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Happy Has Unhappy Feet!

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How is Happy this morning?

Elphie, Kulee, Amanda, Harmony, Alex (hound mix), Phantom, Norbet, Willis (dsh), Autumn (Siamese) & Max (OSH) & mama rat, LaLa & baby Poppy! My bridge kids: Crooke & Mouse (always in my heart), Flake, Buzz, Snake, Prince (GSD), Justin & Gentry (Siamese), Belle (Aussie/Dalmatian mix), Rupert (amstaff) and Fred, Sirius, Severus, Albus, George, Hagrid, Hermione, Minerva, Marilyn, Wren, Molly, Luna, Tonks, Fleur, Ginny, Neville, Bill, Percy, Rose & Charlie (rats)

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Couldn't get onot GT on my computer, :unsure: but thanks for the continued good thoughts.


One foot is almost normal, the other was very swollen first thing this morning, and is getting slightly better. I did give her another benedryl this morning, just in case it's an allergic thing, but I'm leaning towards a sprain or strain, because of the weird arrangement of the swelling.


Jennifer and I took JUST THE BOYS for a walk this morning, and they're rough and tough, so no sore paws for them! :lol


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Hmm...the only other thing I can think of is edema. Isabella often wakes up with what I can "fatty feet" these days from lying still all night - her front feet get fluid build-up in them which dissapates once she starts moving around (Vet says "Meh. She's ancient" and shrugs). But Happy's only just turned 9 so that seems kind of unlikely.


I think you're doing the right think with washing, soaking, waiting and watching. It's probably not something broken or life-threatening.

Rugrat's Rebel (Simon) 09/03/1995-03/22/2010, Silly Savannah 05/14/1995-02/13/2009, Isabella de Moreau the Sloughi 05/15/1993-10/14/2008, Hammy the IG 06/11/04 and ChiChi the Chihuahua 2003

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Elizabeth, I did think of that, too. That is, that the swelling might get worse over night with less movement, and go down during the day with more movement. It does seem to be working that way, but we'll see over this next night/day how that goes. In the mean time, it seems the benedryl (25 mg/6 hours) has actually made some improvement ... or is at least coincidental with improvement! :rolleyes:


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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I hope Happy's feet are happier today! It sounds like what you are doing is helping, and if it's a strain or a sprain, or even an allergy, it will take a few days. I remember hauling Sugar to the e-vet on one of those Monday holidays because she had limping and swelling that had lasted more than 36 hrs (one day, two nights) and the vet kindly did not roll her eyes, she just said, soft tissue injury, give it time :)

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