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Posts posted by Forevermybabies

  1. I'm so sorry. I know how slowly it creeps up on you. And normal moves elusively further away from level ground. I think forgiveness is not a word animals bother with. There is no then and now...there is love forever. To forgive implies anger at some point. I think you know in your heart that Isabel would NEVER have anger towards you. She can only love you the better for giving her freedom.

  2. I was digging through my blog today, and found a couple of entries about Meer from 2007:

    Ode to a Very Old Cat


    She makes a litterbox under my bed

    And meows incessantly at nothing

    Her cold nose nudges my arm

    Little wet moments on my skin


    Her name means peace

    Though she won't let anyone have

    No even a little piece


    Tiny girl with the kink in her tail

    Little grey orphan




    August 10, 2007


    The unmown grass is so long and dry that it lies flat in long paths where the kids and I have walked. Tonight it scribes the circumference of the sprinkler's watery darkness. The weight of the water will no doubt keep it down until it succumbs entirely into a narrow rug. The rug will cushion our steps as we walk from the house to the car in the morning, but we won't notice it at all then as we hasten to begin the morning commute. That is the way of the world.


    The cat is here on the bed next to me as I write. She's old and her fur sticks up in clumps. I can see the striations of her fur. They look like feathers as they get lighter and lighter from the tip to the body. She's nineteen now and has the slender unsteadiness of old age upon her. Brittle as a grandmother and just as verbose. Her voice now is used more often than ever in her life before. As if she's just now realizing how much is left unsaid that needs - urgently - to be taught. I've known her since she was just a few weeks old and her silence was in exact proportion to Jezebel's loudness. (Jezebel was her older, noisier mentor into cathood - or catdom, perhaps.)


    After Jezebel died, the small voice grew louder and more insistent until now, when sometimes I find myself shouting the unimaginable, "SHUT UP!" at this small grey cat who didn't even discover her voice at all until she was eight.


    But now, more than eleven (nearly twelve!) years later, she has explored its many uses and volumes. Usually this occurs in the wee hours of the morning. The quietude of the household seems to make the insistent meows all the more satisfying for her. The meek shall inherit the earth. I'm sure Meer - a former peer - will wish them well.

  3. I got Meer when Jezebel was about a year and a half old. Jezebel was VERY depressed because her best friend had died. Meer and her sister were still nursing. All three (two kittens and Mom) had worms and were underweight. They were scheduled to be euthanized that night at the HS. So I took them all. We weaned the babies after a few weeks, and I rehomed the mom and other baby, and kept Meer.


    She and Jezebel grew up together and were inseparable. Meer never really got over losing Jezebel. (I don't know if any of us did...Jezebel was one in a million.)


    I believe they are together again. Jezebel happily meeting Meer and Meer getting her "Mom" back after two lonely years.

  4. I got Meer, along with her sister and Mom, in 1988. The kittens were tiny and still nursing. (Rescued from the Humane Society.)


    Anyway, last night she had three seizures...bad ones. And this morning I made the decision to let her go. I was supposed to go do something with my friend Ron, so I called him and left a message saying what was going on. He called me when I was almost to the vet, and said to wait for him. So he and I were with her when she went. There's a grassy field across the drive from the vet office. We were out there. The vet was nice enough to come out and sit with us in the field so we didn't have to go into the office.


    My baby girl Meer. 1988-2008





    Meer joins her best friend Jezebel, who died in 2006.

    Meer and Jezebel - together again.




  5. Beautiful. My rational mind says that they are just another of natures amazing phenomenon and that we, as humans, are always looking to find a greater meaning...


    But I can't deny the power of how these things FEEL when I see them.


    I hope that those we love send us signs. I want to believe that.

  6. Mommy misses you so much, and I hope you are enjoying your first birthday at the Bridge. If you were here, we'd have a cake and ice cream and we'd have such a celebration. I hope that you're able to celebrate where you are - see if you can find Grandma because she knows how to make a birthday special, ok? And get a birthday hug from Trish, too.


    The past six months have seemed like an eternity without you. You'll always be my zaney Janey.....always in my heart.


    Hugs and kisses from mommy...


    Hugs! I know what it's like to miss them so...



  7. This is a very old post, I know...but I'm thinking of Joe today and missing him. Yesterday I wore my beautiful anklet with the winged greyhound on it that Teri Rogo made for me. It has Joe's racing name and "real" name on it.


    In a few short weeks, it will be seven years since he ran to join the other pets at the Rainbow Bridge.

  8. I'm sure that you never imagined in your wildest dreams that you would have nine years with Genie. What an incredible life. I was just talking about her yesterday when I was telling someone how great Festus was doing. (He's 11.5) They wanted to know if greyhounds live much longer than that, and I mentioned Genie. :)


    She gives me hope that my boy can live another nine years.


    Thank you Genie! I hope you're having a GREYT time at the Bridge!


    And hugs to you, too.



  9. Festus went down pretty hard last night. Tried to catch himself, but got his arm stuck in between the steps and I had to lift him out. But he's SUCH a lover. Every time I let the dogs in, they charge past me into the house, and he waits for me to go in first, and then stands and waits for me to close the door before he heads for his couch.


    I just moved the fence so they have another couple hundred sq ft of yard to poop in. It took me longer than I thought, and I got EATEN by mosquitos. I'm one big red itchy welt!


