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Posts posted by gryhndsr4us

  1. Sneakers loves Jello also, especially cherry! As long as it isn't the sugar free kind there is no reason they can't have some. I make up a batch and put it into small single serving containers. I usually add some fruit. when I share it with Sneakers I usually leave some fruit also, he loves peaches. Sky and Dood like jello also, but not as much as Sneakers.

  2. My pups are all crated when we leave. Sneakers is my seizure pup. If he didn't have them I wouldn't crate him. I'm afraid he would have a seizure and fall off the couch and injure himself. Sneakers isn't medicated. His seizures are infrequent he can have one a month or skip a month or two. Most of his seizures are very mild. Occasionally he will have one where he loses bladder and bowel control.

  3. Sneakers has a wonderful winter coat from http://www.needlenoseapparel.com/Needle_Nose_Apparel/Needle_Nose_Apparel.html my other two winter coats are from someone who no longer makes coats.

    We have jammies from http://www.cottagehounddesigns.com/ and light weight fall spring jackets from http://www.greyhoundfleecejackets.com/ (these also work as jammies).

    As you can see we have a wardrobe here :flip , Sneakers gets cold easily, Sky not so much. Dood doesn't like to wear a coat and doesn't seem to get cold as easily.

    Every dog is different I would first invest in a light fleece jacket and see how your pup does in the early fall.

  4. My bridge boy Clark had an eye ulcer. My vet referred us to a specialist after we saw no improvement in one week. The specialist diagnosed him with punctate keratitis. When he too a picture of his eye it looked like a star field, not only was there the ulcer we saw but lots of little tiny ulcers!! :yikes poor boy! He also had the small ulcers in the other eye. With proper treatment we had him cleared up and feeling better, no loss of sight.

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