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Posts posted by Greytlady94

  1. Gypsy is such a beautiful soul. :wub: Sending prayers and gentle ear scritches for Gypsy and strength for you. :hope:grouphug I know how hard this is, I've been where you are. :bighug


    Try to take some comfort in knowing that Gypsy only knows the here and now, she does not know the future. I would feed her anything she wants, and high protein low carb is better. Lean and tender roast beef, baked chicken, ground round with scrambled eggs, vanilla yogurt mixed with Rice Krispies, small amounts of ice cream and peanut butter, whatever she wants as long as it doesn't upset her tummy. The most important thing is to get food into her stomach so all the meds don't cause her tummy problems.


  2. UTI's are not fun at all, poor baby. He will probably need to take them for another round and then be re-tested again. When Teddy was three he had to go through three rounds of antibiotics before he was finally clear. No problems since (knock on wood) and that was five years ago.

  3. ...She is trying to get all this stuff in, and then she will vomit...


    Greytlady94 thank you so much,that is a great idea and I gave him a pepcid a little while ago. He did stop trying to eat these odd things about 2 hours ago,and yes it sounds just like how you describe Renie.

    That makes such sense,to eat all this stuff,so that then they will vomit. (and get whatever doesn't feel good out?)

    Such a strange sight tho',and it comes on suddenly,like,a ravenous desire to eat a basket,or slipcover...



    So far,so good on having eaten the beef,he's kept that down and is sound asleep again.


    Thanks Dana,Patti,and Nancy too, :)


    I'm so glad Dreamer is feeling better. :)


    When Renie has done this it is almost as if she is a possessed doggie. :lol It's not funny at the time though because some of the things she has gobbled, or tried to gobble, could cause a dangerous blockage. I keep Reglan, Pepcid and Zantac on hand at all times.

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