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Jordan Not Looking Too Good!

Guest kaotic1

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Guest kaotic1

This morning Jordan was perfectly fine. Got up did her walk all as usual. Then i get a call from my Mom she did not eat her dinner and would not come downstairs when called. Right now she a little listless and panting ocassionally. I can't find anything painful anywhere. I don't see any signs of bloating(my biggest fear). She went on a short walk with my mom this afternoon and did a poo. Unless she has a complete turn around over night she is going to the vet tomorrow. Argh, I hate the wait, and wondering should i take her to the evet or not... my Mom did not think she needed an evet but I will be awake all night worrying probably.


Why can't she have some specific symptom i could worry about? Panting, not eating and listless could be ANYTHING.

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Awe, poor Jordan. :( Is she not with you? I am not sure I completely understand your situation. If she is, I would check her circulation (press on her gums) and check her hydration (pinch her skin) and take her temperature. If any of the above are bad I would take her to the evet. But if all seems pretty normal other than her being 'off' than it could maybe wait until morning. She sounds like she is in some sort of distress and possibly in pain (panting). Sending positive energy for your girl. Pls update when you can. :hope:goodluck

And for you --> :grouphug

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Hugs and prayers to you and Jordan.

Update when you can.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest kaotic1

Well it's the last hour befoer the vet opens. I am worried about her. I did check her gums last night and they are pink and she is not dehydrated but i haven't seen her drink more that a sip or too. Took her downstairs to potty and she was a little unsteady on her feet walking down the stairs had her really panting. She did go right out and pee. I am really worried this came on so fast witnin less than 8 hours.

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Guest kaotic1

OH no!! Not good news.... Took her to the vet. He said he had lung sounds and thought she had a fast moving pneumonia. I swear in the time we were in the waiting room her gums got paler. I aksed the vet and he said they didn't look too bad but then he came back and said i was right. Her tests showed that she has low hemoglobin and low platlets. There was a tiny nick on her leg i checked last night as part of my oh no what's wrong exam and it was scabbed over and fine. Today that scratch is oozing blood!! Her condition has changed overnight. So he says she may have a really fast moving infection... or an autoimmune disease... or cancer.


Does anyone have ANY ideas on her condition? Symptoms have been panting, not eating, pale gums(just this morning) now oozing blood?


I am sooo worried right now. He sent her blood out for a coombs(sp?) test?

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Oh dear. :( How scary! Did the vet put her on antibiotics? What is the mode of treatment right now?


I have no advice really....just wanted to send you a hug. :grouphug :grouphug

And positive thoughts for your girl. :hope:goodluck

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Guest SillyDog

tick born disease: things like Lyme's, Ehrlichia, Babesia....


You're vet should know about titer tests for these diseases.



Good luck & I hope she gets better!

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Guest greytmonty

Is your vet grey savvy?

I would get a copy of the labs so that if you need a consult ie with OSU you have them handy.

I am sorry, I hope Jordan gets well soon....

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