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Another Question...

Guest lauri

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Guest lauri

After a bout of not eating much, watery diahrrea, and tummy issues, how long will it take for the system to be 'normal' again?


After the first round of Sulfracate, Miles was starting in with 'cow-pies' then after meds were gone. watery again. Now we have more Sulfracate ans see him trying to poop but now more watery stuff.


He did only eat one small meal yeasterday and one small one this morning.

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Guest ChasesMum

when we have big D we do boiled hamburger and rice for a couple days then add in food over 3-4 days as tolerated. We also have a kaobiotic that our vet has compounded that works like a charm.

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Guest lauri

Boiled chicken breast, Evo kibble (small amont) and cottage cheese. He's protesting rice.


It seems he's straining to poop, but he's been having the squirts and had been vomiting. When on the Sulfacrate, his poops had firmed to cowpies. Same diet.


WHen he had all those tests run, there was no indication of blockage and he did have radiographs.

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Guest ChasesMum

maybe he is having trouble with all that dairy?


I don't know what the general thought is but maybe try whole wheat noodles if he doesnt like rice?


aargh for dietary trouble!

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You could try boiled ground round (pour out all liquid that cooks out of it) with potatoes. Also try stopping the dairy, he may be lactose intolerant. I would feed the bland diet for longer then 3 or 4 days, give his gut some time to heal.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

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Guest lauri

Probably right.

I'll back off of the dairy.


How can I get him to eat noodles? That and rice. He won't eat them anymore even cooked with chicken broth!



Maybe I'll stick to three smalll meals of kibble and chicken.


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Guest charmsmom

Charm can't handle dairy, either. It gave him the same symptoms you describe. If nothing else works, you can try adding canned pumpkin to firm him up.

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