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Posts posted by Rickiesmom

  1. My heart goes out to you. It is always hard to lose a dog, but yours was such a tragically unexpected and horrifying loss. What happened was unspeakably awful and your grief is shared by many.


    ... Mary

  2. Am I the only one thinking: If they couldn't handle the dog, why didn't they call the daughter. Something more going on here.


    Meanwhile, I agree with Ed: Honor- a vicious sub-human deed.


    Sweet Honor, fly high in a special place, may your star burn brightly.


    ... Mary

  3. I have been haunted by what happened to Scarlett and you, her family. There but for fortune. Godspeed sweet Scarlett. Hugs and deepest comfort to you all.


    ... Mary

  4. I second RobinW - anyone who needs to get out and feels like they want to keep on driving, I have room for a couple of people and their dogs as long as the dogs are cat safe and will tolerate a whippet who thinks he's the centre of the universe. Small yard with 4 foot fence, parks nearby, I usually leash-walk. In Toronto, ON.

  5. I'm new to GT, still finding my way around, but as the devoted mom of a sweet whippet boy Rickie, my heart goes out to you more than I can say. I will, as someone who is a member of this board shared with me in another forum, hold him and you in my heart at this time.


    ... Mary

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