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Posts posted by Josie

  1. Back from the vet with Abbey...

    Yesterday night both greys were outside and Abbey got over excited and started running like crazy.. she turn the corner and Otis was coming form the other side..

    her shoulder jam into him in the chest (he got a big bruise but he is ok).

    The vet check her out and thinks she may have broke the scapula spine bone (human don't have this bone), it's a long norrow bone on the shoulder blade...



    for now she is on pain meds (Onsior) for the next 7 days and he will see her again after.. if things are not better we will try to do an xray and see...


    She needs to be resting for the next week (that will be a challenge!), not jump down sofas or do too much downstairs...


    anyone have any experience with that kind of fracture?

  2. still learning how to manage a 2 dog house here...

    yesterday I fed Abbey and Otis, each have their food bowls on each side of the dinning room and I watch them so no one will disturb the other during feeding time.

    I don't know what I was thinking yesterday, maybe because nothing never happened, I exit the room 2 and a half seconds..

    Abbey sneak up to Otis and tried to get to his bowl.. Otis growl and snap..

    Abbey has a little puncture wound on her "cheek",,,

    all my fault :(


    I cleaned the wound and I put polysporin on it often but being near the mouth she licks it away...

    it's still red (normal) and not swollen... should I keep putting polysporin and watch or go to the vet?



  3. I think Fusion routine is "normal" ;)

    sometimes there's exception to the greyhound laziness, like my little Abbey...

    here's Otis and Abbey routines:


    Otis routine:

    6:15am wake up

    7:00am Walk

    7:30 breakfast

    7:45am I leave home

    7:45am to 5:30pm: Otis sleep

    5:30pm I come home

    6pm walk

    7:00pm supper

    10:10 pm night night time, last pee in the yard

    Abbey routine (she does not know that she is a greyhound!) We film her several time to check on her in the first months...

    6:15am wake up

    7:00am Walk

    7:30 breakfast

    7:45am I leave home

    7:45am to 5:30pm: Abbey plays with her 3 kongs, try to empty the trashcan, try to get her paws on anything we left laying aound, she sleeps maybe 2-3 hours total (many little naps)

    5:30pm I come home

    6pm walk

    7:00pm supper

    7 to 8pm she plays with her kongs and stuffies

    8 to 10pm watch tv with us

    10:00 pm night night time, last pee in the yard

  4. It's official, today Otis is not a lonely greyhound anymore..

    We were sitting a little female for the past 2 months.. due to sad and unexpected circumstances she now needed to be re-homed... but no need to check elsewhere..

    I introduce you Abbey (racing name Killer Sweet). We will keep that name since she knows it ;)

    born in February 2010.

    we are her third (and definitely her forever) home.


    She as a heart on her side... :beatheart





    Otis is ok with her... as long as she don't cuddle with him (Otis is not a cuddler).




    During the pas 2 months sitting her we had time to know her.. she is food drive and we need to keep our counters clean at all time because she counter surfs.. need to keep the Kleenex boxes, toilet paper rolls and trash can hide or really out of reach to her.. and keep the door to the bathroom close because she knows how to open the toilet lid to have a drink!

    I give her 2 kongs to keep her occupied when we are not home.. she can play with them for 1 hour non stop!!

    She loves balls and she fetch!

    and love to get in the bed to cuddle with us (she would sleep with us but DH is scared to roll on her).


    I'll need help to make a new siggy ;)

  5. Most greyhounds get along fine.


    I agree.

    Only thing to be careful about is feeding time. I ask the owners to bring their raise feeder stand so I can feed the greys separately. If not feed one then the other, and don't let the other dog go near the dog that is eating.

    You can ask for the grey routine to better know is potty schedule.


    Is the other grey a male or a female?

  6. Tuesday evening Otis (6 year old) slip on the hardwood floor when he got excited to go for his walk, he did the split with his back-legs... He yelp a little but he is a drama king, he got up by himself before I could help him and continued to dance to go for his walk... Yesterday morning he seemed to walk a little different, not really limping..

    When I came back from work yesterday Otis did not put weight on his right back leg when standing, he limp a little when walking but always walk on his 4 leg (no 3 leg walk).

    This morning it is the same, no 3 leger but a little limp and no weight while standing.

    I don't see anything on his pads, no injuries (Otis is prone to get glass pieces in his pads), no visible corn...

    DH touch is leg and back everywhere and move the leg in all directions and Otis did not cry.

    No more painting then usual, Otis eats good, does his business..


    I think he pulled a muscle.. should I see a vet to get NSAID or wait a little more to see how it goes?



  7. that went well..

    But Otis got a tiny piece of glass in a pad the evening after.. :riphair

    DH got a small piece out but a little infection started.. the vet give antibiotics and deramaxx.. For now the vet don't want to open wider since is really a needle size wound, we will see after the antibiotics if we need to do that...

  8. Otis pulled the muscle of the inside of his right thigh yesterday (I don't know how... maybe he got up too fast from his ded and the bed slide and he did a false mouvement).

    He walks a little on his leg but sometime hop on 3.

    Other part of the leg are fine, no corns. When DH massage the inside of his thigh Otis does not like it and cry a little (no screaming just a little cry). It's not swollen.


    The vet is clossed today... what can I do to help him?

    Ice a few minutes a day?

    Baby aspirin? (Whats the dosage for a 80lbs grey?)



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