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Posts posted by Forevermybabies

  1. Thank you again. We got a late start this morning. My eyes were so sore and puffy, and none of us slept last night. I laid in bed with a bag of frozen cranberries on my eyes to try to take the swelling down. I finally brought the kids to school around 9:45 and had a tour at work. Thankfully when I got here, the president was here and said he'd take the tour, so he did, and I'm in my office. I can't really focus, so I'm cleaning.

  2. Thank you guys. I can't sleep. I'm lost. I have to get the kids up in an hour. I don't know what's worse. Dealing with my own grief, or dealing with theirs. Knowing that I have to go on with my day, or telling them that they must go on with theirs.


    My mom called me last night at around midnight. (Well, she'd been calling all night, but I finally answered at midnight.) She's also devastated. We just cried together. My family all loved him so much. I'd never met another boy like him. I never will.

  3. I just got back from grocery shopping. He's still lying on my bed, but not panting or anything and appears to be quite content. I'll bet he fell down the stairs outside. It's really cold and icy, and I think that the way the porch roof is, it can drip onto the stairs. I'll give it an extra sprinkling of ice-melt. But he seems just fine now. Whew!

  4. He doesn't appear to be in any pain or physical distress. No retching. Frankly, I was thinking he was afraid of something, too. This started when he came in from outside. He ran upstairs, and started to whine. I'm going to bring him to bed with me and see if he wants to get under the covers or something.


    How nice. I put him on the bed, and he's still panting a little, but is stretched out and not whining. I palpated his tummy, and he not only didn't seem to be painful, but enjoyed it. When I pet him, he settles down. I wonder if he fell down the stairs outside...

  5. For the past 30 minutes or so, Sunscreen Man has been panting heavily, whining, pacing, and occasionally shaking. This just started out of the blue. He also wants to be upstairs. (He's not allowed upstairs as a rule, but is in my room up here right now.) He would come to the top of the stairs and refuse to go back down. I even carried him down and he ran back up. I have no idea why. This is really weird. He went out, came in, went out, came in...


    So he's lying here on the floor staring at me panting and whining.


    I can't afford to take him to the vet. (Seriously. I've got nothing.) Should I make him throw up? I wish he could tell me what's wrong!

  6. Patti says he's stable, but not doing well. Lee ate some shaved turkey, and he had his pills. He's pretty well sedated at this time. She'll try to get update tonight, otherwise in the morning when she heads over there. He ate a good breakfast, but doesn't want much to eat now.


    Her friend watches Lee for her when she's at work, but in his present condition, it's too hard for him to be transported. He's lost most function of his back legs. They are great people, and have lots of greys of their own. They are retired, so they can spend the extra time and effort to care for him when Patti works. I know that Patti is beyond grateful for them, and I'm so happy that she has help down there.


    We have hope for Lee that he may recover, but the vet cautioned Patti not to get her hopes up. I know that Patti is grateful for every moment that she has with Lee Lee, and we'll continue to pray for them all. Patti and I both believe in miracles, and if anyone's prayers can make that happen, it's GTers'.

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