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Posts posted by turbotaina

  1. Ok, so now with that new info...Teddy and hook worms.


    Teddy was on Panacur for 3 days, he still had worms. So he was put back on for 10 days.He finished 2 days ago.

    We saw a worm yesterday, but we weren't sure if it were alive or not. I've been told you can't see hook altho we see worms. They are flat, someone said maybe tape as well as hook.


    If the panacur is OK for the hook and tape, he should be OK?


    I guess we will watch the poop (lovely) and just retest in a week.


    To add to what Batmom said, you'll also want to worm once, then again 21 days later. This way, you catch all life stages of the worm. Good luck! :)

  2. I've had a similar problem with Turbo's corn - hulling gives him no relief, at at best, very limited relief. The first time it was hulled, there was absolutely no difference and he stayed lame. The second time, I got it out myself and we had about 3 weeks where we didn't have to use the therapaws or tramamdol (that's his combination so he can be functional on all 4 legs - take one of the two out of the equation and he goes tripod). I recently hulled the corn again and he only seems slightly less sore - he can go with one 50mg tramadol + therapaws for a day (normally its 50mg tramadol twice a day). Dr. Radcliffe seems to think that the "seed" of Turbo's corn is very deep, so I'm thinking that when it's being hulled, only part of it is coming out, you know? In spite of soaking, etc. It's frustrating, I know. :(:grouphug

  3. Little stumbles may be nothing, but may also be neurological. I'd have a vet check her out, just to be sure there's nothing too serious going on. One test you can do yourself is to place her each of her feet (one at a time, not all at once!) knuckle down on the floor while she is standing. She should immediately right her foot and place it pad-side down. If she doesn't do it, there is likely a neurological problem.


    Good luck!

  4. Wow weird. Igby has the same thing in between 2 of his ribs. It appeared out of nowhere. It's hard, but not attached to the lung or bone. It's in the sub-q space because his skin moves over it but then it also moves between the bones. We're keeping an eye on it. They think it's a reaction to the lyme disease vacc he just had but I'm not buying that because it not in the right place. No painful. Definitely not a lypoma. Vet couldn't get anything when they tried to aspirate either. They told me to keep an eye on it and see if it changes. Then if it still hasn't gone away in a few weeks they said they'd take it off. I don't know if I want to wait that long.


    I'm definitely curious as to what your vet finds out when they take it off and send it out.


    You know, another dog that came off of Igby's haul had similar thing happen, but it was present when he came in and I noticed it right off the truck. I contacted GPA Daytona and they said it was from a vaccine and it should reabsorb...Same place - back along the ribs.

  5. Now I know I need to have all my paperwork in hand when I come to the computer :P


    I know they tested for more than one... :unsure


    Please do send the contact for the ortho...I want to be doing the right thing. Limping around in shifting pain is not working.


    I've found vets around here tend to just do the SNAP 3 (HW, Lyme, Erlichia) and won't test for babesia because it isn't a common TBD in this area. They don't take into consideration that these dogs travel. I'd have your vet do a draw and send to NC State: NCS Tick Form


    Dr. Canapp: VOSM Ph. 301-560-1397 or 410-418-8446.

  6. I called first thing this morning and we are headed to the vet in about 2 hours. The swelling in his front right "wrist" has almost doubled since I left for work this morning. I looked him over again and maybe it was the lighting last night but his back leg looks normal today. His limp is pretty bad. Poor guy! Please keep us in your thoughts.


    Hope you can get some answers and it's a simple over-extension or something. Keep us posted!

  7. I see you're in Maryland - the best orthopod we have around here is Dr. Sherman Canapp at Veterinary Orthopedic Sports Medicine in Ellicott City, Maryland. I can give you contact info if you like and if you want to go that route. Pretty much any local vet refers to him. Good luck!

  8. I suggest you email Ohio State's consult "line"


    Consult: greyosu@osu.edu


    and join the Circle of Grey group


    Circle Of Grey


    Sending many prayers.


    I second this. Dr. Couto is wonderful and will work with you and your vet to help determine the best course of treatment.


    I'm so sorry for your news - I was really hoping it was just a muscle pull :(

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