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Meet Mollie

Guest mollieandme

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Guest mollieandme

I've been lurking for a couple weeks and found this forum to be so helpful that I thought I'd join and introduce myself and my new baby, Mollie. It took me a while to get around to posting the pictures.

I adopted her three weeks ago today; she's my first greyhound. Actually, she's my first dog. I've lived with dogs most of my life but never had one of my own. It's amazing how quickly your perspective changes once you're the dad.


She's incredibly smart and well behaved. She's already gotten the whole potty thing, fell in with my quixotic routine, and even figured out she can open doors in my house by pushing on them (laziness on my part- I don't latch them. Make that didn't latch them.)


She's still a bit wary of me. She watches me all the time, hesitates to eat around me, and isn't sure when I'm walking behind her. I think she's looking for the catch. There's got to be a reason why this guy gives her soft stuff to lie on and pets her all the time. I think she's warming to the idea that the all-the-time petting IS the catch.


It's cold here so our walks have been short (her winter coat is due to arrive any day.) She spends most of her day sleeping in my home office, hugging a stuffie (she doesn't destroy them, she uses them as pillows.) I've been able to jog with her briefly a couple times, though. I mention it because I think it's funny how she keeps looking over her shoulder to see if I'm still keeping pace. When she sees she's going too fast for me, she slows up. I can't wait to take her to a park where she can run off-leash and not worry that I might collapse.


Mollie and Craig.












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Guest greyt2love

Welcome, from Central PA ! Mollie's beautiful. You did the same as I did. I lurked, getting information, then it got so I wanted to reply or ask questions, and I finally joined a year ago ! You will really like it here !!

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Guest mollieandme

I actually live way out in Monongahela but like when I lived in Shady Shores TX it was easier to say Dallas.


That's interesting- I now find myself in Shady Side every other weekend. I'm just a shady character I guess.


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Guest GriffinsMom

Welcome. Lovely pictures of Mollie. :wub: She seems very sweet. You won't believe how much she will change in the next year. It's really something to look forward to.

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Guest mollieandme

Dean- this was actually one of the collar color choices I had from the adoption agency. Seemed appropriate. I've gotten both compliments and flak over it, which I find funny. A friend of mine was relieved I didn't buy a hot pink coat for her.


She is spoiled. I am constantly looking at the dog aisle in the grocery store. Thing is, she isn't really interested in much yet. I find I'm more excited over the stuff I bring home for her than she is.


You know, I was wondering if there was a male-female (or mom-dad) poll around here. There does seem to be a dearth of Dads.

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Guest KsFrets
She is spoiled. I am constantly looking at the dog aisle in the grocery store. Thing is, she isn't really interested in much yet. I find I'm more excited over the stuff I bring home for her than she is


You are doomed if you ever go into Pet Smart or PetCo!!! The cool part is that you can brin Mollie with you and let her pick out some toys :)


Hey don't worry bout no flack about collars...My little Maggie has a hot pink one too!!!


I looked at Mollie's pedigree...she's got Buzz Off as her GGG grama...so we're distant distant distant cousins! :gh_bow:ghplaybow

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Guest greypack


I lived in Shady Side for a while!


Is this the same girl that I saw on Steel City Greyhounds' website a few weeks back? She's beautiful!!!


My first grey was the same way at first. She will come out of her shell when she's ready.


I find it ironic that he used to be seemingly afraid to eat in front of me. I shared my human food with him, allowing him to eat some from my hand when I had a snack. I do not reccomend this to everyone because: Now he has NOOOOOOO problem. In fact, he's kinda pushy sometimes if I don't share MY food with him. :rolleyes: Considering his original habits, I'd say he's a beast of my own making haha.



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Welcome and congrats! She's a beauty! :colgate

Kendra, devoted walker of Henry (Tom Jones: Great Son x Lucia)

Missing Badger (Vf Get R Done: Quicksand Slip x Ll Tee el See), 5/04 - 2/14, who opened our hearts and our home to greyhounds; Kenzie (Slatex Kenzie: Randy Handy x Slatex Chrisy), 4/03 - 10/14, who really knew what a good dog she was; Falcon (Atascocita Sabat: Dodgem by Design x Atascocita Barb), 9/10 - 1/20, who was grumpy and snarky but eventually a little bit cuddly, too; Grandpa Grey the Galgo Español, 2008 (?) to 2022, who made us feel lucky to be the ones to teach him about pet life; and Lucia (Larking About x Anastasia, 5/12 to 8/23), our first brood matron and the sweetest speckly girl. 

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Guest mollieandme

Dean- Petsmart and Petco are the only places she and I have gone, not including the vet. She liked the vet the first time (it was a "social" visit) and was giving me the sad eyes all day following the second visit. I think she was thinking "oh great, this guy's no different than the others." She likes to meet people in pet stores but only very briefly and then she's on to the next person. As for picking toys, not so much. It was funny to see Arnold and his giant Sam's club stuffy. I almost Mollie one the day before that post but decided I was getting a little silly. She carries floppy stuffies around a little but isn't very active with them yet.


greypack- yeah, this is her. I had her photo on my laptop all week before I got her. Now she's on my floor. I also saw Atari that day and I'dve adopted her if I could have. She went home with someone the next day though. Really friendly little girl.


Oh, I forgot. She does hard wood perfectly. She's a little awkward on steep stairs but so far thats it.

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Guest sandlot13433

Welcome from NY! :welcome I love that third photo of her where her front legs are folded back under her! I have found this site to be so valuable and have even been able to find some of my pups' littermates through people on here! You have a beautiful girl there! :wub: :wub: :wub:

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