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9 Year Old Broodie Has Worms

Guest i_heart_greys

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Guest i_heart_greys

Well, I think they're worms - white worm looking things in her poop. YUCK! We got her about a week ago and her vet info says that she was wormed.


This may be a stupid question, but does this pose any risk to my other two greys or my cat? Can they pick up the parasite from her?


Is having worms an emergency? She has a vet appointment on the 20th. Should I book something sooner?



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Guest ThunderPaws

Sounds (and probably looks) like tape worms. Sometimes the wormer meds don't get them all and you have to worm them again a couple weeks later.

Make sure you pick up the poop so your dogs don't sniff it.

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Guest LittleGreys
It's not an emergency, but you should now deworm all of your pets. It is contagious. And make sure to pick up all poop too or they can reinfect themselves right away.


You shouldn't have to visit your vets, just pick up more wormer.

Sounds like tapeworms to me. If they are tapes, they are not contagious. The have to go through a host, usually fleas, rabbits, etc. If they are roundworms, they are "contagious", but I am suspecting tapes. I think all my fosters came with tapeworms.


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One of our boys had tapeworms (they did look like small pieces of white tape). We did not need to treat our other two.

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