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Doing What's "best" For Bonnie

Guest K9Cookies

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Bonnie's been doing pretty well. She had some really bad diarrhea the past few days, but we've been giving her sucralfate before meals and also some pumpkin. She's been eating MUCH better (not perfect, but good) and she's been playing with toys a lot more than before. We can just tell that she's feeling better. Thank goodness. :)


Today I was able to get her to swallow the Chinese herbs in pill form that the Holistic Vet recommended. I'm hoping we can gradually add more everyday. Bonnie's supposed to get 6 pills of 3 different herbs, twice a day! :blink: That's A LOT of Chinese herbs!!! Tonight I gave her 3 of each kind. Eventually we'll get there! :D


I'm nervous for Tuesday. That's when she gets the vincristine injection. I'm expecting the side effects won't show up for a few days. If we can get through the week without any trouble, we'll be SO happy. I've already picked up Cerenia tablets from the vet to give to her early Tuesday morning before the injection. That should help with any nausea and stop it before it starts.


So, fingers crossed. :goodluck We're going up on the rollercoaster, hoping to stay up for quite awhile! :lol

Glad to hear Miss Bonnie is doing so well. Should you need Zofran for any nausea...I have some of Angel LaceyLaine's that are in a sealed package. An Angel watches over....:grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest HersheysMom
Bonnie's been doing pretty well. She had some really bad diarrhea the past few days, but we've been giving her sucralfate before meals and also some pumpkin. She's been eating MUCH better (not perfect, but good) and she's been playing with toys a lot more than before. We can just tell that she's feeling better. Thank goodness. :)


Today I was able to get her to swallow the Chinese herbs in pill form that the Holistic Vet recommended. I'm hoping we can gradually add more everyday. Bonnie's supposed to get 6 pills of 3 different herbs, twice a day! :blink: That's A LOT of Chinese herbs!!! Tonight I gave her 3 of each kind. Eventually we'll get there! :D


I'm nervous for Tuesday. That's when she gets the vincristine injection. I'm expecting the side effects won't show up for a few days. If we can get through the week without any trouble, we'll be SO happy. I've already picked up Cerenia tablets from the vet to give to her early Tuesday morning before the injection. That should help with any nausea and stop it before it starts.


So, fingers crossed. :goodluck We're going up on the rollercoaster, hoping to stay up for quite awhile! :lol


I know she's been getting vincristine, but did the oncologist ever suggest using vinblastine (Velban) instead? Hershey gets vinblastine instead of vincristine b/c it's gentler and he has liver issues. There are generally less side effects w/vinblastine, so I just thought I'd throw it out there. I really hope she'll be okay with this next treatment! Re the pills, I hear you - there was one point where Hershey was taking 23 pills per day! He's awful about them (I would be too at that point) and now he's down to only two supplements and I think four different medications a day. That's a new low for him!


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Guest bugsmom
Bonnie's been doing pretty well. She had some really bad diarrhea the past few days, but we've been giving her sucralfate before meals and also some pumpkin. She's been eating MUCH better (not perfect, but good) and she's been playing with toys a lot more than before. We can just tell that she's feeling better. Thank goodness. :)


Today I was able to get her to swallow the Chinese herbs in pill form that the Holistic Vet recommended. I'm hoping we can gradually add more everyday. Bonnie's supposed to get 6 pills of 3 different herbs, twice a day! :blink: That's A LOT of Chinese herbs!!! Tonight I gave her 3 of each kind. Eventually we'll get there! :D


I'm nervous for Tuesday. That's when she gets the vincristine injection. I'm expecting the side effects won't show up for a few days. If we can get through the week without any trouble, we'll be SO happy. I've already picked up Cerenia tablets from the vet to give to her early Tuesday morning before the injection. That should help with any nausea and stop it before it starts.


So, fingers crossed. :goodluck We're going up on the rollercoaster, hoping to stay up for quite awhile! :lol


She will do just fine- :grouphug for Bonnie and you.


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Guest charmsmom

Take heart, Kristin! This IS the right thing for Bonnie. Give her a little Pepcid to help her tummy. Leukeran is a hard drug, but it works well and that's what helped us most with the Vincristine! We also had Elspar and that worked in the early days.

