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Posts posted by tamborine

  1. Metronidazole has anti-inflammatory properties, too. That's why it's used so often for innard upsets. :)


    Hope silly girl gets over it all soon!



    Oh my! I just saw this saga! We're going out the track today, so I"ll have to tell Stephanie's trainer, Melissa, about this latest escapade!


    Metronidazole is used for all sorts of GI upset situations. It will make her feel better.


    I guess maybe I'll give it to her. I'm always thinking in terms of human medicine when my pets get a script. One of my friends said recently, after her cat had been to the vet, "I should've become a vet: just give all the patients steriods & antibiotics, and you're all set!" I know that's an oversimplification, but it really seems that way sometimes! But then again, we didn't go to veterinary school.


    Pam, Melissa must've had her hands full with Stephanie, 'cause she definitely has a mind of her own, and has LOTS of escapades! :lol They don't usually involve mass quantities of fruit, though, thank doG!


  2. How's your girl doing tonite Maryann?


    Thanks for asking about her.


    She's eating & not vomiting. No signs of distress, abdomen's not distended. Her bowels are moving & I keep doing poop-checks. So far it's pretty "normal" looking, although on the soft side. But no more whole fruit is coming out. I think (hope) she's actually digesting it! The big blast of diarrhea the first day must've been the prunes.


    One strange thing, though: the vet gave her a shot of reglan, then said he was going to get some pills. When he gave me the bottle, it turns out he gave me metronidazole (flagyl), not metoclopramide (reglan) as I was expecting. When I asked him why, he said because she had had the diarrhea, and all the irritation. :blink: I didn't feel like arguing & Steph REALLY wanted to go home, so I just said OK. But I mean, really, OF COURSE she had diarrhea - she just ate 2-1/2 lbs of fruit! I think we know it's not an infection. Unless he was trying to prevent an infection, thinking that her "good" intestinal flora was washed out with all the diarrhea and she was going to get C. diff or something?? So anyway, I'm not giving it to her. (He's not my favorite vet at the practice, but in emergencies you take who you can get!).


    But other than that, so far, so good. :goodluck




  3. I spoke too soon yesterday afternoon when I said all the dried fruit Stephanie ate MUST be out of her system! :blush She was acting normally, so I gave her 1/2 cup of food around 10pm, which she promptly threw up (along with fruit) about 10 minutes later. Then at 4am she jumped off the bed, which woke me up just in time to catch her upchucking several more fruit pieces. Plus she was acting kind of "blah" this morning.


    I HAD to go in to work (new job), but it was only an inservice today, so I could leave early. Left at 3, zoomed home, and Steph was her usual psycho self. But I took her to the vet anyway. I told the vet the whole story: he said it would work its way out and to just wait a while. I asked for an xray, and it turns out her ENTIRE stomach is still full of fruit. Other vets looked at the film, too; they all said they didn't see any obstruction or gas pockets or any sign of impending bloat, and that it was just a matter of it working its way out. He gave her a shot of reglan to start things moving, and said I should try giving her a small dinner later on tonight.


    So please keep all your fingers & toes & paws & any other appendages crossed, that Stephanie starts getting rid of the rest of her fruit!


    ps - of all the greys I've had, she's the first one who's a "bad" patient when it comes to getting xrays, shots, etc. She is FEISTY!

  4. Bloat has occurred to me and I'm keeping a close watch on her and Bama, too, for that matter. Most of the fruit came out back undigested, so I think it didn't produce as much gas as it could have had it started to break down. Now is probably a little late to call the vet :blush since she's basically acting fine and all the fruit has pretty much been accounted for. All they could do is say keep monitoring her (and yell at me for not calling earlier today! :rolleyes: ).


    No way did I let her get any of her regurgitated fruit!! I'm going to give her a pepcid now, and later on tonight, maybe 9 or 10 I'll try giving her a little of something light to eat or some broth if there's no more vomiting/diarrhea (there hasn't been anything else since her 3 gigantic pukes 2 hours ago). She's been drinking water ok throughout (not TOO much, though).


    This weekend's project is going to be cat-proofing the kitchen cabinets!



  5. wow, that would freak me out...did you at least call your vet? I think I probably would...it would just make me too nervous.


    I had my finger ready to dial the vet if necessary (still do)...


    But since I posted 20 minutes ago, she's back to her old self, running back & forth, wrestling with Henderson, jumping on & off the bed & couch, and just generally being Stephanie. :)

  6. Over the past half hour she's vomited 3 times - just huge quantities of reconstituted dried fruit. The volume of each incidence looked to be about a quart, or a large bowlful. By the looks of what came out (of both ends!) the fruit should be pretty much out of her now, I hope. To top it all off, she was trying to re-eat what she puked out, so she can't feel THAT bad. :sick

  7. Thanks for the replies! Apparently it was just Stephanie who ate most of it. Bama might've gotten a piece or two, but doesn't seem to have diarrhea. I can't imagine how rotten I'd feel after eating 2-1/2 lbs of dried fruit!! She's drinking water every so often, and basically just laying around (in between poops), but doesn't seem to be in pain or great discomfort. My poor Stephie girl! :(

  8. Sometime during the night the cats must've opened the kitchen cabinet & knocked out a 2-1/2 lb bag of mixed dried fruit (and a 1/3-full box of entenmanns small chocolate chip cookies). I found the empty packages on the floor when I got up this morning, along with a couple of soft poops. Henderson was in my nephew's bedroom all night, so he's not involved, for once. The total chocolate in the cookies wouldn't amount to too much, but it's all that fruit that scares me.


    I came out of the shower to find the entire living room floor covered in diarrhea. It ranged from almost normal consistency to dark brown liq. goo with whole pieces of dried fruit in it. (sorry for being gross). I think it's mostly Stephanie's - she seems a little "off", whereas Bama seems like his usual self, but I think it's partially him, too. I'll have to watch them to see who does what.


    There were no grapes or raisins in the bag - it was apples, peaches, mangoes, apricots, PRUNES, and maybe a couple of others. Once it's out of their systems, they should be ok, shouldn't they? I will keep them hydrated, but not give any food today....


    Should I give them some pepto, or some pepcid? Should I give them some pedialyte? Should I call the vet? I'm thinking that a vet visit isn't really necessary - just let them poop it all out, try to not stimulate their GI tracts any further with more food just yet, and keep them hydrated. But am I not thinking of something? None of the fruits in the mix are toxic to dogs, are they?


    I feel awful that this happened...I guess I'll have to get safety locks for the food cabinets. I have velcro inside the doors now to hold them closed; you have to pull a little to get them opened. But I guess it wasn't tight enough to stop a determined cat.

  9. Mara, I'm so sorry that Mattie and you had to go through this. You and your husband will be in my thoughts. Even though he's not at home with you, you're not alone in this: you've got many GT friends all over the country, and the world, holding you in their hearts. Please put a thread in Remembrance, as Burpdog suggested. I'd love to read about your girl, and see some pictures of her.




    Godspeed, Mattie.



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