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Welcome Home, Peatie

Guest orchidman

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Guest VelvetEars

I'm glad he's home, and I'm glad he and your grandma are keeping each other company until your journey there. I have no doubt that my Porsche is with my grandma, curled up next to her somewhere basking in the love and all the sweets that grandma makes. (Porsche had such a sweet tooth.)

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Guest TriciasZoo

Guys, I'm not taking this too well right now. I thought the days would get easier, filled with the ferrets and hounds and other critters. Sam is helping me heal, but at the same time I feel like it's getting worse. Perhaps it's Christmas coming that's doing it. I want my boy back, so much. I'd do anything to have that. I know I can't, but it doesn't stop the wanting. :weep

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Guest DoofBert
Guys, I'm not taking this too well right now. I thought the days would get easier, filled with the ferrets and hounds and other critters. Sam is helping me heal, but at the same time I feel like it's getting worse. Perhaps it's Christmas coming that's doing it. I want my boy back, so much. I'd do anything to have that. I know I can't, but it doesn't stop the wanting. :weep



I know exactly how you feel....I miss Sir D every day. Some days are better than others. However, when I least expect it... I have a silly Sir D moment that let's me move forward.... Latest sillly Sir D moment....we finally downloaded some diggie photos from our vacation in June....there was Sir D, strong and bold, looking like a regular stud boy on the beach in Maine. I'll post the photo soon. But what's weird... DH doesn't even remember taking this photo.


Let your Peatie moments happen and we must hope our hearts will once again be filled with 100% joy!



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Guest VelvetEars

Trish, not a day goes by that I don't miss Porsche. It's not easy. In fact, it downright sucks. But Peatie is still with you, watching over you and Flippy and Bebe and Sam. You will always miss him. You'll always feel an ache in your heart. We love deeply, so we feel loss deeply. That's the caveat to opening your heart to a hound.


Many hugs....


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Thanks Meredith. Today is another day that has started out with tears as I wake up and realize Peatie's not next to me. :weep


He's there Trish, you just can't see his physical body. Your other babies need all of your heart. It's OK to begin to let go. Easier said than done, but Peatie won't mind.



Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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Guest TriciasZoo

Ducky, I can't let go though. Is there something wrong with me? It hasn't gotten ANY easier yet, in fact some days it's worse. I mean there's plenty of time in the day when I'm "ok" and loving on and playing with the pups. They're not getting forgotten, in fact they're probably getting more spoiled as the death of one has suddenly made me realize just how much these hounds mean to me, and I don't want to lose any of the good moments with the hounds I have. I've realized just how valuable and precious they are to me.

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Guest VelvetEars

Is it something worth talking to your doctor about? If it were a human you lost (and you did lose your grandma shortly thereafter), there would be no shame in going to the doc to see if there is a medication you could be on short-term to help you through this. Why not ask your doctor about options? Yes, you need to grieve, and come to terms with it in your own time and your own way, but if it's affecting your ability to function, then it might be worth getting a little help. There are even some meds (like Klonipin - sp?) that come in melt-in-your-mouth tablets to be taken 'as needed', rather than once/day. (I have Klonipin for the times when my daily lexapro isn't enough.)


And remember - if you need to talk, to cry, to share memories, you are always welcome to call me. I'll even cry with you.

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Guest PhillyPups
Guys, I'm not taking this too well right now. I thought the days would get easier, filled with the ferrets and hounds and other critters. Sam is helping me heal, but at the same time I feel like it's getting worse. Perhaps it's Christmas coming that's doing it. I want my boy back, so much. I'd do anything to have that. I know I can't, but it doesn't stop the wanting. :weep




I think this is very normal, not a day goes by that I don't think of my Runner and The Divine Ms. SugarBear, both of whom went to the bridge years ago (Runner almost 6 and Sugs almost 5) and now with the loss of The Queen, some days I just wanna wake up from this nightmare instead of life it. I want to rip my heart out ~ I have the boyz to keep me company, but I miss my Royal Whineyness Hineyess so much, I am waiting till I get to where I go an hour without falling apart ~ I think we all have to mourn in our own way and own time, and I know for me, my hounds get in my bones ~ I still walk in at night looking for The Queen, and cry that she is not there. :bighug to you ~ remember none of our hounds ever REPLACE one another ~ they just grab the empty space on the couch and get their own place in our hearts, and yes, they are ALL my heart dogs. My boys know I am off and take turns comforting me, does not make my love for them any less, I just know one of our family circle is gone, and the silence is killing me.



