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Hmmm Dysplasia Is The Least Of My Worries

Guest BooMooandDoo

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Guest BooMooandDoo

DH and I decided this weekend that Mazie is to young to suffer so we're waiting for the vet to call back with our neurologist referral. We'll see what our options are and let you guys know. . .


Lately Mazie has been really somber and mopey. We had a hard time getting her out of her crate to go for walks this weekend. I figured she was hurting so I gave her a rimidyl. About 2 hours later she was zipping around the yard, doing donuts on our bed, attacking Truman. . . . . .what in the world am I supposed to do? She hurts my heart when not medicated, but becomes a banshee when medicated. :riphair

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Can you give her a lower dosage? One that takes the edge off but she still knows the discomfort is there and she'll be careful?

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Don't think I couldn't bring myself to cut back on a med that eased her pain that much. In your position I think I would not let her zoom around the yard even if it meant leash walking. Limiting stairs as much as possible isn't a bad idea. And you may need to restrict her area inside if you have to. Basically don't get her all riled up. Just my suggestion until you get closer to a diagnosis.

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Guest BooMooandDoo
Don't think I couldn't bring myself to cut back on a med that eased her pain that much. In your position I think I would not let her zoom around the yard even if it meant leash walking. Limiting stairs as much as possible isn't a bad idea. And you may need to restrict her area inside if you have to. Basically don't get her all riled up. Just my suggestion until you get closer to a diagnosis.

Thanks! I talked with the neurologist today and he said basically the same thing you just did, and also said very limited leash walks. Our appt is June 11th. That was the soonest they could see us :eek They said if she gets to a point where she can't walk, we can come in the ER and she'll be seen by the neurologist. Fingers crossed that it won't come to that, and I can contain the monkey unitl then!

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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes

arm yourself with lots and lots of chewey workable treats. Things the monkey will have to work at. Sometimes mental stimulation/tiredness can subdue the zoomies. (Sometimes :rolleyes: )

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Sending my many prayers. :grouphug


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Guest Hannah



good luck with the lead walking


I would be tempted to talk to the vet about pain meds and see if you can do soemthing like half the dosage but double the doses, so instead of 1 tablet twice a day take half a tablet four times a day. We did that with Linus when he broke his leg we were very careful to not give him enough that he felt totally better and started leaping round like a loony and did more damage to his leg, but we didnt want him to be in serious pain. we aimed for not painful enough to stop him moving around but if he tried to do too much (or climb the curtains or race holly round the house) it would hurt.


by week 2 he was off pain meds totally and had worked out how to run, climb and jump at full speed without using his broken leg :wacko:

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Guest paulamariez

Keeping Mazie in my prayers for a good result from the vet visit. Feel better sweet girl! Tiger, Bueller and Domino are sending some healing doggie kisses too!

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Guest grey_dreams

Sorry to hear about Mazie. Hope you can find a balance between pain control and exercise. She sounds like a hotwire! Such a strong spirit will surely carry her through this rough patch. Sending good thoughts your way. :hope:grouphug

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Our appt is June 11th. That was the soonest they could see us :eek They said if she gets to a point where she can't walk, we can come in the ER and she'll be seen by the neurologist.

Gads! Sounds just like human medicine. Wishing you the best of luck keeping your girl calm. Maybe, hopefully all the rest will have her well before the appointment. I hate wasting money but LOVE it when dogs are well by the time you get to the vet.


ETA: Perhaps some Benadryl would help take the edge off. (Or a margarita <g>)

Edited by kudzu
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Guest WCorder



I saw this article this last few weeks while trying to help my girl's doctor's out. It is on lombosacral stenosis . . I think it's the same thing.


I hope it helps.

VigLumbosacral Stenosis

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest BooMooandDoo
Our appt is June 11th. That was the soonest they could see us :eek They said if she gets to a point where she can't walk, we can come in the ER and she'll be seen by the neurologist.

Gads! Sounds just like human medicine. Wishing you the best of luck keeping your girl calm. Maybe, hopefully all the rest will have her well before the appointment. I hate wasting money but LOVE it when dogs are well by the time you get to the vet.


ETA: Perhaps some Benadryl would help take the edge off. (Or a margarita <g>)

I think she's craving a margarita this morning ;)


We took the pups swimming yesterday (swimming is on the approved list of activities) She had a wonderful time. . . and afterwards Mazie was doing donuts at the end of her leash. . . so I figured, why not. . . . I let her off, she did one victory lap, and we came home.


Well I found out this morning, why not. . .cause she's in pain, that's why. Sometimes I'm not so bright.


Our appt is on Wednesday. . she's back on pain meds today as I had to carry her outside. I'm hoping the Dr. can give us some insight on how to fix this. . . .it's been a long month, not letting her run. I'm about to go crazy for her. :crazy

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Guest BooMooandDoo

Thanks guys. Her appt is tomorrow. I really hope the neurologist will be able to give us good news and tells us she can be fixed . . . . . .I'm an optimist :D


Mazie has turned into quite a junky. . . it's hilarious. All I have to say is "Mazie, time for your medicine. . " and she'll get up and prance into the kitchen. I pill her without a fight (which never happens! NEVER. . usually giving this girl pills is like fighting a bucking bronco) she has her cookie and then goes back to where ever she was taking her nap. She likes pain meds, that for sure. :smokin



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