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Worst E-vet Experience...

Guest shelbygirl07

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Guest shelbygirl07

Angell Memorial saved my Louie's life. I love them but...


I'm not too fond of Tufts and here is why... This happened in June of 2007


My foster got sick with a bacterial infection in his colon from eating poop (no one knew this at the time). I did not know that he was eating poop because we had a fenced in yard at the time so when he was finished with his business, he would just run up to the back door and wait to be let in. One day, i noticed that i could see his ribs but it wasn't like that a few days before that because i had bathed him. I took him to my regular vet (whom i am friends with out side of her vet job and the one who eventually adopted my foster) she was concerned because his blood work showed an elevated Crit, they ultra-sounded & xrayed his abdomen and they couldn't find anything wrong with him. Since they would have to send out for more advanced blood work they didn't think i should wait 3 days for the results. They told me to take him to tufts (with the transfer form that had EXACTLY what we needed to have done written on it) and have them run the blood work since they have a full lab there. SO i take him there and this is what happened:

1. ) THEY loose the paperwork and his xrays/ultrasound pics (basically the whole damn envelope i handed over to them) and they tried to tell me that i didn't give it to them. They called me 8 hours after i left to tell me this and seeing as though it is a teaching hospital, i had to go back down there at 2 am to explain everything to the new vet on duty. I had to do this for a total of 4 times over the course of 6 days....


2. ) They lost my dog. They took him to ICU but didn't tag the cage or put a paper collar on him (similar to the hospital id bracelets for humans) I get a call saying they can't find Toby......... WTH, how do you lose a dog???? I hit the roof when they called about this one...


3. ) They did tests that would take 4 days to return (some bacterial culture) but wouldn't tell me anything over the phone as to why they wouldn't give me an update over the phone. i later found out it was because they lost my deathly ill dog.


4.) because they lost the paperwork and couldn't find my dog, the 3rd doctor i talked to and explained everything to called my regular vet and accused me of INTENTIONALLY STARVING my dog to near death and told them i neglected to give them the paperwork that the vet sent me down there with.


So i get a call from Alma (my vet) who tells me that this was happening. Now she told the doc at tufts that it was crap and she knows me so well that i would NEVER do anything to intentionally harm an animal. She told them about my numerous rescues and fosters and how i will take in any animal that needs a home. I've had squirrels, wild rabbits, ferrets (found him wandering the street), wild birds (raised a duck in my bathtub when i was 18), Louie, Noey, Missy and now Shelby.....

It was ludicrous what they were saying about me so she got pissed and hung up on them and called me right away...


Now within 30 minutes, word spread throughout the vet hospital (everyone knows me there, especially since my MOTHER runs the front office)... imaging getting that call from your mom??


So they finally get the results back (and they finally was able to locate where they put my dog) and they find out it's a bacterial infection in his colon........ Do you think they called my vet and apologized to them for accusing me or call them to tell them that they were wrong and it wasn't neglect/abuse??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO they didn't....

I get a call from doctor #5 who tells me that i can come pick my dog up anytime.

I get to the hospital and demand to see a supervisor regarding the call to my vet's office. They told me no one was available and to come back the following day at 9 am. I said fine. I took my dog home. I went back the next day at 9am and they told me the same thing "no one is available, they are all teaching classes right now". So i hit the roof and said to the receptionist "you will be hearing from my lawyer. I am suing the hospital for slander" and i stormed out.


I wrote them a letter stating that i wanted a written letter of apology sent to me and the hospital, regarding slandering and almost killing my dog by losing him. by the time they found him, he lost more weight since he was lost for 2 days. When i brought him in, he was 12 pounds. He should be 18 pounds. According to his records, they weighed him in when they "found him" and he weighed 9 pounds. So he could have died because of their negligence.


Oh yea, you bet your bottoms that they sent those letters. They didn't want to face a lawsuit because i would have won. I had a whole hospital full of witnesses.. They have stopped referring people to tufts because of this incompetence. They stick with Angell more.



