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Posts posted by FountainLady

  1. I'm with Mary Jane on trying the Bag Balm ... Doc came to me with multiple Corns on each foot (OUCH !) - two to three toes on each foot were affected. :sad1 I think the extent of his Corns was one reason that his adoption group had a hard time placing him in a home. Not too many people wanted to adopt a lame, Thunderphobic dog.


    Hulling each Corn and filling the holes left behind with Bag balm until they healed has worked wonders! I also massage Bag Balm into the pads from time to time. He is now almost corn free (has 1 teeny tiny one that is too small to hull, but doesn't bother him). This has been a year of true relief for him! He is sound enough that we can easily walk in parades, and walk for miles on hard pavement with no discomfort.


    Before you amputate that toe, try hulling again, fill the hole with Bag Balm (put a baby sock on Mark to keep the Bag Balm on his foot and off your carpets and floors), and try this .....


    Since the Bag Balm has worked well for more than 1 person here - I'd suggest that you try it.


    Sometimes the simplest things are the ones that work.



  2. "The vet won't give anything more than Metacam...he said it's all we can do."


    Your Ricky is going to need stronger Meds than this alone as the disease progresses.

    Unless you want to send him to the bridge sooner .....


    If you want more time with him, I'd be looking for another vet that understands the amount of pain that Osteo causes.


    I haven't been through Osteo in the spine, but I lost my Pup to Osteo in the leg.



  3. I am so, so sorry to hear the news. Have you joined Circle of Grey? They were such angels fpr us when we were going through this and lost our pup to Osteo.


    I wish you many good days together, each and every one is truly a precous gift.

    My heart is breaking for you. :sad1





  4. Doc has a dental on Monday - I was quoted $90.00 if he doesn't need any extractions & on top of it my vets office is running a special for the month of March, and I have a coupon to get an additional 10% off ($9.00) :nod .... so if they don't pull any teeth we are talking only $81.00. for the dental. :D We are also getting all his shots updated, his yearly heartworm test, fecal .... etc done the same appointment.


    (and I'm a big believer in saving money - so have Rainy scheduled for all her shots etc the same day - to save an office call) I'll take both dogs in, get their shots, etc and then leave Doc with the vet for his dental and then come back later in the day to pick him up.


    Wow --- your vets are expensive! :jaw


    There is no way I'd spend several hundreds of dollars just to get a dogs teeth cleaned ---- I feel sorry for the people here who are getting robbed without a gun!

  5. If you don't feel comfortable trimming her nails yourself, then you should have a groomer do it for you.


    I used a groomer for years until I bought a Dremmel tool, I didn't trust myself not to quick them and make their nails bleed with the standard sissors type of nail trimmer.


    If you hurt your dog a few times - they can be hard to trim in the future.

  6. Maybe have your vet contact OSU before the surgery & talk to Dr. Cuoto about the bleeding issue?? I think there's a drug they can give that helps a lot with this... (anybody else want to chime in here? I think I've heard this...)


    I heard Dr Cuoto speak last spring and yes there is a drug you give the bleeders before surgery. I can't for the life of me remember the name of it though .... Call OSU to find out and let your vet know ahead of time so they can prepare him correctly for an uneventful surgery.

  7. Just reading this. I lost two of my greys to osteo. I was told that once it is in the lungs it is painful, and I could not stand for them to be in pain. :hope:hope for you and for Cesar.


    The hardest gift we can ever give our hounds is the gift of letting them go and being painfree. Then the pain is all ours. :bighug to you at this most difficult time.



    I lost my PUP to Osteo too .... the best gift you can give to an animal you love is to free it from its pain.


    I know this is a hard decision, but when the disease is to this point, there is little else you can do to help your pet.


    Sending you hugs to help you through this sad journey.

  8. I'm surprised the Bag Balm hasn't been working - how often are you applying it? I would apply it several times a day and at night really goop in on thick and then cover the foot with a childs sock to keep it on the pad (and off of your carpets, etc)

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