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Sugar Had Her Second Adequan Injection Yesterday

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The first one seemed to help, so we went for a second one and wow! She has really improved! She was stretching this morning, and has been doing abreviated zoomies in the back yard :eek I know it doesn't work for everyone, and I was prepared for that, but I am so glad it is helping her :yay

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It's good stuff, isn't it!?


If she's a tractable patient, ask the vet or tech to instruct you on giving the injections at home. It'll save you travel time and her stress (and possibly you some money). An IM injection is very easy, but you may need a second person to hold the dog (or else have a lot of practice at holding and being quick).



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OH that is awesome news!


I'm so happy to hear that the treatment is working!

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Guest charmsmom

If it's a Sub-Q injection, it's pretty easy, too. I've never done IM, but if you have to go frequently, it will save you a LOT of money in the long run to do it yourself. You could also probably get your rescue group to help you if you're nervous. Either way, you'd save a ton of money not having to pay for an office visit each time.

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Adequan is an IM injection (a tractable dog is easy... "headlock" left arm, jab right hand. At home, when they're not suspecting it, it's over with before they even know what happened).



Edited by LynnM
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Sugar has arthritis which has gotten very bad in the last 4-5 months, and at 12, her back end is weak. She is on pain meds, but acupuncture and now adequan have made a huge difference!


I could probably give her the shot myself, but if that's all we are in for, I don't get charged for a visit, just the shot. I love my vet :)

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We started Lucy on these about 4 months ago. She's 11(12 in March) and also has been having issues with arthritis in her hips and weak back end. I wanted to give the Adequan a shot before we looked at daily pain meds for her.


We've been really pleased with the results as well. I can get about 5 weeks between shots since the induction period. I can see a real difference in her from earlier this summer. Now that we've got the Adequan routine down I want to get her started on accupuncture as well after the 1st of the year...I'm hoping we can keep her off the pain meds for at least another year or two.



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