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Everything posted by GreytMaxsMom

  1. It sounds like he is having problems with adjusting to his new place, and his new schedule. Just like kids, the dogs take things out on the ones they love best, the parents. As frustrating as it is, he may just need reassurance that everything will be alright and he will slowly get better. I hope things get better for you and him. Mindy
  2. 850 is my guess for your complete trip. Hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip across the U.S. Mindy
  3. My prayers are with you as you remember your time together. Mindy
  4. Poor Grace! I hope Fenway will be a good brother and help take care of her. Don't beat yourself up. Accidents happen. I hope she heals well and can overcome the emotional part of this. You're in my thoughts! Mindy
  5. Thank Roo for all the stuffies and treats. They helped unwrap each present. Monte is proving to be a stuffie hog. He had three of the ones you sent in his chair with him. Happy Holidays to your family. Mindy and family
  6. You're more than welcome! Riley looks very happy. Merry Christmas to you all also. Mindy and family
  7. Try to stay strong! You are in my prayers! Mindy
  8. Please know that you are not alone in your pain. You and your family will be in my prayers. Mindy
  9. Here is a picture of Tasha with Ike, our youngest greyhound. Sweet dreams my tashy-girl!
  10. We helped our 16 1/2 year old Lab mix to the bridge yesterday. I sure hope she was greeted by our other dogs. Tasha was our first "baby". She came to live with us a year after we married and moved into our first house with us. She has been through the birth of our two children, through the lives of our other three dogs that have left us and though the several moves we have made. When she first came to live with us, she was full of ticks from living on a farm free to run wherever. She stood in the bathtub so patiently and calmly while we help get all the ticks from her body. After we put our fence up, she "found" all the holes for us, but didn't run away. She would go back to the gate to be let in to find more holes under the fence. As we added dogs and kids, she graciously accepted them, knowing that there was plenty of love for her as well as the others. She was my special girl. But as with all things, life has to come to an end sometime. Her health was failing, her hips were giving out and she didn't seem happy. I miss her so much. She spent 15 good years with us and we will never forget the love she showed us. Thanks for the years of your unconditional love! Mindy
  11. So glad she is going to be O.K. I haven't had time today to be on here before now. I have always thought those blue brindles were beautiful. My husband wouldn't let me have one at the time. That round of pups always tug at my heart when I see pictures of them. Keep us up to date with her progress! DDGreys- sorry to hear about your baby also. Mindy
  12. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Mindy
  13. GreytMaxsMom


    Sorry for you and your kids' loss. May you feel the comfort of all the GTer's here who share your pain. Mindy
  14. Last year on this day, at about this time, my husband helped our 14 year old weimeraner cross the bridge. My heart is still broken and aching for her. Although Max, my greyhound, has brought joy to my life. There will always be a part of my heart missing. Mindy
  15. Whew! What a tear jerker, but absolutely beautiful. I always wonder what my dogs are really thinking. Thanks for sharing and know that there are others who have been where you are and know your pain. I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that. Mindy
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