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Worst News Ever...

Guest Laura76

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Guest PhillyPups

You are not alone. Many (in fact way too many) of us have been sitting exactly where you are. I lost my Most Divine Ms. SugarBear to osteo, exactly 6 weeks from the diagnosis (she was 14.5 years). I still remember getting the diagnosis ~ you could have knocked me over with a feather. My son said to me (while he still had his Shimmer who also lost the battle to osteo) "how can she look so perfect on the outside while that &*^&^* disease is eating her alive from the inside." It stinks, but know we are here for you. This is my take on Osteo, written here on GreyTalk when both Kia and Penny lost the battle on the same day.


Take time for you, and do what YOU need to do, none of us are here to judge you or second guess you.


Hate is such a strong word to use

It is the one that I truly choose

I hate osteo and the souls it takes

Leaving behind our hearts with all the aches

So many gone, so many lost,

Our hounds precious lives, oh what a cost


HOPE FOR HOUNDS, it rings so true

Dr. Cuoto, our lives depend on you

Looking for a way, looking for a cure

To beat evil osteo that's for sure

The numbers we lose, are way too many,

Just today there was Kia and now there is Penny,


Our hounds, so gentle, their love so pure,

Dr. Cuoto, please, please find us a cure.

Your work is endless, it is a tireless task,

Just a cure for our hounds is all we ask.

We thank you so much for all you have done,

We will all celebrate with you when your battle is won.

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Guest HersheysMom

Dear Laura,


I can relate. My very first dog ever was also diagnosed w/osteo and we also chose not to treat. You can always pm me - I know what you are feeling.


I've not read all of the replies to your OP so sorry if this is a repeat suggestion, but I did see your question re the pain meds and saw the meds you are currently using. When Tramadol and Deramaxx no longer worked for us, we went to Buprenex which made her slightly out of it but not too bad, and relieved more of the pain. In addition we tried a Fentanyl patch however it was too strong for her - made her very nervous and crazy, though some greys are okay with it. If you choose the patch and get any side effects all you have to do is remove the patch and the side effects will go away.


I know what you mean about feeling shortchanged. You have every right to feel what you feel. Try and act positive for your dog since they do read your feelings, but I realize this is next to impossible. I'm so sorry. :grouphug


My best advice is to spend lots of time with him - spoil him as others have said - cook a special meal for him. Go for a ride in the car. Simple things. We did a lot of simple things towards the end. We drove to her favorite park and just sat there since she couldn't walk. Things like that. I wish I could be of more help.


I never regretted the decision not to treat. You know your dog best, Laura, and you need to go with your gut feeling on what's best for your dog. Good luck to you and again feel free to write anytime.

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Guest grey_dreams

So sorry you and your boy are going through this. Treasure the days you still have together. :grouphug



It was hard but I pushed those thoughts out of my mind with Mahogany. She had 2 years off the farm. Fortunately, she was loved by her owner.


I constantly reminded myself not to waste what time was left thinking about "the day".


When "the day" comes, it is peaceful (especially if they use a prep shot) and I simply cannot send my "kids" off alone. Yes, it's hard--really hard, but I do it for them.


Please stop thinking about the time you won't have him and focus on now, which is where he lives :grouphug


Wise and beautiful sentiments.


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I'm so sorry you are going through this. We lost our first grey to osteo last year. We had 5 months with her from the time she started limping until we had to let her go (we just did pain management). She was only 5 years old. Enjoy the time you have with your pup. We continued doing all our normal things. I regret that I didn't spoil her more - looking back I think I was in denial. So spoil him a lot, you won't regret that. Focus on each day, not what is to come. I highly recommend Circle of Greys. I got the following quote from someone there and found it helpful ......


Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


Many hugs,



<p>Kim and the hound - Rumor
Missing my angels Marlow, Silver, Holly and Lucky

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I saw this from Winterwish's post and thought it was beautiful-thank you for this...


There'll come a moment when you will be told your greyhound is dying. Don't wait for that moment to think of all the fun and relaxing things you still want to do with your good dog. Turn off the computer,and do them now.


I am turning off my computer right now.

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Guest vahoundlover
I saw this from Winterwish's post and thought it was beautiful-thank you for this...


There'll come a moment when you will be told your greyhound is dying. Don't wait for that moment to think of all the fun and relaxing things you still want to do with your good dog. Turn off the computer,and do them now.


I am turning off my computer right now.


:nod Since Winterwish put this in her siggy, I have reavaluated how I spend my time.

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Guest paulamariez

How terrible! I will keep Darryl in my thoughts and prayers. It is one of the toughest things to go through. This may sound weird, but take lots of pictures. I find I get a lot of comfort from all my hound photos after losing one. When I knew that my three that have gone over to the bridge were going to be leaving me soon, I took pictures of every part of their bodies so I would never forget any part of their bodies. I even took pictures of their paws, tails, inside of their precious ears. Just so I can look back and remember every inch of my babies.

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Guest Vinnie
:bighug :bighug


Is it worth splinting the affected leg to support it?



I think this is a greyt idea. The splint and/or cast may help with more stability and less pain as he will not be trying to constantly put weight on it with it like this. We did this with Vinnie while we waited for his amputation and it gave him a better way to deal with the pain and I wasn't panicking that his leg was going to snap any second if he put weight on it. After the amputation we did watch his other legs very carefully to make sure that they were not showing signs of weakness as I did not want to have his leg snap and have him in more pain. That image helped us in making the decision of when we were going to let Vinnie go to the Bridge. Again, our hearts go out to you during this very difficult time. Wishing you many days of making happy memories with Darryl. And don't forget that while you are taking photos of him make sure someone will take photos of you with him too - I was always the one behind the camera and wish I had been in more with our sweet Angel. Hugs and scritches to you both.

