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Belle Had Another Seizure

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One week ago Saturday Belle had another seizure and was very different to her first one that she had 10 months ago. This time the legs were not going 90 miles an hour but as stiff as a board and when she came out of it growled at both Dave and myself. She was only in this one a couple of minutes and it took only a couple of minutes for her to get back to her sassy self. Called the vet and he said no medication but to watch for a pattern. Both times she was sleeping and they had asked me if anything could of set her off. I am so thankful that this happened while she was in her crate as I do believe the other hounds might of hurt her..

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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Thank goodness she was in her crate. There is the possibility that the other hounds will hurt her. Mine tried to go after Saint when he seized once in the daytime, which was totally unusual for him. He has his between 10:00 - 11:00 p.m. I'd really write down when, where, what time and how long each seizure is for your vet.


Hope she's feeling better soon.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest MrsDooLittle

We have dealt with seizures here as well and it seems they always happen at night. Does anyone have any theories on this?



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Belle's first seizure was very early in the am in the bedroom and we were sleeping luckily she fell into the attic closet over a gate so the other hounds were barking but could not get to her. that one lasted at least 10 min and she was very lethargic for at least 30 min. very wobble on her feet and could not make it down the stairs Dave had to carry her down.


This one was in the evening and lasted 2 - 3 min but her legs were not going 90 miles an hour they were as stiff as a board.

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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Sounds like she's having grand mal seizures. Those are the type Saint has and his are very violent. If she has more than 1 a month your vet may decide to prescribe some anti seizure meds, probably Phenobarbital to get her under control. The meds might make her a little dopey and she may try and convince you she's starving to death because they will increase her appetite so I wouldn't increase her food if he does decide to medicate her. It's so easy for them to put on weight. I give Saint a small doggie cookie if he's protesting too much and that seems to satisfy him.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Her first seizure the young vet had her on pheno for two weeks and then wanted to take her off cold turkey and I said no he then had her on 325 2/day for two weeks but that was almost 1 year ago. Yes I know they are grand mal seizures I had a son take one on my lap they are scarey I also had a son that had petit mal seizures.

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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Cullen's seizures seemed to happen at the same times, like 5:45 AM, 8 AM, 12 Noon, and 6:30 PM. He had them a lot at 8 AM, often while eating! He'd go through periods where they were all at 8 AM and then the time frame would switch to all at 6:30 PM for a while, Very strange.


I bet you'll find a time pattern. As JFH says, keep a good log of what times they happened, what foods were eaten, what meds and supplements were taken, and how long they last. Cullen's lasted from 2-4 minutes, for example. You might find a pattern and, if you're really lucky, a trigger.


Don't be afraid to give pheno. We started it after Cullen's second GM, which was 3 minutes of total violence and happened 2-3 weeks after the first one. If that doesn't work, adding in some KBr or NaBr will help a lot. His were greatly reduced to like one every 3 to 6 months, down from 2 a day for several days.


I hope the seizures don't get too frequent. Wow, that 10 minute one must have been horrifying!



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also keep track of what they had to eat before the seizure.


Red had seizures and I swear they are food associated, shellfish actually, shrimp in particular.


They all seem to up as he is sleeping. waking into a full blown grand mal. His post-ictal phase is

short but then I drug the heck out of him to break any cycle before it starts. (extra dose of Pb and

10mg of po valium, with the valium repeating every eight hours for a total of three doses)


Had his thyroid checked when he went in for his dental and it was low for a k9 but fine for a GH.

His TSH was normal.


ETA i just realized i have to change my signature, dang, hadn't cried over her yet today so this starts it.

Edited by GreyWrangler


Nancy and

Grace - Andicot 2/1/07

Solo - Flying Han Solo 3/20/11

Missing: Murphy, Shine, Kim, Sprite, Red Dog, Lottie & Harry

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The first seizure was pretty scarey as I knew what was going on but the DH didn't until after the fact. So the second one was more scarier for him. All I did with the first one after he got her out of the closet was get a towel to put under the mouth foir the mucus and when It was over told him she had a seizure.

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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My God, you sure have your hands full....I hope this gets under control. Why is it that the other dogs go after her when she's having a seizure? I've heard that before but never had a chance to ask.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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My God, you sure have your hands full....I hope this gets under control. Why is it that the other dogs go after her when she's having a seizure? I've heard that before but never had a chance to ask.


Dogs are pack animals and only the fittest survive. If a member of the pack goes down, is sick or injured they will usually attack that dog and in the wild kill it. So if one of ours cries or acts injured we keep them apart. At night I keep the two older ones in a different room than the younger ones for safety.

Edited by 6greyhounds

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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My God, you sure have your hands full....I hope this gets under control. Why is it that the other dogs go after her when she's having a seizure? I've heard that before but never had a chance to ask.


Dogs are pack animals and only the fittest survive. If a member of the pack goes down, is sick or injured they will usually attack that dog and in the wild kill it. So if one of ours cries or acts injured we keep them apart. At night I keep the two older ones in a different room than the younger ones for safety.



Lottie heads for the hills, as did Sprite, when Red is Seizing.


Nancy and

Grace - Andicot 2/1/07

Solo - Flying Han Solo 3/20/11

Missing: Murphy, Shine, Kim, Sprite, Red Dog, Lottie & Harry

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Guest EmilyAnne

I have heard it takes three or more dogs in order to get that mob mentality of attacking the seizuring dog. I only have two, but I still play it safe and never leave my dogs alone unsupervised. Riley gets scared when Henry seizes. He may respond differently if we weren't home. I dont know and I'm not taking the chance.

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