So how many of you guys have had an episode like this when they should be saving lives, not making them hell?

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That sounds AWFUL!!!! :angryfire I am so sorry you had to go through all that. :grouphug

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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I can't begin to imagine. :grouphug Would they not allow you to look for your babe?

Edited by patricia


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest RosiesMom

That is horrible!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: How can they "lose" a dog in a place where everybody has a cage and a chart??? Even worse that it should come back on you when you are worried and upset about the family member you have entrusted to their care. :angryfire I know sometimes "things happen" but it is never easy when it happens to you and the fuzzy guys you love.


Hugs to you and to your little guy. I am glad they wrote the letters, at the very least, but mostly glad that he is feeling better.

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I've stopped going to teaching hospitals when Diamond broke her ribs and they xrayed the WRONG side! There was a DENT the size of a baseball in her side for cripes sake. Unfortunately the only time a real vet sees your dog is when it's a really interesting case that they can teach about.



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Guest midgie1007

An e-vet almost killed one of my girls earlier this year. If my dog gets hit right at their front door, I'll drive across town.


IMO, most of them are horrible...and I've heard similar stories across the board.

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OMG!! What a terrible story!!!! :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire I am shocked. I understand your anger, I would have been livid too. And you shouldn't have needed to kick up a fuss to get an apology. It's absolutely disgraceful.


I had a crummy experience at the e-vet's once - but NOWHERE near what you went through. I was just put off by comments that appeared to be really insensitive. Merlin hurt his tail and it split open - blood everywhere. Poor baby. We rushed to the e-vet (which was a new place, they had just opened recently) and waited forever. We could hear Merlin in the back crying in his cage :cry1 :cry1 and I was flipping out with worry, because he also has SA (and at the time his symptoms were much worse, so being in a strange place without us must have scared him). When we finally saw the vet, she told us he would need stitches and said in a (I swear I was not just being over-sensitive because of the worry) distinctly unimpressed tone, "Well he is not helping himself because every time someone walks by his enclosure he wags his tail and bleeds some more" - Merlin is a very friendly pup - "and we just painted these walls!" She didn't say this with a laugh or a smirk or anything like that - she was scowling. I was so taken aback I just gaped with my mouth open. Couldn't believe she would be so utterly insensitive when I was already so worried. I felt like saying, "well maybe you can pay someone to paint your walls again with the exorbitant fee you're charging me tonight". <_< It just kinda left a bas taste in my mouth.


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest luckydog
... Unfortunately the only time a real vet sees your dog is when it's a really interesting case that they can teach about.


That was not my experience at the Kansas State University Vet School. Typically a vet student (or two) would 'work up' the visit, and then the student would present the case to the professor/vet, who would either agree with their findings or not. Yes, if I brought in my dog with something unusual, there would be a larger audience for a teachable moment, but there would always be a 'real' vet present at some point during the appointment.


However, I am glad that Shelbygirl followed thru with Tufts with your complaint and that they responded. Too often we b*itch about things but never hold those responsible accountable. She did, and I hope the Tufts Vet school did the learning in this matter.

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Guest shelbygirl07

the letter they sent to my regular vet was different than the one they sent to me. I read the one from the school administrator to the vet hospital. They didn't really apologize for the accusations, they apologized for " jumping the gun and losing the paperwork and films".

the administrator wrote me and sent it registered to make sure that I got it in the 30 day time limit I gave them.

my lawyer was copied on my letter to the admin so he was foaming at the mouth hoping they wouldn't send the apology. The fact that they almost killed toby because they misplaced him and that they tried to ruin my reputation with one of my business partners ( the vet refers out dogsitting to me), which IS slander, I did have one heck of a lawsuit.

So then they send me a bill 2 weeks after I get my dog back demanding I pay an additional $100 for a set of xrays they took to replace the ones they lost. I went down there and laid into them... They removed it off the bill and I got the letter a week after.

