an A btw) Through our conversation that afternoon, I found out he is the VP of TGAO and he REMEMBERS me and the interview!


Here we are now a month past my birthday, and we are off to Prison to meet some potential homebound pups. All of the pups we met were greyt dogs. I could have taken them all home with me if I could have. Hubby and I decided to sleep on it before we talked about any of the dogs we saw. We were pretty much won over by one grey in particular. A little brindle female. Everytime we talked about a prospective new addition, we kept returning to Dunk. Dunk, ever so slight, yet full of personality and presence.... Dunk.. Dunk.. Dunk was the dog we fell in love with, felt the most connected to. Even still, we made the decision to meet a couple of the dogs that TGAO picked out for us that were out of prison and in foster homes. So we waited some more and I went out to another meet n greet and met a couple other hounds, making sure we chose the grey thats best suited to our home, and who we connected with. As sweet, laid back, beautiful, and happy as the greys I met that day were, not one of them held a candle to sweet little Dunk. After coming home from the meet and greet. Jeff came home and asked how it went. Within the hour I was emailing the VP of TGAO and asking him when we could schedule a time to Parole sweet little Dunk. Dunk will be paroled and in her forever home on August 24, 2008. Hopefully, she'll find a more suitable name in the near Future!


Glad to be back!


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Guest Morgaynn
Welcome back, and what a great introduction!!!!! I can't wait to see pictures. :):):)


Thanks for the welcome!


Ill have pictures up an hour after I get her home :yay ... The camera is going with me! Can't take it in the prison for obvious reasons, but I can get a pic with her and DH before she gets home and about a million more before she walks in the door.. The problem is going to be to pick just a few to post! She has a this sweet little swirl that runs up her muzzle and swoops between her eyes and back down her muzzle- :wub: that doesnt do the swoop justice but its close!... I can't wait to show her off! :pepper





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Guest greytloves

That is a wonderful story and you sound like you and your hubby are adopting for all the right reasons.


Good Luck with your new greybaby! We will want to see lots of pictures and here more stories!


BTW, my hubby was the same way at first, funny how quick they turn around! Mine did at the MnG where he met his girl. That was all it took one sweet little girl to bat her big brown eyes at him and he was hooked.



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Guest Ohiogreymom
Welcome back, and what a great introduction!!!!! I can't wait to see pictures. :):):)


Thanks for the welcome!


Ill have pictures up an hour after I get her home :yay ... The camera is going with me! Can't take it in the prison for obvious reasons, but I can get a pic with her and DH before she gets home and about a million more before she walks in the door.. The problem is going to be to pick just a few to post! She has a this sweet little swirl that runs up her muzzle and swoops between her eyes and back down her muzzle- :wub: that doesnt do the swoop justice but its close!... I can't wait to show her off! :pepper






Here ya go!



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Guest Morgaynn

HOLY SMOKIN GUNS! SO AWESOME OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must know DUNK! WOW! OMG TY TY TY TY!

TGAO MAN I LOVE YOU FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::::KISS FEET:::::



Thats gettin bookmarked!


Okay... Since Ohiogreymom was awesome enough to link me her pedigree Imma post my baby's Picture! WOOT! Thank you!!!!







LOVE THAT SWOOP! Cant wait til shes home!

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Guest Ohiogreymom

Sorry Lily, I should have introduced myself, but Spy was telling me, in NO uncertain terms, that he wanted out "riteawayquik" :lol , so I had to hurry. Welcome back to GT, and congratulations! Btw, I'm with TGAO, and your girl is adorable! :P

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Guest Morgaynn
Sorry Lily, I should have introduced myself, but Spy was telling me, in NO uncertain terms, that he wanted out "riteawayquik" :lol , so I had to hurry. Welcome back to GT, and congratulations! Btw, I'm with TGAO, and your girl is adorable! :P


Thank you for the compliments on my girl :) That swoop on her muzzle is just to die for!


yeah, in another post (retiring your racers name) I bet that you were with TGAO. :lol: .... Jeff and I are excited about getting her home. I hope Spy got out quick enough! and Thank you... For everything you folks at TGAO have done, and thank YOU for linking Dunks Info for me....It means so much.



ETA: it looks like she never actually raced.... For some reason that rings a bell.. but I thought it was one of the big boys we saw down at the prison that never raced... According to this though, it doesnt appear that she did either. All that matters is shes safe, and she'll be home soon :) MUCHO GRACIOUS (I know thats spelled wrong, but we know what Im saying) BIG CHEESY GRINS :D

Edited by Morgaynn
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Guest onefloppyear

FYI - she probably had some schooling races at some point. The schooling races don't show up on Greyhound Data. Try doing a Google search for her name to see what you find. If she didn't do well in the schooling races, she was likely retired.

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Congratulations! She's adorable.


I was the one in my marriage who had to be convinced to "turn to the greyside" (funnily enough, I also wanted Danes). I've never, for a second, regretted our decision, and I don't think we'll ever have anything but greyhounds now.

Valerie w/ Cash (CashforClunkers) & Lucy (Racing School Dropout)
Missing our gorgeous Miss
Diamond (Shorty's Diamond), sweet boy Gabe (Zared) and Holly (ByGollyItsHolly), who never made it home.

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Guest Morgaynn
FYI - she probably had some schooling races at some point. The schooling races don't show up on Greyhound Data. Try doing a Google search for her name to see what you find. If she didn't do well in the schooling races, she was likely retired.




Googling her now. Be back with a verdict



Congratulations! She's adorable.


I was the one in my marriage who had to be convinced to "turn to the greyside" (funnily enough, I also wanted Danes). I've never, for a second, regretted our decision, and I don't think we'll ever have anything but greyhounds now.


Thank you. :blush:


isn't ironic the similarities we find in people we've never met, and the only thing we have incommon to start with, is turning to the "GreySide" :hehe: I think once Dunk is home, DH is going to say much the same thing- Nothin but Greys in my house! LOL

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Guest Morgaynn


Either I can't make heads or tails of what Im looking at (lack of experience looking at this stuff) Or she raced her maidens and was retired. Still doesnt make no nevermind to me. :) She's comin here to get spoiled :)

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What a face!!! Don't worry about how she raced....it doesn't matter now. She's comin' home!!! Congrats and enjoy. Looking forward to many more pics.


Blair, Stella (DND Heather), Lizzie (M's Deadra), Hitch (Hallo Dominant) and House (Mac's Dr. House)

Missing my handsome men Lewis (Vs Lowrider) - 11/11/01 - 3/11/09, Kevin (Dakota's Hi Five) - 1/1/06 - 4/18/11 and my cat, Sparkle Baby - ??/??/96 - 4/23/11

"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is, in fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind." (Theodorus Gaza)

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:wave Congrats on your soon-to-be-new-girl!!

Paula & her pups--Paneer (WW Outlook Ladd), Kira & Rhett (the whippets)
Forever in my heart...Tinsel (Born's Bounder - 11/9/90-12/18/01), Piper, Chevy, Keno, Zuma, Little One, Phaelin & Winnie
Greyhound Adoption Center ~ So Cal rep for Whippet Rescue And Placement

For beautiful beaded collars, check out my Facebook page: The Swanky Hound

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Guest Morgaynn

Awesome :) Would love to meet some more grey lovers.. There arent very many around- except the folks I've met through TGAO.... I need to check the fairgrounds out and see how safe it is for Ms. Dunk

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Guest fatesrelease

Welcome back! And congrats on finding your forever grey! Your story was fantastic and gives me hope that I'll find mine as well when the time is right. Fortunatly, my boyfriend is just as keen as I am on the whole greyhound adoption idea! :)

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