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Posts posted by tamborine

  1. Cherish the time you have left with your precious girl. Just love her & spoil her. I've been in your shoes many times, and it never gets easier....all we can do is love and care for our babies during their lives, and then, if we have to, do them the greatest kindness in the end. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

  2. Mara, it's good to hear that Mattie is eating - with her new snoot configuration, she'll probably need some time to figure out what's the best way for her, but at least she's got an appetite. Right now you've got to make sure her pain is controlled, watch for infection, and decide what your next action will be regarding treatment. Contacting Dr. Couto is a great idea - he's a leader in the field, and a good person, too. He'll get back to you.


    As for food, canned EVO might be a good choice; it's similar in makeup to Hills prescription ND, their cancer diet (low carb/high protein/high fat). But if she's eating whatever combo you're feeding her now, that's great! You'll probably only need to do the hand-feeding during this acute convalescence period.


    My girl Stephanie is one of the deformed-snoot hounds Xan referred to above (her grey's half-sister). She has hypoplastic lips on one side, meaning her mouth is always open, even when it's closed, and virtually no teeth on top, among other things. But she eats EVERYTHING. It gets a little messy sometimes, especially when she drinks, but it's not really of any concern. I think once Mattie gets used to the modifications made to her jaw, and she's healed up from surgery, she'll cope just fine with it, and be able to eat on her own.


    Wondering why they're referring you to an internist for Mattie's follow-up care? I would think an oncologist would be more appropriate. See what OSU says about treatment options.


    Sending healing thoughts and :grouphug:grouphug to Mattie (and you)!

  3. So glad Mabel & Bubba are OK! I know exactly how scary it is - once, over a year ago, my 3 got into my full bottle of blood pressure medicine. I had just filled the prescription, and put it on my desk (just for a couple of minutes :blush ) - well, a couple of minutes was too long. I came back from the other room & found the empty chewed up bottle on the floor. I totally freaked out & started pouring peroxide down their throats - called the vet in a frenzy - drove them over (Stephanie puked in the car right on top of my pocketbook - I had to scrape the vomit up so we could go through it to look for pills :sick ). At the vet, they got all 3 of them to vomit a couple of times, and I had to stay home from work that day to monitor them. Thank God they were all ok. I learned my lesson VERY well, and keep all meds either in the bathroom medicine cabinet over the sink, or in my top dresser drawer.

  4. I'm so sorry.

    You gave your sweet William a dignified, peaceful end at home surrounded by his loved ones, a great blessing for him in his final days. I know he loved you even more for that...



  5. My 12-year-old black & white longhair cat Sam has been in the hospital since Thursday morning, in liver failure. Vet says his liver enzymes are sky-high; liver & kidneys are both enlarged on ultrasound, but no focal lesions can be seen. His megacolon's been acting up lately too - he became obstipated and had to have an enema. He'll be on lactulose, which will also help with ammonia buildup from the liver failure. He's been eating all along, so we doubt it's hepatic lipidosis. I've chosen not to get a biopsy, because needle biopsy wouldn't really be definitive, and open, surgical biopsy just seems too much to put a senior cat through. We're going to try treating him as if it's hepatitis, with antibiotics & possibly steroids...


    Does anyone know the dose of milk thistle for a cat? He weighs about 8 lbs. I've been looking online, and found all kinds of info stating "1/6 the human dose" and other vague statements like that. What form should I buy it in? The easiest for me to get hold of would be 200mg gel caps at Costco, but if I have to buy some kind of tincture, or whatever, so be it.


    I'm bringing him home this afternoon....please send him a little "feline white light"!

  6. In humans, there's a condition called bullous pemphigoid, which has symptoms like Minnie's (except for the fur falling out :rolleyes: ), and is caused by an autoimmune reaction against their own skin. Treatment is steroids & sometimes chemo, I think. I don't know if dogs get this or not, but maybe...?


    Sending hugs to Minnie - hope she'll be ok!

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