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Guest chaoran22

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Guest chaoran22

I'm going to call and ask my vet about this but was curious about what everyone on here does. I've never thought to deworm my grey or cat since they're both healthy and I've never seen anything in their poop but have just recently been hearing from friends and other people that pets need to be dewormed at least once a year. Is this true? I assumed they didn't have worms but if they do, I don't want the people in the family to catch any. My grey is on flea preventative, but my cat is not (he only sometimes goes out on the balcony)


And what dewormer do you all use? Should I go for a prescription one from my vet or will an over the counter formula be fine?


I did a quick google search and am unsure if I should be worried about both roundworms, hookworms, AND tapeworms or if I should just be worried about some of them. Thanks!

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Guest longdogs

Every 3 months is better. Unless your dog has tapes you are not likely to see anything at a casual glance but an unwormed dog will almost certainly have roundworms, some of which can also infect humans so it is good to stop them. You didn't say if you are in a heartworm area. If you are, prevention is essential but you will need to get your dog tested by your vet first. Otherwise a general 'all-wormer' pill will do the trick for everything except heartworm. Drontal is one brand name but there are plenty of other options, many cheaper.

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Doesn't your vet see your cat at least once a year? I would think he/she would suggest it if it was something you need to be concerned about. Many of the heartworm medications (assuming you treat your dog for that) also kill worms.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Most heartworm preventatives also work against many intestinal worms, so you shouldn't have to do anything special, if you are using a preventative that does this.

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest chaoran22

thanks for all the info. my vet has never recommended anything other than heartworm for my dog and nothing for my cat. i didn't get a chance to call today to ask specifically. my grey is on interceptor year round. and my cat is on nothing. it sounds like they'll be ok even if i don't do anything more but i'll double check with my vet. thanks for the info!

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Guest LindsaySF

Deworming them can't hurt. Make sure you use a broad-spectrum dewormer that gets roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. Panacur is one. They only thing it doesn't get is the flea tapeworm, but you would see segments in the stool if the dog/cat had that.

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