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Older Grey's Back Legs Temporarily "gave Out"

Guest fastdog

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Guest fastdog

Wednesday night, our 9 year old's back legs, for lack of a better description, gave out. She was coming in from the backyard, and by the time she got to the door, she couldn't hold her back legs up, and her front legs were shaky too.


We got her to a bed, and she was able to lay down. She wasn't wimpering, and didn't seem tender to the touch. I made sure she could see (my highly technical method of doing this was to wave a biscuit around and see if she would follow me), and that was fine. But she did not want to get up. Later in the evening she did go outside, but was a little wobbly, and wanted to lie down immediately after coming inside. Appetite good (it'd have to be the apocalypse for her not to eat, though), and she was drinking okay.


We called the vet the next morning. She was better (her gait seemed a little "off", but not really a pronounced difference) by then, so they said to keep an eye on her, and keep her rested, no running, and avoid stairs.


She does seem to be better, though not 100%.


We'd noticed that when she's been outside with us lately, if she's out for more than a few minutes and not running, she'll sit down. I recently ordered some Missing Link Glucosamine supplement to help with her aging joints.


So, my question is: Has this ever happened to you? Did it happen repeatedly? Any feedback would be appreciated.





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has she been to the vet recently for a physical check up? The reason I ask is because at age 10 I noticed my Kiowa slowing down a lot and seeming more tired than he should. A mere romp around the yard and he was winded and seemed to have trouble getting back up the steps to the house. A vet check showed a heart murmur and the vet put him on Enalapril and within a cpl wks there was a marked difference. He resumed running laps and now at age 12 he is still going strong for an old man.

For achy joints I have been giving him the glucsomine and MSM supplements from the Greyhound Gang http://www.greyhoundgang.org/ I started him on them when he got about 9 (and before he seemed achy or stiff) and he still has no problems jumping in/out of my truck and onto my bed.

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All of my boys are 10-11 and at some point or another it seems something similar has happened to them although maybe not quite as noticeable. One has some mild back problems, one has hip/knee problems, and the other has some overall arthritis. Hopefully your girl will be feeling 100% again soon.

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She is still pretty young at 9. :) I would go ahead and make an appointment for a complete exam with manipulation, and both a senior blood panel and urinalysis.

Supplements that I have given all my greyhounds are Fresh Factors and Joint Health from Springtime.

Fresh Factors

Joint Health


Missing Link is a good product but doesn't have enough glucosamine to make much difference, it does make their coat really soft though. Go slow with the Missing Link to start with or it can cause a really loose stool.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest couchpotato

As of late, we have noticed very similar symptoms this with our 11 year old.


Very winded after little activity, and occasionally (but rarely) his back legs will give out for a brief moment.

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Hi :) We've had a couple of 'serious' episodes of a similar sounding thing with Sally (now thirteen and a half but the first episode was when she was twelve). During the last one (July) we really thought we were heading for The Decision but once again, she rallied. We also get lesser episodes which just last for a day or a few hours where she is not unable to use her legs but they are rather wobbly.

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


Please visit our web store at http://www.dogsndubs.com for our own range of Greyhound related clothing for humans!

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Cody who is 11 started having problems with his back legs completely collapsing last September. We took him to a neurosurgeon outside Boston who did a full day of testing including an MRI which showed protruding discs. She ordered complete bed rest, walking only on his harness, and ramps which we were already using. We did this for two weeks and when we let him off restrictions, he started collapsing again and she was ready to operate. I asked about taking him for acupuncture or chiropractic adjustments and she gave me the name of a holistic vet who does this. He has been going for chiropractic back adjustments and supplements and has not had any more collapsing episodes. He also lost 20 pounds which was a help.



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Guest caiteag

You should look into Lumbosacral Stenosis. It is not uncommon in older greyhounds and could explain the symptoms you are describing.


Dr. Suzanne Stack's page is the best one out there on in (in my opinion).


LS Info

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Guest Winterwish

Great suggestions above,and definitely going with a visit to the vet is very important to have him or her take a look.


I just want to mention another thing that can happen sometimes is,if your grey has been getting less exercise then she had been before,this can be a reason for that to happen too.

My grey has not done well in the summer and heat this year. With this very,very humid summer here,there's no way he's been exercised the way he usually is,so he too has had a few episodes of this back legged weakness,and front legged shaking as you describe.

He's okay- we had seen the vet actually due to a slip on the stairs.

But he is okay,it's just that his activity level has been much less then it normally is due to his getting way too hot.


Now that fall is coming,I'll be gradually increasing the length of his walks,which is very good for him.

Maybe this could be a reason for your grey's back leg weakness. I hope so. But again,the vet visit is really important first.


Also,when he had surgery on his back leg,and had limitations in ambulation as prescribed,this also happened then too. Once we got back to real sustained walking,it subsided.

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At 15 years old Nevada's back end is not as stable as it use to be. She also has Cushings Disease & a thoracic/lumbar disc problem that also effects her back end. Getting old sucks.......... :(

Carol-Glendale, AZ

Trolley (Figsiza Trollyn)

Nevada 1992-2008...always in my heart

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Guest DorianGreyhound

It has not to my grey, but it did once to my Golden lady. It never did again. It was a Sunday night walking back from a long hard play day. She just gave out. She was a new, obese rescue. She is now pretty fit. I carried her to my van and she was fine when we got home and it never again has happened. I can only assume she was just over tired! She swims and walks several miles daily now.

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Guest fastdog

Thanks for all of the feedback, everyone! We called the vet's office yesterday morning with an update, and they said to give her a couple more days of rest, minimal stairs, no running and no walks.


She's definitely better, and today wanted to run (she seemed a bit cranky when I told her "no"), which I think is a good sign. Prior to this, we've been going for walks every morning, and she seemed to enjoy that, so hopefully we'll be able to ease into that again soon.


So, another night or so of sleeping downstairs...I've been sleeping on the couch downstairs so she doesn't have to spend the night alone. I'll be happy to sleep in my own bed again, too!



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Guest Winterwish
...So, another night or so of sleeping downstairs...I've been sleeping on the couch downstairs so she doesn't have to spend the night alone. I'll be happy to sleep in my own bed again, too!


That is really sweet! I hope your girl will be feeling better very soon.


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