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Huge Red Spot Down Inside Of Hind Leg

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Effie was running at the park on Friday, chasing Carmen. She fell behind (which is unlike Effie - she's competitive!) and stopped, and came back to where we were standing. She had no noticeable limp, but did not run for the rest of our time there by her choice. At night when we got home from work, she was very slow and mopey. She had a large slight red mark on the inside of her thigh, but no visible pain when I palpated it. She did put weight on it, but I could tell that she was limping slightly, and she was walking slow.


She woke up as happy as a clam on Saturday morning, and she's been acting fine since then, not favoring the leg, so this morning, I let her run again. She did not run much. However, when we got home, I could tell that she was hurting and when she laid down on the floor, I could see that her thigh and butt were very red, almost bruised and the area was larger and darker red than on Friday. I will try for a picture later. She's a white dog, so the red mark was very prominent. However, there was no swelling in the area at all. I palpated her down her spine and legs and nothing specific seems to be bothering her. Her appetite is OK, she ate most of her breakfast and a couple of saltines that she begged off of me. Could a pulled muscle cause bruising like this, or can you think of something that would?

Effie (Nadine's Effie), Carmen (PHX Downtown), & Benny (the chihuahua)

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She has a torn muscle. The more tearing the more bruising. If you have ever heard the term "dropped muscle" - that occurs when the tearing is severe enough for the muscle's position to actually "drop". This is a career ending injury for some racers. Sounds like your girl overextended a bit. There really isn't anything to do, just let it heal.




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One thing you might want to do tonite that will help is using an ice pack on the muscle. If there is a lot of swelling tomorrow (accumulation of fluids) I'd probably check with your vet to see if he wants to check her out. In severe injuries sometimes an injection of Adequan will help with inflammation and healing. While I doubt she has a major tear, it's good to be prepared in case it looks more serious tomorrow.


As far as restricting her running - I wouldn't let her run for a minimum of 2-3 weeks. I would start her back with walks before you let her run. For now, let her rest and heal.




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Guest greytmonty

If it looks like this




then Monty did the same thing at a playdate and it healed on its own. The ideas above are great ideas for helping your pup to heal.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest btiedt

I found this post while searching for what Milo's red spot is. This is the third time he has had this and today's injury is the worse. Probably so bad because of being less active over the winter. Milo is very sore and it is hard for him to lay down. Is there anything I can do for him? Can I give him baby aspirin? I know no Tylenol for dogs. He is 87 lbs. How many baby aspirin should he get?

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Baby aspirin probably isn't a good idea since there's bleeding under the skin. We gave Cullen tramadol when he had that. I know how painful that can be although his bleed from the tear was as big as my hand. :eek

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If the bulge is kind of back near her BUTT, then it's the same dropped muscle that George has.


I assume that's what ended his racing career, but it doesn't bother him at all as a pet. I should note he rarely has the opportunity to run, and even when give the chance, really doesn't. He does love long walks! It's a very obvious bulge in person, but you might not notice it if you didn't know what to look for.


I'd take her to the vet, personally, and have it checked. Why screw around? You don't want a chronic orthopedic issue, trust me!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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