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Compazine by mouth is sometimes used in place of Reglan but in severe nausea and vomiting sometimes a Reglan injection works better.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Compazine by mouth is sometimes used in place of Reglan but in severe nausea and vomiting sometimes a Reglan injection works better.


I am waiting to hear back from my vet, but reply may come after I have left work and well... i'd like to have a good idea before that.


and yes: For nausea from the chemo?

Edited by GreyWrangler


Nancy and

Grace - Andicot 2/1/07

Solo - Flying Han Solo 3/20/11

Missing: Murphy, Shine, Kim, Sprite, Red Dog, Lottie & Harry

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Guest RooRoo

No suggestions on the medication but just want to know we are thinking of Sprite and hope things went as best as could be expected on Saturday :(


:kiss2 from your pals Rizzo & Kiwi


ETA- Nancy I was thinking of you on Sat. too, wish you were there to be with me in the way back of the pack at Slocum's - whew ! :walk:lol

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Yes you can use Compazine orally in dogs to help with nausea... works pretty well actually. You'll need to discuss dosing with your vet though.



Bella and Sky at the bridge

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." -Anabele France


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vet got in contact with me.


Advised to use reglan (metoclopropamide) 5-10 mg. I did bring come of that home too, so that's what she got.


i had laid in a suply of fresh beef for her, as that was all she would eat after her surgery in May, but will sge eat that, OF COURSE NOT.


Canned chicken and canned chickenw/rice. Then if she is being really picky, Bacon. (no, not lots, just a piece or two)


Sigh. Seniors gotta love 'em.


Nancy and

Grace - Andicot 2/1/07

Solo - Flying Han Solo 3/20/11

Missing: Murphy, Shine, Kim, Sprite, Red Dog, Lottie & Harry

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