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Economical Flea Prevention?

Guest jessicaksu125

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Guest jessicaksu125

I'm going to use frontline plus on Gigi for the next month or two, but I'm thinking about switching to something cheaper, as there's no tick worry in the winter.


Someone told me about Advantage Multi, which gives them both flea and heartworm prevention, so I'd save on Interceptor as well.


I'm ordering from Pet Edge later, so any suggestions would be helpful!



**Update** I just talked to my (new) vet's office who said no way to bio spot, so I deleted that line. They also said that it isn't necessary to give dogs heartworm pills in the winter if you live in cold states like Maine. Didn't know that!


I started seeing a new vet and really like him!

Edited by jessicaksu125
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I live in Northern IL - our vet highly recommends giving heartworm meds year round - but I think it has more to do with the fact that most people remember to give them better when they do it every single month.


As for flea control, the Frontline Plus covers you for approximately 3 months on the flea front. I usually don't treat the boys until September (when we go to the annual picnic which is at a big farm), this cuts costs significantly. But we don't have a big flea problem here either. (My parents house is another story - we were there this weekend and with all the time the boys spent laying in the grass they picked up a few hitchhikers - so they were frontlined early!).


Frontline is the only flea medication that our group recommends. Maybe others will have better suggestions for cheaper meds (because it IS expensive).

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**Update** I just talked to my (new) vet's office who said no way to bio spot, so I deleted that line. They also said that it isn't necessary to give dogs heartworm pills in the winter if you live in cold states like Maine. Didn't know that!


While generally true, note that some heartworm meds are effective on certain types of worms. Specifically, while also controlling heartworm disease, it also controls "roundworms, hookworms and whipworms in dogs." (According to Novartis, the manufacturer.)


May or may not be a consideration, depending upon whether you have hounds coming and going. :)

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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I don't treat for fleas/ticks at all unless I see one. I have never seen a tick on any of my dogs and the last time any of them had fleas was 5 yrs ago when my cat tore out a screen window and was coming and going from it and brought fleas in. My vet also feels that HW preventation isn't necessary from Nov-April.

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We only use Frontline but buy the topspot which is cheaper than the plus. It has one less ingredient and I feel this is safer if it is not necessary. We also only treat every 3 months instead of monthly. We never have fleas or ticks even though our area in Indiana is infested.

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Guest longdogs

I would drop the flea treatment unless there's a high probability of picking up fleas. If you see, or suspect, fleas try Capstar as a first line of defence. Move onto Advantage if they keep coming back. Buying seperate heartworm and 'other worm' treatments is usually cheaper than using combined products, and often more effective. Cheaper still if you go for good generics rather than a 'brand name'.

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Guest jessicaksu125

Thanks all. Don't know about the worry of fleas here but the worry about ticks is huge, especially since some of our warm weather walks are wooded. I had her vaccinated for Lyme for that reason.


I think I'm going to just apply the flea and heartworm treatment every 3 months in the winter, a dose in October and a dose in January, a dose in March and a dose when the weather starts to warm up. I just ordered a 3-month dose of Frontline Plus, not sure if I'm going to stick to that or maybe I will order some Advantage.



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Adam's Shampoo is the most economical flea/tick medication that is effective w\hen used as directed. It's also the most labor intensive. Since you're in Maine, your needs are probably nothing like mine, so I can't comment on what's best for the overall flea/tick/intestinal parasite/heartworm protocol.



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Guest longdogs
think I'm going to just apply the flea and heartworm treatment every 3 months in the winter

I would seek advice from your vet or check the heartworm info on the web for your area. It's pointless giving heartworm preventative at the wrong intervals because it may give no protection at all. Either you don't need it at all, or maybe not for certain winter months, or you should give it at the recommended frequency and dosage. If ticks are are real a problem you can get grey-safe tick collars. I wouldn't abandon your supply of Frontline Plus to change to Advantage unless the Frontline doesn't work. Generally it works well but there have been a few failures, also some fake versions in circulation, which may not be unrelated.

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