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Guest luluaz

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Guest luluaz

It's been awhile since I've posted and as usual, never a dull moment at the Bissell House for our pups-

Max had a crazy ugly growth removed from his rear left leg yesterday and now there is edema in the foot and I can tell it is painful for him(giving tramadol). What else can I do tonight until I can call the Doc tomorrow?? I have a cold pack on the stitch site and have gently massaged his foot, but he is not keen on this :(

Max is currently taking phenobarbitol and Soloxine for canine epilepsy, tramadol for pain. I can remember prednisone was given to Dyce for his edema, I think, but with the pheno already in his system??

Thanks in advance for the advice :)




Still swollen, no worse but no better and we even tried a drawing poultice with wrap for 17 hours, all to no avail.

I am really starting to panic, he is in pain. Does anyone know if Dr. Couto has notes on this type of thing, with possible

suggestions for treatment? This was a very simple punch biopsy, two stiches gone terribly wrong deal :angry:

I have a script for cephelexen that I am going to fill and start him on-what are the chances this was a histamine reaction

to the local? I am going to ask the pharmacist if you can give benadryl with phenobarbitol and levoxyl and cephelex.


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Guest IrskasMom



Lisa ... I really have no advice what to do . Just gentle Hugs for you and Max and hopefully ,he will be better soon. :grouphug

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Heat should help the edema. It opens up the blood and lymph vessels to help remove the excess edema. If he can handle a wrap, I do that with Pearl (which actually I'm doing right now.) try that around the foot.


I came home from a weekend away to find Pearl's whole leg edemedous. The vets think it's trauma. It's the 4th time in less than 2 yrs. She was put on aspirin and I'm wrapping the whole leg to help push the edema out. So right now, she also has a fat ugly leg and foot.




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Guest paulamariez

The roach position helped Bueller's leg swelling tremendously after getting attacked by the Mastiff. It was amazing how much the swelling went down after a good nights sleep. The vet said to keep him lying down as much as possible. When Tiger had edema, our old vet suggested warm, moist towels, if you can keep your hound laying down with a warm towel on him! Sending many prayers for a quick recovery for Max! Tiger, Bueller and Domino are sending Max some healing doggie kisses as well!

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Guest LynnM

A massage from the bottom/distal end up with a liniment like SoreNoMore (check your local feed store) is ideal. It will go down on its own, so if the dog is particularly averse to you messing with it, it's better to leave it be than chance getting bitten!



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Elevate the extremity. Warm compresses if tolerated.

The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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Guest luluaz

Thanks for the info, Gt'ers-

Well, been doing the warm compress thing and he is letting me continue :rolleyes:

but it is evident that there is blood pooling and/or bruising and swelling. I will keep up the treatment, the leg and foot are no more swollen than yesterday, just the discoloration from the blood. Doc Hershey said there was a small vein in the area

that must have ruptured but she is not too concerned. Does all this sound typical??

Gotta love those crazy bleedin' greyhounds :rolleyes::P

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Guest paulamariez

How's poor Max doing? It's been a couple days, so I was just wondering and hoping he's improved. Keeping Max in my prayers!

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