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To Neuter Or Not To Neuter, That Is The Question.

Guest Mags123

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Guest Mags123

Well, we were at the vets 1 week ago today for the snip and everything worked out just fine. I felt so guilty on that Friday night - he came home, had some scrambled eggs and then was in a virtual coma until about 8pm then he suddenly woke up and cried then eventually went back to sleep again. Was better the next day and he is now back to his usual happy go lucky self (like it never happened) and I'm glad we did it - I would have hated myself if we hadn't done it and he became ill with testicular cancer or such like in the years to come. Thanks again for all your encouragement - as soon as I work out how, I will post some pics of Tigger.

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Guest GreytfullDad

I think you made the right choice for you and your pup. May you both sharemany happy healthy years together.


As a side not thanks to Dr. Feeman for all the technical insight

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Guest Mags123

I think a lot of people were wondering why he didn't come to us neutered when normally this is the policy with all adoption agencies? Well..........................he came to see us for a 'home visit' one Saturday. If all went well he was due to move in 3 weeks later after having been neutered etc. Well, we sat nervously on Saturday morning, hoping that everything would go well, he would like us, our house and our garden, and that we could plan for his arrival 3 weeks later. He did come to visit and everything seemed so right that in the end he just, well, stayed! We gave the adoption agency a donation 2 weeks later when they came back for a check-up visit and they agreed to pay for him to be neutered (as this should have been done by the time he came to us). Anyway, I started wondering if I should put him through an operation etc etc and was being a bit of a wimp but am so glad now that it's done (and that he came to us early). It's so weird because it feels like he has always lived with us even though it's only been a few months. We have so much love for him and I am glad he is a happy boy.

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