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Limping - Right Front Leg

Guest Piila

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Guest Piila

Hey all,


Abbey's been limping, off and on, for the last couple of weeks. It gets worse when he goes for long walks (or hikes as we did yesterday) and it seems to be his right foreleg. I did pull a little thorn or such out of one of his pads way back, and there's a bit of a hole there, but otherwise I can't find anything wrong. Given that it's more sore after exercise, that sounds to me like muscular or joint issues. I get scared reading through here about osteo so am a bit scared to bring him to the vet. Any suggestions (other than a vet trip?). I gave him an aspirin today.



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Guest argolola

Lola had this off and on for over a year. X-rays showed nothing, but yet she continued to limp.


We finally figured out it was rough pavement and rough terrain when walking her. Now she is restricted to her backyard for running and walking and no problems.


You might try TheraPaws. I think they are like little booties for the feet. We even got some Gerber baby socks for Lola.


Prayers for sweet Abbey.

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I'd bring him to the vet so he can be probably treated.



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Guest HeatherDemps

Sorry to hear about the limping. And, sorry, but my only advice is for a vet trip. As someone who has dealt with osteo, I understand your fears, however, it's always better to have an answer. And limping does not always equal cancer, and the peace of mind is worth it. It could just be arthritis, a strain, etc, but only the vet can tell you. I'd also hesitate to give any more meds until you talk with the vet..... Good luck.

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Guest KsFrets

We had this with Maggie when we first got her. Only it was a back leg. In fact her adoption photo on the internet showed her holding her leg up. Long walks and hard runs made her limp...after resting, she would be fine.


Maggie is an extream nipper when you get out the nail clippers. Therefore, her nails were very long. Several turned sideways a little from pressure. She 'clicked' when she walked. I made it a priority to get her nails under control, and started using a dremel every other day and we came to a nipping understanding. About the time I got her nails short enought that they no longer "clicked" on pavement...her limping went away. She's been fine ever since. I have to conclude that is was the pressure on her long nails that were causing the pain. Just something to check. If not the case, please disregard.

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I think a trip to the vet is needed, no matter how scared you are. It can't be sensible for any of us to recommend anything other than a vet trip for a dog who has been limping (on and off) for a couple of weeks. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but seriously, its the vet you need to ask.


Hopefully, it will be something really really simple and you can stop worrying but on the off chance that it's not something simple, you don't want to be wasting a precious minute longer.

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


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Agreed: short walks on leash for potty breaks ONLY; vet trip to rule out anything. If she's got a tendon/muscle strain/sprain, she can't heal if you continue to walk/hike her for long stretches. She'll likely need some rest and maybe NSAIDs. At this point, an x-ray would likely be a good idea.


Hope it's nothing serious. Oh, and check for corns.

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