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Posts posted by Josie

  1. I want your input about dog harness on greyhound.


    Otis is a big male (80lbs) and he is easily excited about things when we walk.. when we meet other dogs he wants to play and he does the kangoroo: jumping around at the end of the leash.. it's scares me sometimes since I dont want him to get out of his martingale!


    would a harness be a better choice?

    what's your experience with harness? what kind or brand do you have? what size?

    did your grey adjust ok to the harness? did it take time?


  2. when evening potty breaks goes bad...

    got Otis in the backyard at 10:30pm yesterday for his last pee...

    I saw him get excited and tough maybe it was the stupid neighbor cat that never understand there's a greyhound that lives here..

    Otis was play-bowing to something in the yard that did not ran away... just as a try to recall Otis I saw it.. black with a white strip.. I was not quick enough... Otis back-up shaking is head...

    but he came back to me instead of trying to play more with the skunk (good boy!)

    oh the smell!!

    called DH and up in the bathtub...


    search the net for the recipe:

    1 quart (32 fl oz, nearly 1 liter) Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (U.S.P)

    1/4 cup baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) *NOT baking powder or washing powder*

    1 to 2 teaspoons liquid soap (such as Ivory)


    we did not have the precise quantity but mix what we had.. FYI :the internet site told to be careful using it on dark fur dog because it could ligthed the fur color a little


    3 washes later the smell was gone and we had a unhappy dog ;)





    If you're dog has good poops (well formed) on a 'regular' schedule (twice a day), what dog food are you using?


    what do you mean by regular schedule (twice a day)?

    Otis poops when we go for walks (he will poop in the yard just when he as digestives problems), 2walks a day so we can say it's twice a day?

    but depending on the duration of walk he will poop multiple times...

    for a 45minutes/ 1 hour walk he will usually poop 3 to 4 times

    Each poops are no the same... frist two are "ok".. number 3 (and above) gets more less "well formed" and if it's a really long walk sometimes there's the mysterious invisble poop (usually 2-3 small liquid drops :lol: ).

  4. find my answer ;)

    from the bachflowerpets web site:


    Yes, the original Rescue Remedy can be used on animals, however if you have a smaller animal, such as birds, rodents or reptiles you may want to use the alcohol free pet version just to be on the safe side.



    greysmom: yes rescue remedy helps Otis, not a miracle but it helps! ;)

  5. I'll take a pic tonight to let you see what it looks like today...


    here's my question: during the day (when Otis is alone) and at night I the bandage on it.. yesterday evening I unwrap it to let it "breath" and obviously Otis started liking it like every dog who has a booboo... Do I try to stop him or let him lick when he wants fot the time the bandage in no there?


  6. Yesterday Otis was so happy to go to the Sunday morning greyhound playdates again (winter is finish!)

    he ran, he played, and ran and ran..

    and everyone stop because there was blood drips...

    we all check our hounds (12 hounds at the playdate) andI was the "lucky" one with the bleeding grey...


    Otis torn-broke is left dewclaw...

    (sorry it's graphic)




    I'll change the bandage each day.. put some polysporin... contunue wraping it for a few days.. I guess there's nothing else to do but wait for the claw to grow back... Otis is going to see the vet next week for his annual...







    PS what's wrong with photobucket? my pics are not rotate ok?

  7. 2 years ago our heart broke in millions pieces when you left us... in less then 24hours everything changed and we had to let you go to a better place where's there's no more pain.


    You where our first greyhound, our first dog... you thought us patience and be more assertive to help you bloom from a scrared of everything dog to a more confident and happy dog...


    we miss you big boy :kiss2







    Returning from the vet.

    He does not think it's anything physical, having no other symptomes, weight is stady, no other behavior change he said that there's no need to do a blood test.

    Instead he guide us to the clinic behavior specialist.

    We talk to the behavior specialist for about 40 minutes and explain everything (A real nice guy).

    We decided to start some natural remedies for 1 month and we will keep in contact each week to see how it goes.

    We will give L-tryptophan (NutriCalm) and put a DAP diffuser.

    If those dont give results we will try other chemicals....

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