    Oh, and the white cat wouldn't come in today, and when I was out in the yard, the neighbor came over carrying him. "Is this your cat?" "Ummm...sort of..." "He was over at our house...he's really hungry." (Yeah right.) She goes on, "What's his name?" I say, "Ummm...I don't know. He doesn't really have one. I just found him a little bit ago..."


    Anyway, it turns out that she's the girl whose cell phone I found the other day. I called and talked to someone and told them to pick it up at the Paradise. Not only did they NOT pick it up, but she didn't seem particularly concerned that the phone was lost.


    If MY phone was lost, I'd be FRANTIC. This girl is like 18 years old maybe.

  10. I have a feeling for a trip to the Bahamas, she'd eat raw hamburger.


    I can't find my stupid CORD to download the pictures!


    I just took the dogs on a walk to the grocery store. They're all now pooped out. I also put up my carport. I got it on Craigslist for $50, and it's missing a couple of pieces. Which isn't a huge deal because I can just make it smaller...with things sticking out...anyhoo... But it doesn't have stakes to keep it down, so I have to wait until I can get those to finish it. Well, it's almost 10pm, so I should just call it a night anyway. I have boxes to burn.


    BTW, Patti, I saw that you called, but my phone is dead and I haven't had a chance to plug it in. (I seem to be having cord issues tonight.) So I'll have to call you later.


    Besides, Meredith, I have a feeling if the right cabana boy came along, you WOULD run off! :P


    Oh, and I forgot to add that when I let the dogs out last night (well, 3am), Festus fell coming back up the stairs. He also can't jump into the car anymore. His back end is really atrophied. I don't know what that's about. That just started about a month ago, and it's pretty bad now. He's having trouble with stairs and getting up on the couch. But he TRIES and it doesn't seem to particularly bother him. I'll have to put him on the treadmill.

  11. Thank you all. Festus was running around the yard today. For a sec I thought he'd run off...but he's too good for that. I was trying to rustle Angel and Sunscreen into the fenced area after our day at the falls, and he slipped off around the corner. I wasn't really worried...he never leaves my side...but for a sec I thought...he wouldn't...No, he wouldn't. He jogged to the front door and stood there smiling at me.


    White cat, on the other hand, raced out the door, leapt through the bars of the porch and took off. Brat. He'll be back. He's a quick study and knows which side his bread is buttered on. Or something like that.


    Thank you again for the prayers. They seem to be working well. I haven't seen him this happy or energetic in a long time.

  12. Well, this is good and weird all at the same time.


    Today we went to the dog park and Festus ran and played like he hasn't in a long time.


    He's lying here on the couch sleeping...breathing nice and deep with a happy look on his face.


    He has NO bloating. No panting. NOTHING. Frankly, he hasn't looked or felt this good in years.


    Is it the raw diet? Did the med work well enough that it cured the immediate problem? Was he misdiagnosed? Did Greytalk prayers work? I don't know. But it cost me close to $1000 to get a cancer diagnoses. I'm not going to spend more now. I'm saving my money and taking him to the Bahamas.



  13. Thinking of Trish in Minnesota tonight. :angelwings


    I wonder if there's an afterlife. Sometimes I'm so sure, and sometimes I just wonder. I hope there is, and I hope that she can still reach down and touch us and that she knows we love her and miss her.



  14. She does love art...I was thinking about that. I don't know if I have anything around. She works at the art center, so she's pretty much seen all my stuff. :lol I was thinking a GC to the grocery store. Seems so darn practical. I got her flowers Friday (her actual birthday), and she's diabetic, so chocolate is out.


    I might have to go with the GC. I know she'd definitely USE it. I was going to paint something for her, but am hopelessly uninspired. Maybe I'll get her a GC and paint her something later. I know where to find her...

  15. I had all three of mine chipped in Kanab Ut in 2003 or 2004...Can't remember now. Anyway, once in all those years, it meant getting my dog back faster than I would have otherwise. Or maybe I WOULDN'T have gotten the dog back at all. That was all the proof I needed. I think it cost me about $45 per dog when all was said and done. That's less than I spend at Starbucks in two months. Why WOULDN'T you have it done?


    BTW, We update our Home Again online, and it doesn't cost anything. I've found them to be really good to work with, and especially when we moved, it was great to be able to know that the ID IN the dog was current. Because at that point, I wouldn't have even known where to start looking. Oh, and the final push to update when we moved was that I had a friend watch the dogs and I wanted to be sure that the right contact info was on the dogs. I trust my friend, but if they dogs did get loose, I know she'd feel AWFUL, and I would feel better knowing that they could be identified even if I weren't around.

  16. The white cat came back a few minutes ago. I was cooking some eggs. I guess he loved the smell. He's now licking out a can of dog food. Don't ask me why, but he seems to be enjoying himself.


    Festus is tired today. He took his pills and ate about 1/2 lb of hamburger. Now he's sleeping again. He's on the bed on the livingroom floor with Angel on the floor next to him.


    My receptionist has her 80th bday party today. I don't have a present for her! I don't know what to get. When I find something I know she'd like or need, I get it for her. So now I don't have anything! Rats! I'm supposed to be there in about an hour. Ideas?

  17. One day at a time, but every day that he feels good is a good day!


    Oh, I left the back door open for a while today while the dogs were in and out and I was making a fire outside. The white cat seems to have left, and hasn't come back. :( Crap. The kids are going to be upset! I'm going to end up putting an ad in the paper to find a cat that I barely just found! Shoulda had him chipped.

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