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New Member From Uk - Panting Greyhound - Any Advice

Guest lilypop

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Guest lilypop

Hi, Im a new member from the UK and have been reading the posts with interest , its great to see so many greyhound owners and im hoping perhaps one of you has experienced similar stuff to me so I could get some advice. I have a 10 year old greyhound and last year in Feb 07, she has a stroke, previous to that all in good health. I got her to my local vets where she fitted twice whilst there. Anyhow she has recovered and apart from weakness in her front right leg she is good. Just before christmas she started weeing her self and eventually started this constant panting. On Monday i took her to vets who said weeing was prob old age. He checked her all over and took blood. The blood hasnt really showed anything too conclusive and therefore as she s tender around her kidneys etc he has given her a course of antibotics which end tomorrow. Only prob is she is still panting, not all the time mainly starts in afternoon and evening and its constant. She also drinks more than normal but again only in afternoon and evening. She appears eventually to sleep ok, and in the morn she seems ok. Her breathing is fairly quick compared to my other younger greyhound so i guessing that old age may be a big factor. She is 11 in May. Any advice would be gratefully received. . thanks debbie

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You may want to ask your vet to check for Cushing's syndrome....the panting and the peeing are both symptoms of this. Sending best wishes to you and your elderly lady.

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Guest TinasTroops

Could there also be an anxiety as well for her during those times of day?


I also see you had a blood test done but has a Urine sample been taken and tested?

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Hi there and welcome, i`m no expert but could the panting be age related. our previous dogs both panted a lot in their latter years,more so when they got anxious. kind thoughts and good luck.


is she weeing her bed ? mabe her liver needs checking. one of our previous dogs had a liver problem and used to wet her bed.

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Guest jurishound

Welcome to GT - wish it were under better circumstances! I think one of the reasons there haven't been a lot of answers is that panting can be related to so many things. I have come to believe that it may very well be associated with pain, so I think it is advisable to seek further diagnostics. Good luck to you both.

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Ten and a half is a bit young for age-related panting with no cause.


Panting can be pain, discomfort, anxiety, metabolic disorders or infection. Panting in an old dog can also be down to heart problems. If your vet has no clue why she's doing all this, to be honest, I'd go for a second opinion.


I have a twelve and a half year old who does pant more than he used to after exercise, and he had begun to pant and be restless in the evenings. We determined it to be acid stomach as a side effect to the Metacam he is on for arthritic pain, so he's now on acid-reducers for that. We have to watch and adjust his meds according to his needs, and some days he hardly pants at all, others he's like a steam train. When he's bad, I give him natural yoghurt, or a small bowl of instant mashed potato with a little grated cheese in it for flavour. This seems to settle him.


If you try the yoghurt or potato and she seems easier, you'll need to find out WHY her stomach is uncomfortable in the first place .. but I'd strongly suggest that you get her checked out more thoroughly anyway.


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Welcome to Greytalk. :)


The panting can be a sign of pain and/or of stress, extra water drinking can be from a stomach that is upset or acidic or nauseous which would also cause stress. There are so many possibilities including the heart. Has the veterinarian suggest x-ray or ultrasound of the kidneys/abdomen?

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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