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Those Who Breed

Guest Champsmom

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Guest Champsmom

Have you ever had a dog that whelped and refused to eat ? ( this is not a greyhound ) What can we give her ? she has eaten very little in the past few days and the 2 vets we have said there isn't much they can do , she is on clavomox and we are kinda force feeding her because we are afraid she will dry up her milk if she doesn't eat .


Any suggestions ????????????????

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bumping to see if anyone can help you...

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Guest lat41065

back when i bred it was common for the new mom to refuse food the first couple of days. Offer her some hamburger mixed with her kibble or some shredded cheese mixed in. Good luck, Lesley

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Guest Champsmom

Thank you she has eaten a little we have been trying everything , babyfood, boiled egg, chicken , whatever she will eat we are glad for . We have had ones that wouldn't take care of pups but never one that wouldn't eat .

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Thank you she has eaten a little we have been trying everything , babyfood, boiled egg, chicken , whatever she will eat we are glad for . We have had ones that wouldn't take care of pups but never one that wouldn't eat .


For Booker, it was buttered white toast that he could not resist. Of course, he was not a new mommy!


Loving Kimba & Fred, missing Booker & Polly, first greyhounds, never forgotten.
"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights.
That is the way of a whole human being."
Abraham Lincoln

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Guest wmlcml6

It's very common for greyhounds not to eat, at least in our experience. We have found that they love goats milk (which will help keep her hydrated - very important), and they don't usually turn down chicken and dumplings either. Try to feed her in small portions so she doesn't upset her tummy by eating too much.


Should you decide to try the goats milk, you can buy canned at some grocery stores. Mix one can with enough water to fill a 2 quart pitcher. Mine like it warm. You can also buy powdered kid milk replacer at the feed store.


You can also try B12 to spark her appetite.


Good luck.

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Guest Champsmom

well as of today she is at least eating cottage cheese , we took her off the clavomox and gave her some pepto , hopefully she will start eating more stuff .

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