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Guest Laura76



I spoke to the vet this AM, because I dont think the pain meds are working well. They said twice a day for the Tramadol. I notice his discomfort again after hours. I asked her what can we do? She said I can move the Tramadol to every 6-8 hours and suggest we try the Fentenol patch. I am going to pick it up this weekend and a friend who is a tech is going to put it on for me. She said his cancer has metastasized and chemo or radiation are our only other hopes. She said even if we decided to go with those we are lucky if we got 6 months and that is ULTRA optimistic. She said Darryl has a very high tolerance to pain and that is in a tremendous amount of it. She said the pain patch should help him more as he is a large greyhound at 90 pounds and it should be better and more consistent.


I went to the store yesterday and got him some HUGE marrow bones. He has always loved them. His spirts are high and he was WICKED happy to see me. Almost thought there was nothing wrong with him.


Thank you!


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Guest MorganKonaAlex

You may be able to increase the amount or frequency of the Tramadol even further. My 85 lb boy was on the following just before his amputation:

- 75 mg Rimadyl x 2 day

- 50 mg Tramadol. Can increase up to 100 mg. 4 x day.

First increase the number of doses per day.

- 100 mg Neurotin x 1 day


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Guest Laura76

Well, yesterday was the day.


We woke up and he was in so much pain. I had force his meds down his throat. We carried him down the stairs and outside to pee. By the time he came back in and I took a shower, his leg had almost tripled in size. I called Ken to come home. I called the vet and she said it was time. I bought a clay picture frame to take an imprint of his paw, and you can put a picture of it on the other side.


We went to the vet and said nothing more could be done. She was surprised how fast it consumed him. Ken was with him. I couldn't do it. I just sat in the car and cried as I am now. I am hysterical. I lied on his bed this morning for an hour. I can't seem to control myself or these tears. I am shaking I am crying so much. I miss him so much that it is killing me inside. This house doesn't feel like the home I once had. He lost 2 pounds in 4 days. Darryl was 90 pounds when we weighed him on Monday and went down to 88. I have never seen him at that weight since we took him home from the track.


Ken said he went very peacefully. I feel horrible for doing this. I lied on his bed for an hour this morning. I haven't stop crying since I got up at 7. I just wonder if it was the right choice to let him go.



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I'm so very sorry his time came so fast. :( Yes, I've been there with 3 greyhounds, where the leg swelled up tremendously overnight as the lymph system failed. There's nothing more that can be done to fix that... and you did make the right choice. May you find peace, knowing that your best boy is pain-free at the Bridge, running like the wind with his new pals. :gh_run

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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Guest Machbragal

Laura -- I am SO sorry, I can't even begin to express it! I wish I could be there to help you through this. I know there is nothing right now that can ease your pain. You loved him SO much. He was so lucky to have you and to be loved so much. I know it hurts more than you can bear. You did the right thing -- he loves you for it.


Please stay with Greytalk -- we can help. Keeping you in my prayers.

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Don't regret your decision. You made the right choice for your baby. It was very strong of you to be able to do that for him. Bone cancer is really aggressive and there wasn't any way to improve his situation.


I know how sad you are feeling right now. Time will help make your pain less raw. Give Zoey a big hug.


I'm so sorry you had to experience such a sudden loss. :grouphug:grouphug


Run pain free Darryl. :gh_run I'm sure my girls, Snickers and Cricket, and lots of other greys have already greeted him at the bridge.

Aero: http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?d=kees+uncatchable; our bridge angel (1/04/02-8/2/07) Snickers; our bridge angel (1/04/02-2/29/08) Cricket; Kanga Roo: oops girl 5/26/07; Doctor Thunder http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?z=P_31Oj&a...&birthland=
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Guest greyhound_bug

You have my most heart felt sympathies.

Having lost my Heart Boy Sullivan to Osteo almost 2yrs ago, I know exactly how you feel.

Please find peace and comfort in knowing that you made the right decision for Darryl. It doesn't matter how long they have been apart of our lives, they are never here long enough.


Hugs to you and your family. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

Godspeed Darryl...may you run pain free at the bridge. :gh_run2

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Guest DeweytheGreyt

My heart aches for you and Ken. You did everything you could to keep your handsome boy happy and comfortable.


May he fly on the wings of angels and I hope that your memories of him will help to bring you some peace in the days ahead. I am so very sorry. :cry1

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I'm so sorry Laura. You absolutely did right by your boy. He is at peace now with no more pain. That was the best and only gift left you could give him. He knew for sure that you loved him. :grouphug



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

" You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath." Stanley Coren

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Guest Naty

Please don't question yourself. We had to make a decision for Troy the day he was diagnosed because he can barely support himself even with meds. I also laid in his bed when we lost him. I'm so sorry you're going through this. But he is pain-free now and he'll always be with you. Take it one day at a time and please take care of yourself.



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Guest armanntoo

I am so sorry, I hate hearing about OS in our babies.


When my Percy was diagnosed, it was fairly far along. I decided that I would just do pain management, and in talking to the vet I said that I would know when the time had come.


He was happy, and ran around every day, and then came back to me with a limp. One day he came back over to where I was sitting, and almost fell over. He looked at me, and I knew the time had come. When I got home, I called the vet at home, and she came to the house on her way to the office in the morning. After diagnosis, he was with us for about 5 or 6 weeks, and we got to celebrate his ninth birthday before he left us.


The whole family, and the other hounds were all with him. We all cried for about an hour, then the vet gave us all a hug, and took him away for cremation. He is still with me, right beside my computer.

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