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3 Yrs. At The Bridge Today


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Bruiser, we miss you sooooo much! You were our first and you taught us a lot. Like never leave Taco Bell food under the seat of the car "where you can't get it" while we run into the store for just a minute. :lol Or that putting the loaf of bread on top of the fridge doesn't work if the tiniest piece of wrapper is showing, 'cuz you'd still get it. :lol


You let us know by going crazy in the car when we drove up to the open house at our first home that it was going to be ours. Didn't do that for the other 100's of houses we saw. And you sent us a sign from the bridge when we bought our new place last year. (the name "Bruiser" written in the basement).


You are in our thoughts constantly, and are the heart of some classic family tales. We will never forget you, big guy! Know that we will always love you.

Sara formerly on Greytalk as Mommyof3
Gone, but still part of our family and always in our hearts:
Bruiser Isa Comander To 6/23/91-11/20/03 Sandy NSK Special Up 10/19/89-6/13/04 Beau Bdk's Boo Boo 1/1/93-12/15/06 Cooney Lars Dbltakedean 11/1/93-1/23/07
Buddy 2/9/1997-11/16/09 Joe Elkhart Joe 11/7/99-12/2/10 Alex Streakin Diablo 4/17/02-4/1/11 Brother Hylife Brother 9/26/97-2/28/12

Comanche Gil's Comanche 6/7/2005-11/7/2015 Molly 4/8/2011-4/13/2018

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Wow, he knew & still does, what is rightfully his. He will always be in your heart, in fact if you could see inside, all your organs have Bruiser written on them with a pawprint beside his name.

I'm so sorry you had to let him go, but his mission here on earth was finished...to make you happy, smile & laugh! He made your life complete.

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