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Peeing Blood?

Guest Kpparker

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Guest Kpparker

Hey guys,

Bia hoo hoo is peeing blood (I think). Normally Bia pees once/sometimes twice when we go out. But this morning she peed 4 times. On the 2nd pee I noticed her pee looked off and Im pretty sure there is blood in her urine. I looked at her hoo hoo, and there is a tiny little thing that looks like a blood blister on it, anyone know what that could be?

We've got a vet visit this afternoon to have her checked out, but just wondering if anyone has any suggestions in the meantime?


We just changed foods, could this be related? Her poop on the new food is not too bad.





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Sounds like she may have a UTI or infection in that area. Get her to a vet to get checked out.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Guest HeatherDemps

Not sure about the the blister, but sounds like an infection. My dogs have not had this problem, but my cat started peeing blood once (I didn't notice until he did it on the dog bed right in front of me!) and he had crystals in his urine.


I'd get her to the vet and get it checked out. I know from my own experience, UTIs are darn uncomfortable!

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Guest SoulsMom

Archie (non-grey) had blood in his urine a few years ago. I thought, simple infection. Not so . . . .after an ultrasound they found tumors in his bladder. They gave him a death sentance. Said he had six monthes at best, even with surgery. After many 2nd opinions, and a $2000 surgery it turned out to be polyps caused by bladder stones. And the grumpy old man is still with me today :) They put him on UD, but after thinking about it I believe the stones formed because of a time when I had to go out of town he wouldn't let the pet sitter take him out. He held his pee for almost 36 hours. I'm almost positive this is what caused his stones.


But yours sounds like a UTI, given that she wanted to "go" so many times . . . .

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Guest DeweytheGreyt

Roxie gets urine in her blood after a long romp at the dog park. Something about running that hard, disturbs her kidney's. We had her checked at the vet immediately and all was fine, we just have to be careful about how long and hard we let her run.

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Guest dmboynt

My bridge boy Andy started having accidents in the house, and then I noticed red in the snow when he peed. Took him to the vets, and found out he had a uti. He put him on antibiotics and he was fine.

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Guest Kpparker

We're back from the vet. The vet did an x-ray to make sure she didnt have a kidney stone - no kidney stone (yay!) so she is on antibiotics to help clear up the infection. Poor baby had to be mildly sedated for the x-ray and she was so out of it afterwards but she is feeling better now.

However, he said her colon wall lining looks irritated and she has yet to have a solid poop since we got her. He wants her (and Tavi who seems to have an allergic reaction to something he was eating - has a rash on his belly - have medication for that as well) to go on a hypo-allergenic thread. Im going to post on food and diet talk to see if anyone has suggestions.



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I hope she is feeling better soon.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest Kpparker
Prayers for your little sweetie.


Thanks :)

She's okay, back to her happy go lucky self this morning. We've got lots of medication to help with the belly troubles and her infection. Waiting for the urine/blood test results but I think everything will be okay.

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