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Update On Bonnie Twist

Guest K9Cookies

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Wonderful news! Never forget...an Angel is watching over. :grouphug


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Guest Snowy8

Aww...kisses & warm hugs to you & hubby & lots of smooches on everyone! Get some rest!

Lots of angels are watching....

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Bonnie weighed 52.4 pounds at the vet this morning! :clap That's up from 47.something when we were in Michigan. Before all of this happened she weighed about 55 pounds. So, we're getting there. She's been eating like a pig the past few days!


DH is out of town doing the women's NCAA tournament for UVA. I took our 3 yesterday and we went to the dog-friendly Easter Parade in Richmond. The weather was perfect and our gang got a ton of attention. Bonnie did greyt, but wore out at the end (which I was prepared for). I did have some woman tell me that Bonnie got lymphoma because of the stress and negativity in our household! :blink: Apparently, she believes that tension and negative vibes form tumors in our hounds. She was talking so crazy that I didn't react at the time. But, the more I think about it, it really ticks me off! How dare someone say such a thing! But anyway, I'm just thinking the lady is crazy so that helps me deal with it a little.


Today is the 2nd to last vincristine injection! I'm going to ask the vet lots of questions about what happens after next week. I know she won't have to stay at the vet's every week. Everything can be done from home. I'll give you an update when I hear something today. Thanks for all of the good thoughts!

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Great news on Bonnie's weight, must be all those good cookies. Sounds like you ran into a real nut yesterday. People can be real scary.Just before my mom passed away last year we were at the park and someone told me my mom had Alzheimers because I would broil meat using foil.Yeh...I'm sure that's what did it !!


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest CyndiW

Wow - Bonnie is really picking up the weight. What a good sign!! It is so nice to see them eat. Sometimes that is the best part of my day (watching Alex eat). I have even videotaped him eating.


The Easter Parade sounds like it was a lot of fun. Was that woman drunk?!! You must have a lot of self-control. I am not sure how I would have handled that situation (after I lifted my chin off the ground of course).

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great news about Bonnie's weight! eating like a piggy is good :clap


I am looking forward to more positive updates!

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest HeatherDemps

Wow- great to hear that her weight is picking up! I"ve been wondering how you and she are doing!


Can't believe the nerve of that woman. I think if someone had said something to me like that about Dempsey, I might have seriously hurt her!

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Guest LolasMom
great news about Bonnie's weight! eating like a piggy is good :clap


I am looking forward to more positive updates!


:thumbs-up Amen to that! Keep up the good work Bonnie. :chow


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The Easter Parade sounds like it was a lot of fun. Was that woman drunk?!! You must have a lot of self-control. I am not sure how I would have handled that situation (after I lifted my chin off the ground of course).


No, she wasn't drunk...and she was there representing another greyhound adoption group! :blink: I don't even want to think about it. She was saying all kinds of weird stuff. Very bluntly, she was describing what would happen at the end. Then told me about an animal communicator and gave me the phone number. I won't be using that person! The whole conversation was strange. And, she had some hearing loss so I was having to project my voice. I didn't want to holler what I really wanted to say!!! ;) But yes, the Parade was greyt and I posted a few pics in C & F of Bonnie's Easter Bonnet.


One more injection to go next week!!! Bonnie was pretty worn out last night and didn't eat as much. DH said she ate greyt this morning though and she's been playing with toys today too. The worst is almost over! :yay

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Guest jettcricket

Glad to hear that your girlie is putting on some lbs and feeling better. :thumbs-up And as far as that kooky woman who made the comment about cancer....what can you say??? :huh People never cease to amaze me.

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Well, my husband's dad lost his battle with cancer and passed away last Sunday, March 2nd. We were in Michigan with the dogs for about a week and a half. Bonnie had a really rough time. At the recommendation of some family members, we drove Bonnie about an hour away for her weekly vincristine injection. Granted this was the day after my father-in-law passed away, but I just didn't like this vet's office. They called us back, not into a room but just into the hallway, to explain and talk to an employee. It wasn't even a vet tech or someone who had any knowledge of medications, or chemo :blink:. I pulled out the case of medications and started to explain what we needed. Her response..."how do you spell that medicine?". UUUUHHHHH! My husband and I were in tears when we left. We drove home and waited to hear from them. Nothing. I called around 3 PM and they told me she was ready to go, no problem. We drive the hour back to the vet's office- they had shaved her front left leg all the way around and did the vincrstine by IV, not injection. And, they didn't give her the Cerenia medication to help with nausea either. We had a tough week after that. No one in the area had the Cerenia medication. Everything went downhill. She wouldn't eat, looked like she was in pain, and overall her health suffered. She threw up three times in the middle of the night and we took a trip to the ER vet Wednesday morning before the funeral. This place gave her an injection of Reglan, took digital X-rays of her belly, and gave us some Reglan tablets to last the rest of the week. I got a much better vibe at this place, thank goodness.


I left last Wednesday and drove through the night because I HAD to work on Thursday. Things got a lot better when we got home. Bonnie improved and her appetite was much better. We fed her whatever she would eat whenever she acted hungry. She's gained a pound back since the trip to the ER vet in Michigan. Yesterday (Monday) we took her to our vet's office. I think he expected a pathetic bag of bones (we had been in contact with him several times while in MI). He thought Bonnie looked good. Her bloodwork was all normal. They gave her the fifth weekly injection of vincristine and then the Cerenia later. She's been playing the past few days and today she ate pretty well.


So, talk about ups and downs! :eek Thanks so much to all of you for your good thoughts and prayers. I tried to check GreyTalk from the hospital in the beginning, but when things took a turn for the worse, obvious that didn't happen. I'm so glad to be home and get things back to normal. Today was a really nice and sunny day. I took some pictures of Bonnie outside. We received their new Hope for Hounds collars last week. Bonnie is looking so much better! Here she is-


Enjoying the sun. Notice the shaved patches (both sides- bottom of neck, and now left leg)



Staying close by my side



Hearing something



Laying down, wanting lovin'



Bonnie Twist, our patchwork girl, hanging in there!



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Just wanted to say how beautiful she is. Great pictures. I can see she's very special and also very happy. Wish I could say I was surprised about the deplorable treatment at that first vet but sadly I'm not. I have only found one vet that I actually trust and I have been using vets for about 40 years. You've really got to watch them. Sometimes they don't mean any harm but they just don't realize-particularly with our delicate and fragile greyhounds.

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Doing greyt! We just got back from a big pet expo near DC. Bonnie gots lots of attention! :wub: Tomorrow is her last vincristine injection. I'll post tomorrow and we can all celebrate!!! :banana

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Such good news. Bonnie got a candle lit for her as well tonight at church.The priest actually chuckled a bit when I gave him my list for special prayers. He asked me how many dogs I knew.And he never forgets a name.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest HeatherDemps

Whoo hoo!! So glad to hear that she is doing well. :)



Doing greyt! We just got back from a big pet expo near DC. Bonnie gots lots of attention! :wub: Tomorrow is her last vincristine injection. I'll post tomorrow and we can all celebrate!!! :banana


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