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Guest wolfieskitten

Dear Trish, I'm so sorry about Peatie. One of the reasons I don't read this particular forum that much because it gets me so down. I don't know if the missing ever stops. I DO know that Peatie was very, very special. I don't know why he touched me so very much but I just loved seeing pictures of him and hearing about him. I'm certain he is waiting for you and watching you every moment and will always be with you. I wish I could have the gift to know exactly what to say but I just don't so I've just spoken from my heart. Take care, Trish and know that you'll always have Peatie in your heart and the memories will be less painful in time.

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Guys, I'm not taking this too well right now. I thought the days would get easier, filled with the ferrets and hounds and other critters. Sam is helping me heal, but at the same time I feel like it's getting worse. Perhaps it's Christmas coming that's doing it. I want my boy back, so much. I'd do anything to have that. I know I can't, but it doesn't stop the wanting. :weep




I think what you are gonig thru is very normal. Thinking of my heart dog two years after he's passed can still put me in tears. I'll hear a song that reminds me of him, or remember a look, and my eyes will fill with tears and an ache will settle in my chest.


I beleive it gets worse before it gets better.


My thoughts are with you.



Edited by vsrenard

Missing Zola, my hero and my heart; and Brin, my baby dog, my wisp of love.

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Guest TriciasZoo
Is it something worth talking to your doctor about? If it were a human you lost (and you did lose your grandma shortly thereafter), there would be no shame in going to the doc to see if there is a medication you could be on short-term to help you through this. Why not ask your doctor about options? Yes, you need to grieve, and come to terms with it in your own time and your own way, but if it's affecting your ability to function, then it might be worth getting a little help. There are even some meds (like Klonipin - sp?) that come in melt-in-your-mouth tablets to be taken 'as needed', rather than once/day. (I have Klonipin for the times when my daily lexapro isn't enough.)


And remember - if you need to talk, to cry, to share memories, you are always welcome to call me. I'll even cry with you.


I have Klonopin wafers, and I'm on Cymbalta. I have Valium for when the Klonopin isn't enough. But with benzos, they can actually add to the depression, so I'm trying to limit them as I can. I am taking meds to sleep though. That helps. My next appt with that doc isn't far off. I might need to switch anti-depressants.


Yes, you're right there were both losses, and I also just took my photography business full time, between my own studio and working with a friend and his studio. Me who swore I'd never do a wedding is doing weddings now. Scary. I haven't had a Bridezilla....yet. I'm sure this coming wedding season will bring me at least one. Oh joy. But they pay the bills, as does the portrait work I'm doing now, and it leaves me time to hone my art photography.


So a lot is changing, and then there's this thing called Christmas, and my step-daughter and her DH are coming, an I haven't met them yet.


Yea, I guess I have a reason to be off my rocker right now.


THANK YOU for being there.





Dear Trish, I'm so sorry about Peatie. One of the reasons I don't read this particular forum that much because it gets me so down. I don't know if the missing ever stops. I DO know that Peatie was very, very special. I don't know why he touched me so very much but I just loved seeing pictures of him and hearing about him. I'm certain he is waiting for you and watching you every moment and will always be with you. I wish I could have the gift to know exactly what to say but I just don't so I've just spoken from my heart. Take care, Trish and know that you'll always have Peatie in your heart and the memories will be less painful in time.

Thank you for telling me what Peatie meant to you, and how he's touched lives.


Guys, I'm not taking this too well right now. I thought the days would get easier, filled with the ferrets and hounds and other critters. Sam is helping me heal, but at the same time I feel like it's getting worse. Perhaps it's Christmas coming that's doing it. I want my boy back, so much. I'd do anything to have that. I know I can't, but it doesn't stop the wanting. :weep




I think this is very normal, not a day goes by that I don't think of my Runner and The Divine Ms. SugarBear, both of whom went to the bridge years ago (Runner almost 6 and Sugs almost 5) and now with the loss of The Queen, some days I just wanna wake up from this nightmare instead of life it. I want to rip my heart out ~ I have the boyz to keep me company, but I miss my Royal Whineyness Hineyess so much, I am waiting till I get to where I go an hour without falling apart ~ I think we all have to mourn in our own way and own time, and I know for me, my hounds get in my bones ~ I still walk in at night looking for The Queen, and cry that she is not there. :bighug to you ~ remember none of our hounds ever REPLACE one another ~ they just grab the empty space on the couch and get their own place in our hearts, and yes, they are ALL my heart dogs. My boys know I am off and take turns comforting me, does not make my love for them any less, I just know one of our family circle is gone, and the silence is killing me.


Thanks Pat. I cry for Barbie Jade too. All of your stories. Hearing her in the background while I was getting my Auntie Pat lectures. She'll always been in my heart too.

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