Cancer SUCKS, but Lymphoma can be SOOOOOO treatable!


Remember, I'm only a couple hours from you, so if you want to hook up, just drop me a line. ;) In the meantime... :grouphug for you and :cookie for Bonnie!

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Kristin, will she eat cream cheese? That's how I get Turbo's nasty tasting tramadol down him. I hide it in a little blob and he gobbles it up.


Good thoughts coming to you and shiny black Bonnie :)

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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That's strange...I just recently switched over to using cream cheese! We had been using lunch meat to give Bonnie her meds. That was the only thing she'd eat for awhile. Now with all of these little Chinese herb pills, it's harder (and also going to get really expensive!). The cream cheese works great. We've probably alternate with PB so she doesn't get sick of the cream cheese.


I'm really nervous for tomorrow. We'll give her the Cerenia after breakfast in the early morning. I have to drop her off at 8:30 AM. They'll keep her for a couple of hours, then I'll pick her up again. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. If she has a hard time, then next week I'll be staying right at the vet clinic and taking her home. Bonnie does get treated like a star at the vet's though. ;) The girls rush out to give her a hug and they've told me they do extra things for her in the back. They love that she roaches in her run and they always comment on her different collars. :P


I'll keep you posted tomorrow. :goodluck Thanks for the support, everyone!

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I just don't have enough experience with lymphoma, but I understand that roller coaster you're on. You just want your sweet girl to feel good. So many choices. We'll be thinking about you both tomorrow.

Oh, when I give pills, I have good luck with putting them in canned cat food. We get the little cans of Friskies, and keep them in the fridge, so it forms around the pill really well. My guys love it. For some reason, the dogs always think the cats are getting better stuff!

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Back from dropping Bonnie off at the vet's. The techs said that he has surgeries all morning and that he may not be able to do the injection until lunch time...sigh... I thought the plan was to do it at 8:30 and I'd be able to pick her up after a few hours. Maybe that's still the case.


I'll post again when we get her home.

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Back from dropping Bonnie off at the vet's. The techs said that he has surgeries all morning and that he may not be able to do the injection until lunch time...sigh... I thought the plan was to do it at 8:30 and I'd be able to pick her up after a few hours. Maybe that's still the case.


I'll post again when we get her home.

Well I hope that's still the plan. The techs don't always know what the vet's plans are. Making Bonnie wait is not right. Lots of prayers that she sails thru the day


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Bonnie has been home for about an hour now. She's looking and acting normal. We weighed her this morning and she's over 58 pounds! :blink: That's almost a 5 pound weight gain in 2 weeks or so!!! Her appetite is definitely back! :lol


Dr. Betts did the injection this morning, as planned. He's happy with the weight gain and how she looks. He gave her a little more Vincristine compared to before, due to her weight and the dosage. I'm hoping that the Cerenia will prevent her from feeling sick at all. We'll see what happens.


Keep your fingers crossed. Thanks everyone.

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:clap:clap Good news!! I think Bonnie has a strong will, and that's to be admired. Prayers that she's comfortable and NO upset tummy. You must be so proud of her Kristin.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Bonnie seems to be doing well. It's been so hot here (upper 90s for the past week) that all 3 hounds have been laying around not doing much. Bonnie did eat dinner last night and breakfast this morning, so that's a greyt sign. :yay


I am planning on sending a short email to Dr. Couto to ask him how long we can expect to be doing this. I'd like to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel! :wacko: Is it 8 weeks, 6 months, a year??? I don't know right now and that makes me anxious about the whole thing.


But, at the moment, things are going well. That makes me very happy!!!!!! :banana

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:confetti:confetti She's eating....great!! The heat is so tough on them, and us of course. Stay cool and hoping Bonnie continues to do well. Taking one day at a time is so difficult


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Oh, little girl, keep eating, it makes your Mom feel better. I can understand why you'd like to have some kind of time frame here. Cancer is such a crapshoot, and you would like to have quality time with her if you're not sure how long it's going to be. But it does sound like you are very good at living in the moment with your sweet girl. I do have a feeling that those good moments will stretch into good weeks and months and years!

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Guest vahoundlover

Good girl Bonnie!! :yay We are starting to feel the *cold* front..hope you are too. The puppers will be thrilled that they will get some outside time this evening.





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