Jerks they were very lucky I am not one to sue...I would have tho

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Guest nerak254

I didn't have a problem at the e-vet, I had a problem with an emergency visit to the U of MN. I took Jessica in one night because there had been massive hemorrhaging in her mouth. First they told me it wasn't an emergency, excuse me, my kitchen looked like something from Chain Saw Massacre. Then I was seen by a vet from China, no problem with that except she didn't tell me how to use or where to put some herbal stuff that she said would stop bleeding. So now it's 1:30 am and we're done. I left home so fast that I didn't bring my purse. They made me leave her there! After they told me I couldn't have her, I was told that I would be charged hourly until I came back to get her. :blink: I had steam coming out of my ears too and wrote the same kind of letter to them..never heard a word.

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Guest HeatherDemps

Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about all these rotten experiences. It's especially awful because it's during a time where you're already upset about your dog. Hearing all of these situations, I realize that we've been really lucky. I've had Dempsey to the e-vet 3 times and my cat once, and (knock on wood!) we have not had any bad experiences. I've now had Dempsey down to U of I twice- first for pannus and now for bone lesion- and each time everyone was wonderful. Yesterday, the 4th year student we started with was very professional and knew what she was doing and the oncologist overseeing everything was fabulous, especially when complications come up. I would be hysterical and enraged though had my dog been "misplaced" or had I been accused of something foul like intentionally hurting him.


So, NO, I would never go back to a place like that given your situation! :angryfire




PS- At U of I, they put a collar on Dempsey that had his name, our last name, and his ID # to keep track of him and ensure he was the right dog. They said sometimes they'll get several labs or rotties in at once and it could get confusing otherwise!

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Guest VelvetEars

where was the dog when they finally found him?


ETA --- I no longer use the Emergency Animal Clinic here. Found another vet hospital that's open until 2a (only closed between 2a-6a). Will only take a pet to the EAC if they're already dead after what they did to my Jane.


But Jane did have a marvelous experience at the vet school at the University of MO (Mizzou). They were wonderful.

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Guest houndlover

Wow. That is horrible! I had not heard anything bad about Tufts but we don't use them very much b/c it is a little out of our way. I would not go back there if I were you. How can you trust someone after they lose your dog and put you through all of that unnecessary drama? I am so glad that your pup is okay now though.

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Guest shelbygirl07

There were 2 dachshunds that were black and tan. They had both listed as the same dog by the same owner. The other dog was there for observation due to seizures and partial paralysis. They are damned lucky they didn't end up giving him seizure meds because he could have died. On my 4th trip down to tufts to explain toby's story to yet another vet wannabe, I brought his picture down there as an I'd. According to the letter to my vet, they had a confused intern who took both of the dogs in for admission within 2 hours of eachother so because they had no paperwork due to losing it, she assumed he was the other dog. I demanded that they bring him out to show me the dog because I would know my own dog. He looked so bad my anger turned to tears and I was torn between taking him home and having him die or leave them there for them to either kill him or help him. He went 2 days without even an i.v.

I was scared and couldnt sleep because I was beating myself up for leaving him there.

worst thing is they wouldn't give me any info on the phone or even tell me why they wouldn't tell me anything over the phone. They would only say " we need to discuss this in person". I learned why after they called my vet. It was because they were sooooooo sure it was an Abuse case. They never once said that directly to me, they told everyone else. That is why it is slander.

I hate that place.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I will never go to the emergency clinic where we lost Iberia. It is not so much that they provided inadequate care, because I have finally come to terms that he could not have been saved no matter what; it is just seeing the place brings me to tears. The only real complaint I have against them was their coldness and impersonal nature. I used to drive several blocks out of my way to avoid even having to drive by there. We have more options now as far as emergency care then we did back then, so I will never have to set foot in that place again.

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Wow, my story pales in comparison to the OP, but here it is:


Almost two years ago, in March, Manero cut his foot outside. I can't be sure what it was, but it was either ice, or a nail sticking up out of the deck. I heard a yelp, and went outside to check. I assumed it was Cooper, as he is always hurting himself, but Manero came to me with blood all over his foot.


