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Mazy's Eyes...

Guest MaxAndMazy

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Guest MaxAndMazy

Hey Folks!


I was just petting Mazy and noticed that her right eye has a large black spot under her pupil in the brown area of her eye. I've never noticed this before. She seems fine and happy (a little stir crazy, but nothing a good old romp at the baseball field won't fix today). Any ideas?




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My father has a mole on his eye. Any chance that's what it is? Calling it an "extra pupil" makes is sound like a HOLE, and I'm just guessing that you really mean a spot on her eye, not a hole into her eye.


I'd have your vet take a quick look. You do NOT want to mess around with eye health.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest MaxAndMazy

It looks like an extra pupil - that's why I called it that. There is no hole in her eye. It's a black circle under her pupil.


ETA - I noticed it when the sun shone in her eye, then I became more aware of it. She's started making better eye contact with me lately (after 2.5 years!), so I guess it could be that I've never noticed it before.

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I got a good look at it today, Nancy, so I'll say more, if that's okay. It is a black spot that is about the size of maybe my pinkie fingernail. It is contained within the iris - ie., it stops at the outer edge of the iris and is almost a circle. It really does look like another pupil but bigger. It also has a different "consistency" for lack of a better word. And it really doesn't seem to bother her...


Nancy, I'm sure you would have noticed it before if it had been there for a while -try looking at older pics of her, see if anything is there.

My boys, together again...




A hui hou kakou, my loves

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If it were connected, it'd look like Madeline McCann's eye?




Except it's not connected, which means it's polycoria. More precisely, dicoria (as there are two).


Assuming it's not just coloration of the iris, of course.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest MaxAndMazy

Thanks for helping me put it into better words Lisa :). I'm going to call our vets tomorrow - they are pretty good at letting us know when we need to come in and when we don't.



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Guest greyvettech

It does sound like a foreign body in the eye...Usually though, they react painfully and close or squint the eye or keep the third eyelid up...You could try to flush the eye with a saline solution...just make sure to use light pressure on the eye so if it's a foreign body it will be flushed out...if not, it may be another medical condition or nothing to worry about at all! Good luck:)

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