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Mysterious Eye Boogies!

Guest janlove

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Guest janlove

I've noticed over the past two days, my grey has had an unusual amount of eye boogies- and today the boogies were on the goopy side! I've recently began fish oil capsules (he gets two a day), and I've been in the process of changing over his food. Could the fish oil caps be causing these boogies? Or could it be a particular ingredient in his food?


Thanks Everyone!

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Could just be a mild reaction to pollen, or he got dust in there...clean it out with a damp tissue or nice soft cloth, and if it continues and gets worse, or turns green, you need the vet!


Probably no big deal.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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It's unlikely that adding fish oil to his diet would affect his eye discharge. It's possible that it could be an allergy to the new food, but I'd wonder also about environmental possibilities. How long have you had him? Has this ever happened before, particularly in the springtime? How old is he?


If the discharge is not particularly green or yellow (or in copious amounts), it's not something to panic over. But it could be an indicator that something is starting to happen (excess eye discharge was an early sign of my Tipper's pannus, for example), and a visit to a veterinary ophthalmologist might be in your near future.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest snowberry

We had this in reverse - my two always had big black lumps of stuff in the corners of their eyes every morning. Then I changed to a home-made diet, and it completely stopped. I'd taken it as normal, but I think it was a reaction to something in their food. They both got fish oil capsules, both before and after the food change, and it didn't seem to make any difference.

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Guest Javagirl

What food are you changing to? I noticed something about eye goup in association with some dry dog food concerns.

Just a thought.


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Guest BlackandBrindle

Mine have eye boogers right now and I have allergies. The pollen is everywhere so it might be environmental.


If it is green in color, take him to the vet because that means infection.


We also flush the eyes out with plain saline and that helps tremendously.

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My friend's raw fed lab developed eye goop when given fish oil capsules. You might try the straight salmon oil - if you google 'grizzly salmon oil" you'll find it, I can't remember the exact name, as it may be something in the capsule itself causing the problem.


It could also be seasonal allergies. The food switch could do it too. FYI, if your vet does think it's allergies, a raw diet is a great way to get rid of them without medications.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest janlove
It's unlikely that adding fish oil to his diet would affect his eye discharge. It's possible that it could be an allergy to the new food, but I'd wonder also about environmental possibilities. How long have you had him? Has this ever happened before, particularly in the springtime? How old is he?


If the discharge is not particularly green or yellow (or in copious amounts), it's not something to panic over. But it could be an indicator that something is starting to happen (excess eye discharge was an early sign of my Tipper's pannus, for example), and a visit to a veterinary ophthalmologist might be in your near future.


I've had him for approx 2 months, and he will be 5 years old next month.



We had this in reverse - my two always had big black lumps of stuff in the corners of their eyes every morning. Then I changed to a home-made diet, and it completely stopped. I'd taken it as normal, but I think it was a reaction to something in their food. They both got fish oil capsules, both before and after the food change, and it didn't seem to make any difference.


What do you use for a home-made diet?


What food are you changing to? I noticed something about eye goup in association with some dry dog food concerns.

Just a thought.



We use dry food- and we are currently changing him over to a higher quality food.

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Guest Flint

I'm in MA and if the streets in CT are anything like ours, they're still covered in the road salt and sand that was put down all winter. We've had some windy days and it's been blowing in my eyes and I would guess it's getting into Flint's as well. He is also having increased eye goobers and I just assumed it was from irritation.

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Guest snowberry
What do you use for a home-made diet?


One third brown rice, one third vegetables, one-third meat, plus a spoonful of bone meal. Cancer hound Herbie doesn't get the brown rice, he's on 2/rds meat (lymphoma dogs do better on a high-fat, low carb diet). They get raw tripe for breakfast sometimes, and sardines or cottage cheese or scrambled egg for a light lunch - that bit's optional, but again I'm trying to keep weight on Herbie.


It's time, it's work, and it's not as cheap as kibble, but they love every morsel of it!


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