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Posts posted by tamborine

  1. I just got back from the e. vet and am still in shock. My beautiful Sam, my loving little pussy-foot man, is gone. He was fine today, but when I went to feed them tonight at 11:30 he didn't come out. I did a search for him, and found him wedged in a corner behind the sofabed. He was limp, couldn't stand, and all wet underneath for some reason. I went into a panic, put him in a crate & rushed to the e vet. His body temp was 90 and dropping, glucose was dangerously low, and he was in respiratory distress. The vet said he was going to die, probably within an hour, and even if I chose to treat him, chances were good he could die anyway, because we didn't know what was going on. I was afraid that, since he was getting older, it would be something horrible, and I would just be prolonging his misery. So I had him euthanized. He was 13 years old.


    He was the best cat - so friendly, and loving - more like a dog than a cat. He slept with me every night, right next to (or on) my pillow, and would knead and purr before he went to sleep. If I sat in a chair, he was in my lap. If I was on the computer, he was sitting right on the desk (or walking on the keyboard). He followed me from room to room, and always wanted to be near me. I had him since he was 4 years old: he had 2 teeth, no tail, a gimpy back leg, and megacolon, but the sweetest personality ever. I adopted him & his "brother", Max, when the family who had them since kittenhood suddenly became "allergic". Sam had been attacked by a dog when he was a kitten - a ligament in his leg was ruptured, he had pelvic injuries (resulting in the megacolon) and his tail was mauled and had to be amputated. But even with all that, he loved the dogs, and would always head-butt against them, or lie near them.


    I can't believe I'm sitting here typing this. I'm still in a daze, and it feels so surreal. I feel like tomorrow I'll wake up and there he'll be, on my pillow, as always.

    Sam, my little pussy-man, my little Sam-I-Am!! I love you - there's a giant hole in my heart now. I'll miss you, my baby.




  2. One of Stephanie's bottom canines (the big pointy ones :) ) has the tip broken off - she came to me that way. It doesn't bother her, but it's getting darker grayish brown as time goes by. She has a "crooked-face" condition that causes both her bottom canines to protrude from her mouth, among other things.


    Anyway, not long ago I asked the vet what I should do about it: I'm afraid it could cause her trouble down the road. But the vet said the tooth is obviously dead and not causing pain, so just leave it. She said the canines stabilize the jaw - very important in Stephanie's case. Her jaw is extra-small, as are all the rest of her teeth. Her top teeth are almost non-existant.


    If Steph's canine were viable and she broke it now, I'd go for the root canal. Same with my other 2 dogs, for that matter!

  3. It's just about 24 hours since I first noticed the limp, and it's 99% better now! She's acting her normal self, and only if I REALLY look can I see she's favoring that leg a teeny-tiny bit.


    So hopefully it was just another case of my premature panic :P. I'll be watching her over the weekend, but the way it's going, it looks like she should be all better by tomorrow! :)

  4. Last night & today Stephanie's been limping - she won't walk on her L back leg. She'll put pressure on it to jump up somewhere, but that's it. I went over the whole foot & leg with a fine-toothed comb, and I can't find anything wrong. No swelling, bruising, cuts, scrapes, corns, broken nails, etc. I palpated the whole leg/foot, and she didn't cry out or pull away.


    The only thing I can think of is she slipped on the living room floor the other night while she & Henderson were wrestling, but she got right back up, didn't cry or anything, kept right on playing, and was apparently fine. Now, 2 or 3 days later, she's limping.


    Has anyone else had their grey limp with no obvious cause, and then be fine? How long should I wait until I take her to the vet? I'd feel kind of silly taking her in now; it hasn't even been 24 hours yet, and she's not in what I'd call distress (but there must be some discomfort, or she wouldn't be limping). Should I give her an enteric-coated aspirin? Of course, I'm terrified of "you-know-what", even though she's only 4 years old.


    Please share any experiences, reassuring or not, so I can decide what I'm going to do for my Stephie!

  5. Hope Daisy is doing well today; please give an update when you have time. :grouphug



    p.s. Our E-vet is $1,000 minimum on credit card just to walk in the door. My friend came out with a $5,000 charge. If you don't have $1,000 up front (at least) they will not see the animal.



    $1000?!?!? That's insane! And I thought mine was bad - $120 just to be seen, then any other charges for treatments, meds, etc.


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