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Need Help With Licking!

Guest HeatherDemps

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Guest HeatherDemps

Ever since coming home from the hospital, Dempsey will not stop licking himself. He's been wearing a t-shirt non-stop to keep him away from the surgery site. But, he's licking his feet and his front elbow almost non-stop. He's got spots where he has irritated it so much, it's bloody. I've tried deodorant, and it doesn't even phase him. Is there anything else I can try to prevent him from doing this that won't sting where it's bled? I think it's a nervous habit- he used to do this some in the past, but now it's really out of control.


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Guest BlackandBrindle

Do you have a muzzle with a stool guard? I wouldn't leave him on him when he's unattended, but for times when you are there, it should stop the licking.

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Guest HeatherDemps

No, we don't. I'm not even sure if we still have his muzzle from when we first adopted him...


Do you have a muzzle with a stool guard? I wouldn't leave him on him when he's unattended, but for times when you are there, it should stop the licking.


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Guest HeatherDemps

I guess anything is possible, but not sure what it would be. He isn't on any meds now, and we have about 8 inches of snow covering everything. I really think it is behavioral because years ago when he had issues with separation anxiety, this is something he would do then. It's only been a problem now since coming home after his surgery, so I think it is a nervous habit. My IG had issues with allergies and it showed on his paws, but this seems different with Demps. How would we find out if it is allergies? He just had full blood work done last week and the oncologist said everything looked great.


Could Dempsey be having an allergic reaction to something? Licking paws and legs sometimes is a sign of an allergy (any kind of allergy, meds, grass, pollen, etc) in dogs.


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poor Dempsey. I would guess it's just anxiety from all he has been through and it will pass in time. I don't know just a guess.



Pam with greys Avril, Dalton & Zeus & Diddy the dachshund & Miss Buzz the kitty

Devotion, Jingle Bells, Rocky, Hans, Harbor, Lennon, NoLa, Scooter, Naomi and Scout at the bridge

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In addition to the other suggestions given, I wonder if you could distract him with a frozen, filled kong. Now that he's got himself all irritated he's even more inclined to lick his self made booboos. Just a thought.

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Guest LindsaySF

Right now I would wash his paws and then spray them with an anti-itch spray. That should bring the inflammation down a bit, and make them a little less raw. Then you just have to keep him from licking them again. When they get moist (especially between the toes), bacteria and yeast have a chance to grow, and they just get itchier and itchier.


I agree with a muzzle with a stool guard for when you aren't there to stop him from licking. You can get them from this site or from here. (A muzzle with a stool guard really helped Spencer's wound to heal. :))


When you are there, try a kong or a nice bone to distract him.





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Guest BleusysMom

I would suggest "ATROPINE EYE DROPS"...you must get them from the vet....OK...WAIT....Let me explain...


ATROPINE EYE DROPS taste HORRIBLE!!!!!! Most dogs (99.9%) hate the taste!!!!!


I delt with a Lick induced sore on my Bleu's leg for 5 months....used shirts, bandages, bitters...you name it, I tried All suggestions from the vet.....finally she said.....ATROPINE EYE DROPS....I said, Yea...He will like them....BUT....No...she spread a couple of drops IN and AROUND the leg wound, then touched his gums....Bleu frothed at the mouth for 5 minutes!!!!! (the drops are Eye Drops-so they CAN be used IN & Around any sore..... And they last up to 48 hours!!!!


I have always kept that tiny Red Toppped Bottle in my Vet Kit....and when Bleu saw the tiny bottle come out......He KNEW his licking of that new BooBoo was OVER!!!!!


Best of LUCK....and Fast HEALING Thoughts....

Edited by BleusysMom
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Guest HeatherDemps

He is not on any pain meds- the oncologist had me stop them last Tuesday. He doesn't seem to be in any pain at all. He has always liked PB in the kong, so that is something we can also try.


Is he getting enough pain meds? Possible he is hurting and resorting to past behaviors for comfort(?)


What about a kong? Interested in it at all?



Thanks for this suggestion- we go in for blood tests on Tuesday so I will ask the vet about these. Are they expensive?


I would suggest "ATROPINE EYE DROPS"...you must get them from the vet....OK...WAIT....Let me explain...


ATROPINE EYE DROPS taste HORRIBLE!!!!!! Most dogs (99.9%) hate the taste!!!!!


I delt with a Lick induced sore on my Bleu's leg for 5 months....used shirts, bandages, bitters...you name it, I tried All suggestions from the vet.....finally she said.....ATROPINE EYE DROPS....I said, Yea...He will like them....BUT....No...she spread a couple of drops IN and AROUND the leg wound, then touched his gums....Bleu frothed at the mouth for 5 minutes!!!!! (the drops are Eye Drops-so they CAN be used IN & Around any sore..... And they last up to 48 hours!!!!


I have always kept that tiny Red Toppped Bottle in my Vet Kit....and when Bleu saw the tiny bottle come out......He KNEW his licking of that new BooBoo was OVER!!!!!


Best of LUCK....and Fast HEALING Thoughts....

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Guest BleusysMom




Cost is only about $6.00 for a small bottle that will last Months to Years!!! Only a drop or two can be spread over a Large area, and rubbed in the fur....and, as noted, will last 48-72 hours with the Horrible taste!!!!!


Good Luck.......

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