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My Baby Is Sick (hge)

Guest ChancesMom

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Guest ChancesMom

Chance is sick. I've noticed over the last few days that he had not been eating a lot but he is a very picky eater and a nibbler. So I was a little concerned and was keeping an eye on his eating. On Sunday, we went for our regular walk and yes, he was as excited as he usually is. He pooped and when I picked it up it looked like mucousy blood. He also didn't want to eat. He would go over and sniff his bowl and walk away. I finally cooked 2 hot dogs for him which he did eat. Later on Sunday evening, I cooked up some chicken thighs and added them to his dry food which he usually loves. Again, just a sniff and walk away. I also noticed that he had been eating a lot of grass anytime he went out on Sunday. Again, he eats a lot of grass all of the time so not a big concern. During the night on Sunday, he got me up 3 different times and each time I let him out all he did was eat grass. No potty. Well, yesterday morning I took him for his walk and took a flashlight with me (still dark). When he pooped, I noticed that it was diarrhea and again looked pretty dark like maybe old blood. Before I left for work he had thrown up once and it was a big clump of grass. My DGD called me before she went to school and said that Chance had thrown up 3 or 4 times and that he was real clingy with her. I called and got an appt. with the Vet but couldn't get in until 5 PM. When I got home from work my living room was a mess. He had pooped & vomited every where. He had pooped on one end of the couch and vomited on the other. He had all of the throws down on the floor and both dog beds piled up in the middle of the floor. Now for the worst & saddest part. He met me at the door as usual, but he was trying to cover his face with his paw because he was so ashamed of what he had done. Makes me want to cry just telling you. I kept reassuring him that it was ok, that mommy knew he was sick.


I got him to the vet. After blood work and check over, they thought it might be whipworm or c-diff. They were going to send him home on antibiotics. They wanted a urine sample so me and the little girl at the vet took him out. He pooped and it was all blood. They then decided they should keep him, thank God, and they started IV fluids and IV antibiotics. I cried all of the way home. I just know he thought he was being punished for what he had done.


I can pick him up in a couple of hours. He has HGE (hemorragic GastroEnteritis). After reading up on it I find that they are not sure of the real cause. Could be diet, bacteria or toxin, or even stress. It can be deadly if not treated soon enough and it can reoccur. It can usually be healed within a few days with antibiotics.


I'm an just so anxious to get him home. Thanks for taking the time to read this and if anyone else has dealt with HGE, please let me know.


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No experience with this but I just wanted to add my prayers and hugs. :grouphug Your baby does not think that you are punishing him...he knows he is sick and that you did what was best for him so he can come back home and be his well and happy self again. :)


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest JillT

I am so sorry to hear that Chance is sick--poor boy (and poor you!)! Unfortunately, I have experienced HGE with both of my girls (luckily, not at the same time). Both required overnight stays at the e-vet for IV antibiotics, fluids, and observation. When they came home after 24-36 hours, they were on a couple oral medications for about a week, as well as on a bland/prescription diet, gradually getting back to their regular diet over about 10-14 days. They were both quite subdued for the first few days back at home--clearly they still didn't feel 100%. The good news, however, is that they both made a full recovery and are just fine. We were unable to pinpoint a cause, but since then I have been very careful about what I feed them (i.e., we stick with with a high-quality food they do well on, as well as just one type of treat). If I need to make any changes to their diet, I do it gradually and avoid anything with too much fat. It sounds like Chance is in good hands, and I'm thinking good thoughts for him--I expect he'll be just fine, but I know how agonizing it is to have your baby be so sick and not be able to do anything to help him feel better immediately!


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Guest LittleGreys

My little old IG is at the vets with HGE right now. I am taking her home tonight. She was having severe bloody diarrhea yesterday. Started on meds and is doing much better. Hers is bacterial.

Hugs to you and your boy. Hope he improves quickly. :grouphug

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Just went through HGE with Nemmie a few weeks ago, and one of our volunteers at the kennel had a bout in her boy last week. Both are doing fine now after a few days of IV fluids and IV antibiotics, followed by bland diet and oral antibiotics for about a week.


We couldn't pinpoint anything specific that caused it in Nemmie, other than possibly stress. She seemed kind of bummed after our last foster went to his new home, and she started with the bloody poo within a week of him leaving (though she may have just been starting to feel sick, and the foster leaving at the same time might be just a coincidence). My vet did say that she tends to see 2-3 cases in her more "sensitive" patients within a few days after the clocks change and after season/weather changes, which makes her think that stress from changes in routine can sometimes be the cause when no other reason can be found.

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Guest paulamariez

Aww, poor Chance! How sad for the poor guy. That just breaks my heart having him think he's being punished at the vet for messing up his house. I would feel and think exactly the same thing, if it were me. I will keep Chance in my thoughts and prayers for a quick and complete recovery and that he can come home soon! Tiger, Bueller and Domino are sending Chance some healing doggie kisses too.

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No experience here, but lots of prayers for Chance. And you too of course. Please give him a big hug for us. :hope:hope It's obvious that Chance is very loved and I'm sure he knows that.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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My Emmy had HGE. She spent 3 days at the vet but came through it just fine. She was a very sick girl for a few days. We've never had another bout of it though. My vet thinks she got it from eating pooh so I put a stool guard in her muzzle. She's not allowed outside without it now.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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We went through this with our Al a few years ago and after all the basic tests came up negative for worms, etc., our vet said, "We can spend 1000s of dollars trying to figure out what is causing this. But, whatever it is, we'll treat it the same way. So, let's just treat it. If he doesn't get better right away, then we'll worry about what is causing it." Al had IV fluids and antibiotics and was better soon. He never had another episode.


GPA-Tallahassee/Southeastern Greyhound Adoption

"Fate is unalterable only in the sense that given a cause, a certain result must follow, but no cause is inevitable in itself, and man can shape his world if he does not resign himself to ignorance." Pearl S. Buck

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Guest i_heart_greys

Donna, I'm glad to read that he is doing better!!! You directed me to this post after reading mine about my girl's bloody D. The E-vet said HGE too. I can hopefully pick her up tomorrow. Keep us posted on how he is!!!



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