I rinsed his foot with saline, wrapped it tightly with gauze and vet wrap, and let him rest for an hour, hoping the bleeding would stop. When I unwrapped the foot later, it spurted - obviously an arterial injury.


So, off to the nearest vet office (our usual vet is a 45 minute drive). Vet took a look at him, and informed me that he'd need surgery, for the damaged artery. She told me that she is not a surgeon, but called the surgeon to come in early. He has appointments starting at 3:00 (it is now a little after 2, and the injury occured about 1 pm). Fine. They stuck Manero in a cage, where he began to panic - I could see him if I chose, since he was in a room with windows to the public area. He was panting like a feight train, and his eyes were as wide as dinner plates.


I called DH, to let him know, then called Manero's breeder, a former vet tech, whose hubby is a vet. She told me what I already knew - this is unacceptable. Take him home, and tell them to call when they are ready for him.


I went back in, and asked about the surgeon's status at the desk - got the same story - he's on his way. It's now almost 3 pm. Fine, said I, give me my dog back, so I can take him somewhere that cares! They balked, but I did not back down. I wanted my dog to be cared for!


So, they gave him back, and I got him into my truck. As I pulled out of the parking spot, a friend (and vet tech at this clinic) pulled into the lot. She stopped me, and asked what was up. I told her, then added that I was on my way to a different vet clinic - that a mutual friend owns. SHe told me she'd ca;; ahead.


When I got to the second vet, our friend was waiting for me at the front desk. He ushered me right into an exam room, and got a different vet to take a look (it was actually his day off, God bless him!). She confimed Manero needed surgery, and referred us to the e-vet near our usual vet. ARGH!


So, off I went. Got him there, and got a question about why he is unneutered. Then that was follwed up by "We should do a clotting test, if he's never had a surgery" I said no - he's got a severed artery, it's not going to stop bleeding easily. He has two neutered litter-brothers, a spayed litter-sister, and his mother was delivered c-section. If he has a clotting disorder, it would have likely shown up in someone else.


So, I had to leave him. I told them, he panics when left without someone he knows in an unfamiliar place. I don't care if it's midnight, call me when he's ready to come home, and I will be on my way.


We got a call about 6pm. He was out of surgery, but there was an issue. He thrashed as he was coming out of anesthesia, and threw himself off the table! I couldn't say anything - such negligence! I was shocked! Why do you let a large dog wake up on the table, rather than the floor?! And if you do, why don't you have enough people there to keep him on the table, should he wake up roughly?!


Anyway, about 10 pm, we got the call that he was ready to come home. We went to get him, and he had had diarrhea in his run. There was blood in it. The vet wanted to do the clotting test again. I said no - he does this when he gets nervous. It's who he is! I got a dirty look, but she said nothing (good move, lady). Then I noticed that they had hacked the HECK out of his front leg for the IV. The feathering on the back was gone in about a 2" strip! I was PISSED, because I had told them not to cut more than they needed to. I guess I am just a paranoid dog show person who wants everything her way...


Then when we got home, I unwrapped his tail, that they had wrapped in vet wrap - fine, there is a lot of long hair on his tail, that I'm sure got in the way. The wrap and his tail had diarrhea all over them! Thanks, staff! After I got it unwrapped, I realized that they had also trimmed the hair on his tail! WHY did they need to do this?!?! The injury was on his foot, for God's sake! I should have called, and written a letter, but I didn't. If something like this happens again, though, you can bet that I will at least stay at the hospital, and demand to be with the dog every second possible...

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest LeighandSam

Wow, I'm sorry to hear about these terrible experiences. I was so impressed by the emergency clinic when Samantha was attacked by a GSD at her babysitters (she no longer goes to a babysitter). She needed 22 stitches and the sitter rushed her to the closest vet. The vet did the surgery and we transported her to the e-vet. They came out to the car immediately with a stretcher. The people there were so caring and professional. Sam was there for two days and they let me come back to visit her a few times. Every time there was a shift change (every 8 hours) the new vet on duty called me with an update. The attack was such a terrible experience, I was so thankful that they were so helpful.

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