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Posts posted by turbotaina

  1. Have you had bloodwork done recently? Can you go back to the new vet? Missing a meal every now and again isn't alarming, but not eating and not drinking...I'd be at the vet.


    Hope you can get to the bottom of it! :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug


    Oh - and get those x-rays from your former vet - you paid for them, they're yours. In fact, ask them to give you a complete copy of his file - everything in it, and take it either to the new vet or, in the case of the x-rays, to a specialist.

  2. No, there's no scientific study about Abreva, but some corns do appear to be viral in nature and Abreva is an anti-viral and can help.


    I don't think a corn would show up on an x-ray (Turbo's didn't), so if there's something in there that's either foreign or unnatural, I'd heed the vet's advice - surgery may be your option here. You may, however, want to have the x-ray looked at by an orthopod before going that route. A second opinion, especially from a specialist, is never bad.


    Good luck!

  3. Dr. Stack told me that most new vets are very reticent to try depo-medrol because they are all taught the "horrors" of it in vet school. It is generally used on cats and rarely on dogs. Your vet should know that the amount used is minimal and that the only adverse side effect for an amount that small is that if your dog is prone to pancreatitis, it can trigger an attack. Dr. Stack also told me that pred isn't effective with LS.


    Good luck!

  4. I have a amputated tripod (OS) and have read about many others. It's the first I had heard of swimming lessons for rehab.

    I was wondering if Winslow had a special problem or just better parents. :P


    :lol Swimming is wonderful rehab for all sorts of injuries. I've never heard of it being used for post-amp surgery, but it will build up muscles nicely, so that should help with balance/coordination, I'd guess. Like Diane said, it can't hurt :)

  5. Yup, it's known to occur in young dogs. I think Hubcitypam's dog was DX'd at 4. BTW, Dr. Stack told me that pred will not help LS. She also said surgery is a good option if it's not too far progressed.


    Hopefully the depo-medrol shot will give Katie some relief.


    I would also recommend a chiropractor and/or acupuncturist.




    Cynthia - let me know if you want my chiropractor's name and contact info. She's great.

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